Zlin Aircraft Designations


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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Z-41 : low wing side-by-side two seat aerobatic cabin monoplane.
Z-44 : a single seat aerobatic Z-42 with tailwheel u/c and M-137A engine.
Z-45 : a single seat crop sprayer with 500 litre hopper and 210 hp M-337 engine.
Z-46 : eight seat high wing twin engined light aircraft,project.
Z-47 : high wing utility aircraft with PT-6 turboprop engine,project.
Z-48 : six seat twin boom pusher aircraft wit turboprop engine,project.
Z-52 : two seat mid-wing trainer aircraft,project.
Z-61L :tandem two seat military trainer aircraft with 300 hp engine,project.

by the way the Z-44 and Z-45 were projects.
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I’m interested in illustrations of Z-52 and Z-61L. Can you help? What is the source for your list? "Československá letadla" vol 2 by Václav Němeček?
hi all


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Very great work AM,

Z-20 twin engined low wing light monoplane
Z-120 was a project of six-seat with retractable undercarriage,
a stretch version of Z-20
Z-33 was side-by-side two seat trainer wich was Junak with
a cut-down rear fuselage and a bubble canopy,project
Z-34 was twin engined twin boom light aircraft,project
Z-41 low wing side-by-side two seat aerobatic cabin monoplane
Z-44 a single seat aerobatic Z-42 with tailwheel u/c and M-137A engine
Z-45 a single seat crop sprayer with 500 litre hopper and 210 hp
M-337 engine
Z-46 eight seat high wing twin engined light aircraft,project
Z-47 high wing utility aircraft with PT-6 turboprop engine,project
Z-48 six seat twin boom pusher aircraft wit turboprop engine,project
Z-51 was twin boom pusher aircraft,may be trainer project
Z-52 two seat mid-wing trainer aircraft,project
Z-61L tandem two seat military trainer aircraft with 300 hp engine,project
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Hi all!
Dear AM, many thanks for your great work, but I have some little remarks.

1. You noted Z-IX Pošták, Z-XI and Z-XVIII as motor gliders. I think it isn’t very correct. Z-IX was an ultralight aircraft, two others were two-seat light aircrafts of the same class as Z-XII (while different in layout). Any of them wasn’t very “glider-like”.
Also Z-IX wasn’t built in 1934, but in 1936 – even later than Z-XII. Maybe there was some other unbuilt project named Z-IX earlier (as it was with Z-X and Z-XII), but I don’t know anything about it.

2. Are you sure that a glider named Z-13 was produced in 1946-49? My source is 2-volume Československa letadla bible by V. Nĕmeček, and he doesn’t mention any other Z-13 besides the 1937 courier / racing aircraft. But Z-23 school glider was produced at the same time (1946-49) and in the same number (211) as you specified for the mysterious “Z-13”. Maybe you committed a mistake here? Also, a popular name of Z-23 glider was Honza, not Hansa.

3. Why did you note Z-35/135 helicopters as “license-build”? They are original Zlin designs. In 1958, when Zlin began to produce HC-2 helicopter, a special design team for future rotorcraft projects was organized there. This team created Z-35, Z-135, and Z-38 autogyro project. Its leader was eng. Jan Mikula – future Zlin chief designer, author of Z-42/43 and Z-50 families…

4. To my mind, it’s a bit strange to refer Z-42 as “aerobatic aircraft”, moreover the 4-seat Z-43. As for me, it would be more correct to specify Z-42/142/242 as trainers, and Z-43/143 as utility aircraft.

And also some remarks regarding Hesham’s additions – especially Z-33 and Z-41 projects. Hesham, you say that Z-33 was 2-seat; what’s your source about it? According to Nĕmeček, Z-33 (named Derviš) actually looked much like your description, but was only 1-seat. Nĕmeček also claims that Z-33 was powered by 40-hp engine and projected maximum speed was 154 km/h. It was designed by eng. Ladislav Marcol – so most probably it was derived from his “homebuilt” PLK-5, rather than from Z-22 designed by Karel Tomaš.

Concerning Z-41 - it was mostly the same Z-42, but lighter, with 4-cylinder M-132 engine instead of 6-cylinder M-137. M-132 was projected as M-332 “aerobatic” version without compressor (it referred to M-332 in the same way as M-137 to M-337). But finally M-132 engine was never produced, and therefore Z-41 also remained on paper.

I attach here an updated version of AM’s list: I corrected some dates, added designers’ names and added the data about many unrealized projects (either mentioned or not in Hesham’s post). The only remaining “mysteries” are: Z-XVII, Z-XIX, Z-27, Z-29, Z-40, Z-49 and the gap between Z-52 and Z-61. (Z-40 was probably skipped, as it was “common name” for the whole, highly unified family from Z-41 to Z-46). I attach also the photo gallery of pre-war Zlins (the postwar ones are common known, I think).

I posted more info and pictures about unrealized pre-war Zlin projects (including the first Z-X and Z-XII !) at a new topic: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,9787.0.html. Additional info about the postwar projects here: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,5233.0.html.


