Unknown object downed over Alaska -- Feb 10, 2023 -- NEWS ONLY


ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
16 April 2008
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Flagging as News Only, per Paul's guidance on the previous balloon thread

It appears that the USAF shot down an object (possibly another balloon) at an altitude of 40,000 feet over US territorial waters in Alaska about an hour ago (say 1330 EST, give or take). This object was deemed to pose a potential threat to commercial aviation.

They hope to be able to recover debris from the object but at the moment they don't know who owns it, what it's purpose was, etc. It appears to be much smaller than the previous balloon ("a small car" versus "multiple buses").

(This tweet thread has a couple of clips from the Pentagon White House spokesman at a press briefing.)

View: https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/16241290107278950404
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We already have a thread here and Paul had asked that future threads o the topic be News Only.

Thread 'Unknown object downed over Alaska -- Feb 10, 2023 -- NEWS ONLY' https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/th...wned-over-alaska-feb-10-2023-news-only.41029/
Just FYI this is another object, that was shot down today.

Yes, and my thread is also about that new object (note the date in the Thread title).

But you immediately started using the new event to editorialize about the old event, which Paul specifically said should be News Only.
It could be the first, publicly acclaimed and officially recognized, shoot down of an UFO/UAP?
I never been an "UFO fan", indeed a cylindrical object absolutely cannot be a stratospheric balloon (like the one shot down earlier).

The so called "tic-tac" by UAP experts (whatever it could or couldn't be) would fit better such description.
The so called "tic-tac" by UAP experts (whatever it could or couldn't be) would fit better such description.
Most probable explanation? It was indeed an experimental spy balloon, launched from submarine. The strange shape was most likely a result of underwater launch conditions.
It could be the first, publicly acclaimed and officially recognized, shoot down of an UFO/UAP?
I never been an "UFO fan", indeed a cylindrical object absolutely cannot be a stratospheric balloon (like the one shot down earlier).

The so called "tic-tac" by UAP experts (whatever it could or couldn't be) would fit better such description.

Rapuntzel and the Chinese strongly disagree with that statement.

(sorry, couldn't resist !)
Our general and admiral pick their words very carefully during their press conferences, I'm pretty sure they and our USG know what the cylindrical objects are.
Launching a *lot* of dirt-cheap balloons with radar reflectors is a fantastic way to tie up USAF resources. Soon enough there'll be edgelords in the US launching their own for the lulz.
Also dirt cheap missile sponges.
This is news even if seriously weird;-

"We're calling them objects, not balloons, for a reason, said VanHerck. Octantal shaped, unsure as to means support/propulsion.
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You can pay for balloons of any size or shape you wish:

Some kid could fill one with helium and turn it loose to scare people.

Branson had a monster saucer hot air balloon once.

Now…in the past I have talked about a sky cursor…and I am sure some of you have heard about this:

Now…if I had an MXene sail within an inflate…might I use some ground masers and pantograph it around the sky if it were light enough?
So it's aliens because the Tic Tac that does physics defying aero stunts and has supreme stealth that can't be explained and can out-fox the best Top Guns of the USN Super Hornet community and hover with impunity over the deck of a USN Super-carrier can't out-manoureve an AIM-9X...

Mind you that weather balloon at Roswell kicked up a rumpus so who knows - maybe weather balloons are actually a shape-shifting alien species?

Or just maybe weather balloons have been floating around for years but nobody bothered about them until it became a hyped up social media news feed and within 6 months we'll never hear about them again as our interests switches to more profitable interests. A year ago I seem to remember China was behind every drone swarm in the world, now they are behind every balloon in the world. Next year it will be tunnelling robot moles....
I thought the mole thing was two years ago, or has the cycle changed it's chain?
I guess News Only is out the window ;)
Okay, I deleted it. But you must understand, that - as citizen of the country, which airspace was invaded by US spy aircrafts since the end of WW2 - I found the whole situation delightfully amuzing)
It is true, the US had used as a pretext to fly over the USSR the undeclared cobelligerence on several occasions, if the Russians also wanted to fly over the USA they could use the same pretext.
So it's aliens because the Tic Tac that does physics defying aero stunts and has supreme stealth that can't be explained and can out-fox the best Top Guns of the USN Super Hornet community and hover with impunity over the deck of a USN Super-carrier can't out-manoureve an AIM-9X...

Mind you that weather balloon at Roswell kicked up a rumpus so who knows - maybe weather balloons are actually a shape-shifting alien species?

Or just maybe weather balloons have been floating around for years but nobody bothered about them until it became a hyped up social media news feed and within 6 months we'll never hear about them again as our interests switches to more profitable interests. A year ago I seem to remember China was behind every drone swarm in the world, now they are behind every balloon in the world. Next year it will be tunnelling robot moles....
I read the Tic Tac shaped vehicle also left a minty fresh exhaust trail only which allowed the F-18 crews to breath easy.

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