
  1. P

    Bell Model 204 / XH-40 / UH-1 Iroquois competitors, projects and modifications

    In 1955, the US Army issued a requirement for the development of a next generation gas turbine-powered medivac helicopter The winner of this competition would be awarded to Bell with their Model 204, then designated as the XH-40, and later again in 1962 it was changed to UH-1 Iroquois. I have...
  2. Skybolt

    Martin Model 316: XB-68 Tactical Bomber

    As you all know, in the unbuilt projects research business, squeezing stone sometimes gives intriguing info... Looking last night to the Martin projects list at the end of Narkiewicz/Thompson (publisher) book, I suddenly realized that the XB-68 bomber bore the 302A project number, BUT the...
  3. sferrin

    North American XF-108 (F-108) Rapier

    In the book "Valkyrie - North American's Mach 3 Superbomber" they indicate that North American continued developement of the F-108 even after it was cancelled. They have a "1960" configuration that is a little puzzling. Either the canopy and windows shrunk considerably or the aircraft as a...
  4. Orionblamblam

    WS-202A, LRI-X (F-108 Competitors)

    Circa 1956. SHAZAM!!! P.S.: How do I post this with the little clickable thumbnail like most of the other pics around here? [edited to add picture]
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