blackkite said:
... I want to see front view, especially parasol wing support structure.
Sorry, no front view, but I wouldn't expect many surprises by it either .

Judging the drawing,
it's very similar to that of the PBY Catalina. It seems to be positioned exactly on the centerline. What's
more strange, I think, is the lack of supporting struts.
Based on this drawing and others of the Do 26, I tried to reconstruct a simplified plan view, with the engine
nacelles as main point of comparison. For achieving long range, I thought that a high aspect ration may
have been chosen, something like the Davis wing, which was offered to Consolidated at the same time,
this project started. So I used the length/span ratio of the Consolidated XP4Y Corregidor. Not to be
mnisunderstood, I don't want to say, that maybe Japan had got information about the Davis wing via
espionage, or treachery .... just, that similar problems may have resulted in similar solutions.
Starting from the side view directly and a trapezoidal wing shape, I stumbled across the point, that he shown
position of the engines would be much too far outboard ! So I chose a straight leading edge for the center
wing, but this could indicate, that the side view isn't fully correct. Another slight problem were the engine
nacelles, as the props seem to have much bigger spinners, than those of the Do 26.
So highly speculative and only intended as a thougt-provoking impulse !