alternate history

  1. World B4

    Ukrainian ASAT

    Ukraine doesn’t really have a military application for its access to space, could an ASAT weapon based on an old Soviet missile, commercial rocket, air launch, directed energy, or electronic attack be useful in cutting Russian space assets and forcing them into a better position to face...
  2. C

    Franco-german super Caravelle

    So I was reading " concorde and the Americans" and one of the things that caught my eye was that neither Britain or France were each others first choice. Britain originally wanted to work with America inorder to build the first supersonic jet, but the Americans were set on there mach 2.7 speed...
  3. Z

    Supersonic Etendards instead of Crusaders?

    What happens if Dassault gets his hands on a jet engine that fits the Etendard and allows it to become a properly supersonic fighter? Could this tip the balance and see them ordered instead of F8 Crusaders?
  4. T

    Roter Rhein , Krasnyy Reyn - What If The Axis Members Called It Quits In Early 1943?

    So, after my mom's fifth session of chemotherapy, things are...slightly but decisevly better, not only I got back to study for my last three exams but time to read what I like about : horror podcasts, alternate history and more. So, I browsed the net and I got inspiration from this article ...
  5. uk 75

    Replacing Canberra sensibly

    The English Electric Canberra became the UK's light strike bomber in both nuclear and conventional roles. It served long after it was obsolete in the face of Russian fighters and air defences. The RAF realised this and embarked on a programme to replace Canberra in the early 1960s. As we all...
  6. Dynoman

    GodsEye: Wide Area Surveillance- America

    A few years ago a project was launched to fly stratospheric balloons over various mid-western US states to test wide area surveillance systems and balloon station keeping technologies. This project was directed at drug traffic interdiction, counter-terrorism, and military applications. Its not...
  7. Rayjunx

    DOCKFIGHTERS Aerial Combat boardgame set in 1948

    Hello, heres Markus, and since I was a child I love everything about board games, video games, and aircrafts and combat games and movies. Maybe you remember Crimson Skies? We never have had such a game setting again I guess so a friend, Bernhard and I came up with the idea to launch a new game...
  8. Lascaris

    Larger British light fleet carriers?

    What it says in the tin basically. In OTL Britain laid down 10 Colossus class ships in 1942-43, followed by 6 larger Majestic class in 1943 and then the Centaur class in 1944, going from 18,000t to ~20,000 and then 26,000t full load in two years. So how do you get the British designers to...
  9. T

    A Lukewarm War - Alternate History Idea - Open to criticism, critique and more

    Hello, I really like this forum so I decided to. Alternate history as a genre or subgenre, is one of my favorite things to read. Now, unfortunately, alternate history does require a lot of time, research and more which I can’t often or in deep as much as I want due to a variety of reasons : My...
  10. T

    How can Brazil, Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal have better armies, navies, air forces and information technology AFTER 1946?

    I am feeling a bit better now. After the first days, it’s a bit better and I can have a bit of vague leisure for a few minutes a day. So I decided to ask a What If from a different point of view. What if the armies of these following nations were better armed and had better information...
  11. A

    The Convair Model 200 / 201 /218 TL

    We have a whole bunch of threads, alt-history or not. But no full blown TL so far. The POD: May 1972, common sense prevails: Convair Model 200 carries the day over Rockwell NAR-356. It becomes the XFV-12 interceptor for Zumwalt Sea Control Ship. Even after that one is canned, two prototypes are...
  12. C

    F-14 forced on the USAF

    What would happen if the usaf f-15 project was canceled by congress and the usaf was forced to use the navys f-14 like what had happened with the f-4.
  13. uk 75

    Eurocommunism in the 1970s and the USA

    The 1970s were a turbulent decade in Europe. Without going into too much political detail events could have seen Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain with left wing governments opposed to NATO and the US. Even in France and Germany disillusionment with the Vietnam war and a widespread fear of...
  14. T

    FAA flying hardware, 1937-45?

    Or, in other words, lets give to the FAA some attractive hardware that gets the job done and then some. Whether something later to be made earlier, or something that never flew, or a substantial mod to an existing design. Limitations of availability of engines, armament and electronics remain -...
  15. Dilandu

    BAP "Independencia", Peruvian Navy battlecruiser (AU)

    In 1922, Royal Australian Navy was quite dissatisfied to learn that they must get rid of their only battlecruiser, HMAS "Australia". Not exactly because the ship was very valuable (by this time it was outdated), but mainly because Australia did not have breaking capabilities to scrap it, and the...
  16. L

    A surviving East Germany - People's War

    So not many TLs exist that i know of where East Germany surviving a bit longer than OTL, James G on tries out this scenario and have East Germany outlast the nation who created it, but if it will survive long and prosperous, you can find out in People's War Here is a...
  17. Michel Van

    2001: A Space-Time Odyssey

    Introduction: This was a Alternate Cold War story publish in Alternate in 2015 Sadly over years thing went not so well and my co-authors lost interest or had not time anymore. I have decided to reworking, re-writing, re-editing this Alternate History for this Forum as a Solo...
  18. that_person

    Extended Cold War Naval Development

    Ok, this is a scenario I've been working on for a while now, so I'd like to hear other peoples' thoughts on it. It has some plot devices though (the Soviet Union not completely falling apart, Bush restarting the Cold War, etc), but I think it's realistic enough to seem sane from a glance. In...
  19. isayyo2

    No B-1: Alternative SAC's

    Inspired by the Projects that should have been killed at birth thread's recent conversation about the B-1s futility/utility I thought I'd make a "What If" thread if the AMSA/B-1 program never saw flight. So for whatever reason the AMSA program is not revived by the Nixon Administration...
  20. uk 75

    Glasnost/Perestroika in 1968 instead of 1989

    When I chatted with East German friends in the 80s before the Wall came down I was interested in how both Regime critical church people and pro Regime journalists agreed that 1968 had been a missed opportunity to reform the Communist system. Since the fall of the Wall it has been claimed that...
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