Franco-german super Caravelle


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15 October 2021
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So I was reading " concorde and the Americans" and one of the things that caught my eye was that neither Britain or France were each others first choice.

Britain originally wanted to work with America inorder to build the first supersonic jet, but the Americans were set on there mach 2.7 speed limit and refused to lower it to mach 2.2.

For the French he dosnt really explain what went wrong with there agreement, it was on the French side sense Germany really wanted this program (they felt it would only do good for there aerospace industry) he implied that it was that sud wasn't confident in there design and need help which wasn't something Germany could provide, but I have a hard time believing that, sud seems very confident when they showed off the super Caravelle in 61.

Any way I was curious what you think the franco german super Caravelle would look like, personally I suspect it would be very close to sud's super Caravelle simply because Germany dosnt have a lot of experience with super sonic jets (they gust started biulding the f-104) or passenger planes. But that wouldn't lead to a very successful airplane, its short range would quickly become a hinderince when they run smack into the sonic boom over people issue. But I was curious what you all think.
The German national carrier Lufthansa did not buy the ordinary Caravelle. Nor did it buy the small VFW614 feederliner.
Lufthansa were sceptical about the economics of supersonic flight but did hold options both for Concorde and the US SST.
A German design for an SST is illustrated somewhere online. I will try and find it.


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