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Z-60 was a light aircraft,no more Info.
Z-90 was a project of four-seat lightplane powered by two
260hp Textron Lycoming engine.
Z-400 Rhino was utility aircraft powered by 600hp Orenda
Recip OE600 engine.
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redstar72 said:
Hi all!
Dear AM, many thanks for your great work, but I have some little remarks.

1. You noted Z-IX Pošták, Z-XI and Z-XVIII as motor gliders. I think it isn’t very correct. Z-IX was an ultralight aircraft, two others were two-seat light aircrafts of the same class as Z-XII (while different in layout). Any of them wasn’t very “glider-like”.
Also Z-IX wasn’t built in 1934, but in 1936 – even later than Z-XII. Maybe there was some other unbuilt project named Z-IX earlier (as it was with Z-X and Z-XII), but I don’t know anything about it.

2. Are you sure that a glider named Z-13 was produced in 1946-49? My source is 2-volume Československa letadla bible by V. Nĕmeček, and he doesn’t mention any other Z-13 besides the 1937 courier / racing aircraft. But Z-23 school glider was produced at the same time (1946-49) and in the same number (211) as you specified for the mysterious “Z-13”. Maybe you committed a mistake here? Also, a popular name of Z-23 glider was Honza, not Hansa.

3. Why did you note Z-35/135 helicopters as “license-build”? They are original Zlin designs. In 1958, when Zlin began to produce HC-2 helicopter, a special design team for future rotorcraft projects was organized there. This team created Z-35, Z-135, and Z-38 autogyro project. Its leader was eng. Jan Mikula – future Zlin chief designer, author of Z-42/43 and Z-50 families…

4. To my mind, it’s a bit strange to refer Z-42 as “aerobatic aircraft”, moreover the 4-seat Z-43. As for me, it would be more correct to specify Z-42/142/242 as trainers, and Z-43/143 as utility aircraft.

And also some remarks regarding Hesham’s additions – especially Z-33 and Z-41 projects. Hesham, you say that Z-33 was 2-seat; what’s your source about it? According to Nĕmeček, Z-33 (named Derviš) actually looked much like your description, but was only 1-seat. Nĕmeček also claims that Z-33 was powered by 40-hp engine and projected maximum speed was 154 km/h. It was designed by eng. Ladislav Marcol – so most probably it was derived from his “homebuilt” PLK-5, rather than from Z-22 designed by Karel Tomaš.

Concerning Z-41 - it was mostly the same Z-42, but lighter, with 4-cylinder M-132 engine instead of 6-cylinder M-137. M-132 was projected as M-332 “aerobatic” version without compressor (it referred to M-332 in the same way as M-137 to M-337). But finally M-132 engine was never produced, and therefore Z-41 also remained on paper.

I attach here an updated version of AM’s list: I corrected some dates, added designers’ names and added the data about many unrealized projects (either mentioned or not in Hesham’s post). The only remaining “mysteries” are: Z-XVII, Z-XIX, Z-27, Z-29, Z-40, Z-49 and the gap between Z-52 and Z-61. (Z-40 was probably skipped, as it was “common name” for the whole, highly unified family from Z-41 to Z-46). I attach also the photo gallery of pre-war Zlins (the postwar ones are common known, I think).

I posted more info and pictures about unrealized pre-war Zlin projects (including the first Z-X and Z-XII !) at a new topic: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,9787.0.html. Additional info about the postwar projects here: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,5233.0.html.

My dear Redstar72,

it is the first time to see your respond here,so I agree with you about Z XIII,but there was also the
Z-13 and Z-113 a glider aircraft of 1946 up to 1949 (not related to Z XIII,a motor glider,which was built
in 1937 in a single prototype),and for the Z-33 was mentioned in the General Aviation for Airlife
publishing,as a two seat trainer and also called PLK-5.

For the Z-41,you are right,but I just displayed it as its original design,and for Z-42,it was
a production version of it with some improvements.
Z.32 also called Let LG.32...


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here is a strange crane version of Zlin Z-35,did anyone hear about
it before ?.

L + K magazine.


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a full list will be here during next days.

I found in reply # 5,my dear Redstar displayed a Doc. for all Zlin aircraft and Projects,,and I only want to add;

Z-237 was a revised designation for Z-37T-2,a two-seat trainer agricultural aircraft
Z-337 ------?
Z-437 was a Z-37 with twin rear-facing rear seats,named Kurier,prototype only,OK-UJG (c/n 009P)
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From L+K 14/1974,

it's the first time to hear about Z-312 ?.


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From L+K 16/1974,

the first time to hear about Z-225,and Z-325 with butterfly tail,a Projects.


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I found in reply # 5,my dear Redstar displayed a Doc. for all Zlin aircraft and Projects,,and I only want to add;

Z-237 was a revised designation for Z-37T-2,a two-seat trainer agricultural aircraft
Z-337 ------?
Z-437 was a Z-37 with twin rear-facing rear seats,named Kurier,prototype only,OK-UJG (c/n 009P)

From L & K magazine.


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From L & K magazine.
Could you clarify the source? If I'm reading the magazine right, "L + K 24/03" means Letectví + kosmonautika of March 2024. But your reply came nine months before that issue was published. Am I misunderstanding the way L + K dates their magazines?
Hi Zlea,

it's issue 2003/24,the year is 2003 and it's numbered 24.

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