Search results for query: mustard

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  1. Rhinocrates

    Astronomy and Planetary Science Thread

    ...of settings—and that they are responsible for a diverse pool of organic molecules and other chemicals important to life. According to Jack Mustard, a planetary geologist at Brown University who was not involved in the new work, the radiolysis explanation has “opened up whole new vistas” into...
  2. blackkite

    EE P42 and successor studies

    Yes it is!! You can see many P.42 designs in this book.;) I feel almost one hundred P.42 studies existed.
  3. M

    British Secret Projects 5: Britain's Space Shuttle by Dan Sharp

    Dan, Cudos on British Secret Projects #5! I found all the design trades particularly interesting. I recently finished a model of the BAC LSRV (EAG 4455) in the scheme from your book. Down the road is a diorama of the Mustard triplet with the booster units breaking away. Kindest regards, Morgan
  4. A

    British 1960 manned Lunar Project

    Fantastic illustrations. what would it take for the project to be dis-abandoned ? o_O that and the BAC MUSTARD... Can't help thinking about the Selene project :)
  5. E

    V-2 with Chemical Warheads plans ?

    ...examined by the British, and a radio was found, they assumed all V-2s carried radios. They did not. A secret shipment of bombs filled with Mustard gas arrived at Bari Harbor in Italy in December 1943. The Germans bombed the harbor, detonating the bombs. A doctor on site noticed that some of...
  6. Nik

    What does your favourite sandwich look like?

    Bought, used to be a 'Foot Subway' on seedless, double meats, no gherkins etc or mustard. My beloved wife (RIP) would have a 'chicken wrap' or a 'yours, but six-inch'... Now, bought, 'Chicken Salad Club', so a 'three-decker', plus a generic BLT. Home-made, three split whole-meal rolls, think...
  7. Triton

    BAC Multi-Unit Space Transport and Recovery Device (MUSTARD)

    Model, Space Shuttle, British Aircraft Corporation MUSTARD Triamese Concept from the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Collections Database web site.
  8. uk 75

    Douglas DC3 Dakota replacement?

    The 1950s and 1960s produced many attempts in East and West to design an aeroplane to replace the Douglas DC3 and C47 Dakota. None that flew seemed to fill the gap, and many Daks flew on. Or do you think there was a built or unbuilt Dak replacement that cut the mustard?
  9. newsdeskdan

    HOTOL: Britain's Spaceplane by Dan Sharp

    There aren't quite so many Hotol variants as there were, say, Mustard variants, but I think this might end up being the longest and most detailed book I've ever written.
  10. S

    HOTOL: Britain's Spaceplane by Dan Sharp

    Ooh, now isn't that a good idea ... Maybe published as a double pack?....
  11. E

    Hitler orders advanced intercontinental bomber projects into production to carry on his war plan for attacking Manhattan

    Not a practical idea. Releasing mustard gas, or similar, with prevailing winds would have been more practical.
  12. F

    British Secret Projects 5: Britain's Space Shuttle by Dan Sharp

    Did this mean that some MUSTARD material had to be left out of the book or was the book expanded considerably? I ask this not as a criticism but hopefully in case there is an expanded second edition! I am reading and re-reading this book it is all so fresh and fascinating Thanks again Alan
  13. southwestforests

    What does your favourite sandwich look like?

    ...sub from local grocery deli area then take it home and add sliced tomato, sliced onion, and pickle slices to it. Sometimes with ketchup and mustard; sometimes with honey mustard; often with none of those. Sandwich seems especially refreshing when done with fresh tomato and onion which have...
  14. Dynoman

    Projects of the German Secret Flight Test Center at Lipetsk, USSR 1924-1933

    ...About 40 sorties accompanied by spraying the liquid from different altitudes were flown. A liquid with qualities analogous to those of mustard gas was used in the experiments. The experiments confirmed the full capability for aviation to employ toxic agents. Our specialists believe that...
  15. newsdeskdan

    British Secret Projects 5: Britain's Space Shuttle by Dan Sharp

    At the beginning, I had intended only to cover Mustard in BSP5, but speaking to members of the Mustard team it became very clear that the project grew out of P.42. So I began to work out how P.42 had begun and why. I was very aware of what had been written in BSP4 but it was evident that I had...
  16. newsdeskdan

    British Secret Projects 5: Britain's Space Shuttle by Dan Sharp

    Wilf Hardy's 1978 Look and Learn painting of Mustard is rather spectacular. I licensed it for use in Britain's Space Shuttle some time ago but whether we will have room to squeeze it in somewhere is another matter. If you can find it, the sequel to 'An economic approach to space...
  17. H

    A WW2 fighter design for rugged areas

    Hi Tomo, Thinking about it, maybe your earlier idea from another thread, a lightened Fw 190 with a DB 605 engine, would actually be a pretty good contender here! :-) Regards, Henning (HoHun)
  18. robinbird

    What's Mustard Plaster?

    Thanks again for the helpful feedback that suggested a code name. That enabled me to determine that Mustard Plaster was a Hedgehog fitted with a weighted long wire. The concept was that it would wrap itself around a U-Boat. Tests were carried out at Glen Fruin at the end of the war and then...
  19. A


    Hazegrayart last masterpiece. View: Geez, now MUSTARD, HOTOL and Skylon can be flown side by side, split-screen style. God save the queen. 2:48 All hail the Union Jack drag chute ! It has James Bond or Austin Power vibes.
  20. Rhinocrates

    Johhny Walker anyone?

    ...roaming mine that was supposed to keep looking until it found its target. During tests it might have wandered about as if drunk (the random walk of statistics is also known as the 'drunkard's walk'). It's not implausible at all when you consider the names of other projects such as MUSTARD.
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