Search results for query: bertin

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  1. hesham

    Jean Bertin Projects

    From Icare 1973, here is a number of Bertin VTOL Projects,the No.3 & No.5 is new,and the picture "A" is a co-operation between him and Bell company,as we knew before,CTA.
  2. Jemiba

    1956 Republic fighter by Alexander Kartveli

    The profile of the fuselage looks similar to the Bertin 8 D.V.1 design and at the extreme tail, puffer jets seem to be visible. Would they be needed for STOL, or maybe its a VTOL/VSTOL design ?
  3. Jemiba

    French VSTOL concepts

    Here's the Bertin ADAV design , no designation given by Cuny. For the Nord designs, wait for hte July Le Fana issue ... ;) Just as a clue (and because it's hopefully not used there) and old drawing, please don't laugh ! :-\
  4. Deltafan

    Jean Bertin Projects

    In the April-May-June issue of the French magazine Airways : an article about "The mad projects of the engineer Bertin"
  5. T

    Jean Bertin Projects

    In the magazine "Science & Vie", Hors Série "Aviation 73", is presented the Bertin Variflux device, to have engine exhaust blowing the wing into lift. An American derivative is presented, designed (before 1974) by Bell according to the caption, but the shape reminds Vought projects, no ?
  6. gollevainen

    French never build and preliminary designs since 1880

    Armoured cruisers 1880-1900: Preliminary design of Dupuy de Lôme, Barbettes and casemates in place of turrets of the definitive version. Original design of Bertin's Jeanne d'Arc Preliminary design of Dupleix class armoured cruisers.
  7. fightingirish

    Jean Bertin Projects

    Damm, I did type the words "Bertin" & "Aladin" into the search machine, before starting this new topic. Somehow I did't get any results. Over the weekend I will translate and sum up the Flug-Revue article from June 1971. Jemiba, in that article the Breguet 940/941 is also mentioned.
  8. Apophenia

    Turboméca non-aircraft applications

    ...1 x Turbomeca Turmo III F1/H1 (mod. 'C3) TGV 001 (Train à grande vitesse) - 1972, 4 x Turbomeca Turmo III G Aérotrains (Hover Trains) Bertin Aérotrain 01 - 1966(?) refitted with Turbomeca Marboré Bertin Aérotrain 02 - 1967, 1 x Turbomeca Turmo III E3* -- * Other sources say P&W JT12 + 1...
  9. Jemiba

    SNCAN (Nord) 1500 « Griffon » artwork by Josef Gatial

    ...impatiently for french designs on the planespictures site . Just a tip, it probably wouldn't have been designated Nord 1500, as it was designed by SFECMAS. But of all french VSTOL designs, I think, this is the best looking, perhaps only comparable to the Bertin 7.V.2 . Gimme' more !!! ;)
  10. J

    Jean Bertin Projects

    ...sent me an auction link (not his, not mine) because of my book about the 146, and Googling led me back here - looks like the original model in the photos in the thread is now for sale in France.
  11. A

    French Aerotrain and futuristic, but both track and gas turbines were expensives, and it ended killed by the TGV - unfortunately. And poor Jean Bertin nearly got a contract with the French government, only to lose it after a month, only to die from brain cancer 18 month later. The story end is a total...
  12. fightingirish

    Jean Bertin Projects

    Here some better scanned pictures by the Twitter user and aviation geek Burkhard Domke showing the Bertin Aladin IIA. Some of these pictures I posted before, but in less quality. This time the source is the Swiss-German magazine Interavia from February 1971. View...
  13. sferrin

    French Secret Projects 3

    Maybe there isn't enough for an entire book on French work. What about a book that covered the more interesting projects from say, France, the US, the UK, and the USSR/Russia?
  14. gollevainen

    French never build and preliminary designs since 1880

    ...military main- and foremast. Preliminary design for a fast commerce raiding cruiser that evolved into Châteaurenault and Guichen. Original Jeanne d'Arc, a station cruiser designed by Tréboul which was to follow D`Entrecasteaux. Canceled in favour of Bertin's armoured cruiser by the same name.
  15. E

    SNCAN (Nord) 1500 « Griffon » artwork by Josef Gatial

    According to it's the SFECMAS Type 150, also known as the Nord 1500. Any chance of seeing one rotated on its axis to show the AAM carriage under the fuselage?
  16. hesham

    Jean Bertin Projects

    Anther Bertin Cygne design in the report.
  17. J

    Sud-Aviation X600 VTOL

    ...outside distinction is that 600 has souris in the intakes which 601 does not have. An important internal distinction is that 601 has Trompes Bertin (injectors) for the lift engines. I note that Alain (Alanqua) has prominent doors for the intakes of the lift engines but neither drawing (X600...
  18. hesham

    Jean Bertin article on Cygne and other heavy aircraft concepts of 1970s

    Hi, [Original link gone - substituted Wayback Machine link - Admin]
  19. Charlesferdinand

    Flying Cars And Roadable Aircraft

    That sounds a lot like the Aérotrain of Jean Bertin.
  20. blackkite

    Various Caudron Prototypes & Projects

    ...JN. C.760 (F-AZJY) ”Built in the 1990s by Jean Noan (engineer has the company Bertin CBC), this replica of Caudron C.760 was developed from a cell of North 3202 and was powered by a 600 HP Renault engine. Very little...
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