Zhuhai 2021 Airshow News

The assumption that externally similar platforms sharing common sense planforms is a reflection of espionage is a low effort one... and would not be too problematic, if it wasn't for that fact it was symptomatic of an increasingly flawed perceptions about the chinese MIC capability and their level of advancement.
Reasonable observers generally don’t attribute the entirety of the advances of the Chinese defense industry to copying. They have many formidable indigenous designs and capabilities, including ones that aren’t externally visible. That still does not hide the fact that they copy designs on an industrial scale, and it’s one reason (and certainly not the only reason) for their meteoritic pace; one only has to see their constant IT intrusion attempts and other means of accessing data from defense contractors.

I’ll note that China isn’t the only country to have done this; historically even the US has done similar things when it’s defense industry was playing catch-up to European powers.
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an increasingly flawed perceptions about the chinese MIC capability and their level of advancement
.......Nah. Considering that guessing wrong is upon pain of extinction, I'd say we're right to be a bit jittery.

Being jittery is fine, which makes some of the prevailing assumptions all the more confusing and counter intuitive.
From the presentation of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) at Airshow China-2021.
Source: t.me/ChDambiev


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A fine demonstration that the Chinese aerospace companies are capable of producing sexy, misleading, promorional videos.
My opinion.
From the presentation of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) at Airshow China-2021.
'Wei, take that lazy Beihang intern and ask him to draw some H-20 for an airshow. Yes, you can use those stupid renderings from Military Technology'


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From the presentation of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) at Airshow China-2021.
'Wei, take that lazy Beihang intern and ask him to draw some H-20 for an airshow. Yes, you can use those stupid renderings from Military Technology'
... since there are enough stupid Western arm-chair analysts who are eagerly picking up anything as real and official! ;)
Some people fail to realize that decoy discrimination is an essential part of any assessment of capabilities, particularly when the nation in question throws a bunch of things against the wall^w^w^w^w^w^w^whas an arms exposition or other demonstration of their wares.
Looking at the original set of tweets, where it's a bit clearer, he possibly seems to be using "Sea Defence System" for the VLS, with the CM-103 clearly labelled as being an anti-ship cruise missile. But digging into the pictures it's clearly used in a vendor graphic showing a whole range of systems, and not just ship-based, being used in a naval combat scenario. So it's more of a "Naval Systems" than trying to label any one weapon.

The MRSAM shown with the VLS is the HHQ-9E, while the FM-3000N is shown quadpacked, which would make the VLS more of a Mk41 than a Sylver. It's difficult to tell for certain, but I think there are three cell lengths shown.

And for some unknown reason he's got '(9M96E)' at the end of the line about FM-3000N, and I've got no idea whether he's trying to say it is 9M96E, is equivalent to it, or what.

There seems to be a stray placard for HT-1E against the base of the VLS (top tweet, upper right pic), next to ones for HHQ-9E and FM-3000N. Might be the name of the VLS, might not.
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From the presentation of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) at Airshow China-2021.
'Wei, take that lazy Beihang intern and ask him to draw some H-20 for an airshow. Yes, you can use those stupid renderings from Military Technology'
And redraw that cool Switchblade project, even forgetting to redo the air refueling system on the model.
Citing my friend - "AVIC is rolling those pathetic videos every time in their expo booth, and finally they got a grateful viewer''
I really surprised by video quality, looks like something from early 00s
Citing my friend - "AVIC is rolling those pathetic videos every time in their expo booth, and finally they got a grateful viewer''
I really surprised by video quality, looks like something from early 00s

View: https://mobile.twitter.com/GenFighters/status/1444641355024764929

They also show transformer style robotic J-20s for kids/anime fans. Don't take everything you see too seriously.
Citing my friend - "AVIC is rolling those pathetic videos every time in their expo booth, and finally they got a grateful viewer''
I really surprised by video quality, looks like something from early 00s

They also show transformer style robotic J-20s for kids/anime fans. Don't take everything you see too seriously.

Read properly. "This looks more realistic" does not mean "WOW, AVIC officialy shows Chinese 6th gen fighter!!!!", but: This CONCEPT looks more realistic. Oki?
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