XV-1 / XV-2 / XV-3 competition

Rheem was the Platt-LePage PL-15 design.
Haviland Platt had ties to Rheem that continued beyond the closing of Platt-LePage Aircraft.

Excellent my dear,and I fix it;

1- McDonnell Model M-82--------------XV-1
2- Sikorsky Model S-57------------------XV-2
3- Bell Model B-200----------------------XV-3
4- Lockheed TDN Model L-203
5- Kaman K-25 ?
6- Goodyear GA-?
7- Weber
8- Rutowski
9- Prewitt ?
10- Rheem/Platt PL-15.
11- Gyrodyne GCA.32 ?
12- Beech PD-?
13- Martin Model-365 ?
13- Piasecki PH-55 ?
14- Jacobs 104 ?
15- Transcendental
16- Wilford ?
17- Convertawings ?
18- ------?
19- ------ ?
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It would be more accurate to refer the project as Rheem / Platt, as Platt-LePage had ended as a corporate entity by August 1946.
Haviland Platt retained the rights to the Tilt-Rotor engineering following the closure of Platt-LePage Aircraft, and would collaborate with Rheem, as a consultant for some time.
Rheem used the engineering already carried out by PL-LP.
It would be more accurate to refer the project as Rheem / Platt, as Platt-LePage had ended as a corporate entity by August 1946.
Haviland Platt retained the rights to the Tilt-Rotor engineering following the closure of Platt-LePage Aircraft, and would collaborate with Rheem, as a consultant for some time.
Rheem used the engineering already carried out by PL-LP.

OK my dear,and can you talk about Rheem aircraft and projects,as you
know we opened a topic for it,here;

I think that,the Dobson is wrong,and from a reliable source,the contenders
were 19 from 17 companies,and we forget Richard Prewitt,to be;

1- McDonnell Model M-82--------------XV-1
2- Sikorsky Model S-57------------------XV-2
3- Bell Model B-200----------------------XV-3
4- Lockheed TDN Model L-203
5- Kaman K-25 ?
6- Goodyear GA-?
7- Weber
8- Rutowski
9- Prewitt /
10- Rheem ?
11- Gyrodyne GCA.32 ?
12- Beech PD-?
13- Martin Model-365 ?
13- Piasecki PH-55 ?
14- Jacobs 104 ?
15- Transcendental
16- Wilford ?
17- Convertawings ?
18- ------?
19- ------ ?

I think the Goodyear proposal was one of those projects (except GA-28),


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