
  1. C

    Original US space program without the moon goal.

    Immagine that Richard Nixon instead of JFK was elected President of United States in November 1960,and that Alan Shepard was the first man in space (but not in orbit) in Febraury 1961. Two events that could happen. In this scenario,if President Nixon not consider necessary a manned mission on...
  2. uk 75

    NATO Standard Tank for the 60s and 70s: Which would you choose?

    As we know the Russians managed to standardise their tanks forces in the 60s and 70s on two designs: The T55 and later the T72. What tank should NATO have chosen if politics had been no object?
  3. hesham

    Jackaroo Paragon Light Aircraft Project

    Hi, the well known British company,Jackaroo,which built the Thruxton light aircraft based on DH Tiger Moth,it also developed the Paragon,a low-wing light aircraft in 1960s,powered by one 180 hp Lycoming O-360-AIA engine,I think it remained a Project,but I am not sure...
  4. F

    1965 Gemini Video

    From a 1965 BBC "Man In Space" documentary featuring an extensive look inside the Gemini capsule. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqlrV_l25uw
  5. J

    Avro 707

    Pics and drawings Post-1
  6. D

    Vulcain Maritime Propulsion Reactor

    I found some interesting articles on small nuclear reactors and maritime reactors from the 1960s. The business case they make for the small reactors as well as how to construct and run them economically are quite similar to those made for small modular reactors today. New Scientist No. 288 (24...
  7. uk 75

    European War 2028

    In the 1960s children's comic TV21 Alan Fennell enlarged on the puppet shows of Gerry Anderson by creating a fictional world of 2065. He even provided a back history in which a limited nuclear in Europe had been started by an accident in 2028. A Prime Minister talking to an Air General (sic)...
  8. Dynoman

    Tactical Nuclear Weapons Against Hanoi

    I don't believe this topic has been introduced before, and if so please excuse the thread. In 1959 the Aerospace Research Projects Agency (ARPA) organized a think tank, code named JASON, composed of America's leading scientist to analyze various high level programs and topics that could...
  9. overscan (PaulMM)

    AGM-64 Hornet

  10. sferrin

    Convair Model 48 Charger

    There seem to be several posts on this aircraft scattered amongst half a dozen threads, but no dedicated thread, so. . .
  11. I

    Dassault Mirage MD.800

    Does anybody have information about this plane, maybe AF VG project, or information about Mirage G3,G5,G6, fiction projects or true. Thanks in advance
  12. Jemiba

    National Research Associates Inc. Hovercraft Designs

    Found in "Helicopter and VTO World, January-February 1961 issue, three designs for hovercraft aimed at te commercial and military market. On http://worldhovercraft.org/insider/aug06_printable.htm a prototype of the Aquagem (Aqua GEM) is shown and three more examples are mentioned. but with the...
  13. W

    Palomino N40J/N45J

    During the 1960s San Antonio Aviation Company built a light single-seater under the name Palomino. The aircraft was registered N40J. It seems this aircraft was later modified as a tandem two-seater by Palomino Aircraft Associates, retaining the N40J registration. Again later (1994) it...
  14. Grey Havoc


    http://atomic-skies.blogspot.ie/2012/07/nukes-on-ice.html (Drawings and pictures at link)
  15. robunos

    The 'AB.123' project designation system...

    I've done a search. and I'm surprised that there's no thread for this... Following the partial replacement, in 1959, of the British Ministry of Supply by the Ministry of Aviation, the iconic 'Rainbow Code' system for projects was also replaced, by a new system of two letters, and three numbers...
  16. Stargazer

    ONERA missiles and projects

    ONERA missiles and rockets from an old 1960s magazine:
  17. overscan (PaulMM)

    Convair / General Dynamics Advanced Tactical Fighter (1965)

    Two General Dynamics designs are now known for this competition. I don't have any details about the requirement. Clearly STOL/ VSTOL, air-to-ground mission. Larger copies at Codeone website as usual. http://www.codeonemagazine.com/article.html?item_id=114...
  18. Triton

    General Dynamics Undersea Station Concept ca. 1968

    General Dynamics Undersea Station concept photo circa 1968 found on eBay. URL: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1968-Undersea-Station-Concept-US-Naval-Civil-Engineering-Lab-Press-Photo-/160851732264?pt=Art_Photo_Images&hash=item257382a728
  19. C

    Convair Flying Submersible aka High Density Seaplane flying submarine (1962)

    Here's a Consolidated-Vultee wind tunnel model I cannot identify. The search engine did not recognize the design. Some details caught my attention: the centerline engine is bigger than the other two, which is odd. The wings fold, which is also unusual, at least for a bomber. Also, I'm...
  20. robunos

    Marshall MA.4 BLC testbed aircraft

    This aircraft has been mentioned in a couple of threads, here :- http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,14200.msg143338.html#msg143338 http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,3808.msg29919.html#msg29919 but doesn't seem to have a topic of it's own. In the period...
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