
  1. jzichek

    Douglas Model 1875 Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Logistic Carrier (1955)

    Just put up a new article at RetroMechanix.com on these bizarre Douglas nuclear-powered transport studies which appear to use components of the C-133 Cargomaster: Features two hi res blueprints and 3 configurations; check it out! Details on them are limited, so if you have additional...
  2. Triton

    Convair XF2Y-1 Seadart

    Convair YF2Y-1 Sea Dart desk model by Topping found on eBay URL: http://cgi.ebay.com/Convair-YF2Y-1-Sea-Dart-Factory-Desk-Model-/200598411127?_trksid=p4340.m1374&_trkparms=algo%3DPI%26its%3DC%26itu%3DUCC%26otn%3D5%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D8554988181401034383 Seller's Description
  3. cluttonfred

    Morane Saulnier Statodyne Projects

    Random thought.... Have there been any designs for jet VTOL tailsitters, on paper or actually built, with the engine reversed in the airframe and the efflux turned 180 degrees or so to exit from the nose? It's not hard to imagine such a design with a pair of Harrier-style rotating louvers for...
  4. Michel Van

    Heavy Tank ASTRON Project

    ASTRON big tank build from 2 other small tanks by Continental Motors, Hen and Chick concept is there more information about this tank concept ? source in Russian http://tancist.livejournal.com/28040.html
  5. Michel Van

    Looking for info: Ball lightning energy source

    Wat i know physicist named Plante proposed a energy source in 1950s were compress oxygen and nitrogen is burn with electric arc until become a Ball lightning was used as energy source of 20 million Joule Edgar p. Jacobs used that concept in his comic "S.O.S. Meteors: Mortimer in Paris" I saw a...
  6. J

    Rotorcycles for USMC

    Rotorcycles In the early 1950s the US Marine Corps was considering a single seat portable ultra light helicopter which could be airdropped. The programme was conducted by the US Navy’s Office of Naval Research and included the following designs: Hiller 1033 Rotorcycle: Two prototypes...
  7. hesham

    A N Rafaelyanz Aircraft and Projects

    Hi, we know only for this Russian company; Rafaelyants or simply RAF,that RAF-1 was ultra-light low-wing monoplane of 1925, RAF-2 was two-seat cantilever low-wing monoplane of 1926 and the RAF-11 was twin-engined low-wing small tarnsport aircraft of 1935,nobody knows the RAF-3 to RAF-10 ,and if...
  8. Z

    RN post war carrier conundrums

    November 1945 Deputy Controller indicates that nine CVs would be needed for 1950. This being at that time the three Ark Royal Class and the other six being Illustriouses. At wars end HMS Eagle is 23% completed. Fifth Sea Lord considered the Illustriouses not worth modernising, the money better...
  9. Stargazer

    Convair Model 18 "Southern Comfort"

    During February 1955, Ralph Bayless and his Convair associates produced the N-2 series of proposed transport designs for Howard Hughes' TWA. These appeared to satisfy the airline's requirements. By this time the commercial availability of the Pratt & Whitney JT-3 jet engine was certain, and that...
  10. M

    Vickers 4 inch Medium anti aircraft gun 1950's

    I am a new member so I apologise if anything is not as it should be I am looking for information on the Vickers 4 inch medium anti aircraft gun prototypes built i think in the early middle 1950's The gun was designed as a medium AA gun to supplement the Heavy anti aircraft gun Green Mace. I...
  11. robunos

    Project Bee

    In the back of the excellent 'From RAINBOW to GUSTO', there is a timeline of significant events, in the RAINBOW/GUSTO, project. One of the entries in this timeline in the very cryptic '195612/23 First LH2 B-57 flight in Project Bee' there is no other reference to 'Project Bee' anywhere...
  12. Triton

    Royal Navy "Terra Nova" icebreaker

    In the mid-1950s it was decided to increase the Royal Navy presence in the Falkland Islands dependencies. It was hoped to build a new icebreaker and the United States Navy made the plans of the Wind-class icebreaker available. British engines were selected that made the ship much longer. The...
  13. RyanC

    SQUAW Submarine Targets (USN)

    Slight resummarization of information in an article I wrote on Nuclear Subsurface Weapons Effects HERE... The SQUAWs were simplified 4/5th scale models of SS 563 Tang class submarines 134 feet long, with 14.5 foot diameter pressure hulls constructed of 1” thick HTS plate with a yield strength...
  14. Skybolt

    Sikorsky SST - 1959

    Yes, Sikorsky. This a kind of post an "enthusiast" could have well done (see here for explanations http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,7352.msg63880.html#msg63880 ;) ). Perusing the 1959 Aviation Week year I stumbled on this project. Designer was Michael Gluhareff, Sikorsky's...
  15. Petrus

    OR.1099 air-to-ground rockets

    Sources regarding esp. the M.148T requirement for carrier-based strike aircraft, which then resulted in the Blackburn Buccaneer, mention as one of the aircraft's weapons unguided rockets referred to as the OR.1099, where the "OR" abbreviation stands, as I understand, for 'operational...
  16. Maveric

    Aviation Traders projects

    Hi all, have found a list of the projects by the british Aviation Traders. Also a pic of the ATL.96 project. Do you have pics or drawings of the projects ATL.91/ATL.92/ATL.93/ATL.95 and ATL.99???? Regards Maveric
  17. cluttonfred

    Klemm Leichtflugzeugbau

    I stumbled across this history in English of Hanns Klemm, the man and his company, and thought others might be interested. It includes a number of prototypes and one-off designs as well as referencing some unbuilt designs that I have never heard of before. History of Klemm Leichtflugzeugbau...
  18. Orionblamblam

    Lockheed CL-278 - early U-2 concepts?

    No further data apart from whats on the drawings (better version on my blog - http://up-ship.com/blog/). These precede, at least numerically, the CL-282, which was Lockheed's first official stab at the U-2. They look to be lighter-constructed than the U-2.
  19. J

    Vought F7U Cutlass - Developments, Variants and Related Projects

    I understand that the first Vought A2U-1 (the attack version of the F7U Cutlass) was almost complete when it was cancelled on 18 November 1954. Does anybody know what happened to the airframe (and any others that there may have been). Was it just scrapped or was it use for a F7U Cutlass, and, if...
  20. Maveric

    Yvan Makhonine Projects

    Hi all, you know Yvan Makhonine? This french inventor build the Mak.10 (1931) and the Mak.123 (1947) with variable wing geometry. Anybody knows other projects of this man? I need also a short history, but not in french... Servus Maveric
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