Interesting sight ... :oops:

NORAD Jets Intercept Joint Russian, Chinese Bomber Flight Near Alaska:

"Russia and China conducted a joint bomber flight that entered Alaska’s Air Defense Identification Zone on Wednesday, marking the first time the two countries have flown near the United States.
The North American Aerospace Defense Command said it monitored two Chinese H-6 bombers and two Russian TU-95 strategic bombers flying in Alaska’s ADIZ on Wednesday, according to a news release. China and Russia have previously conducted bomber flights near Japan. The ADIZ is a larger area than air space that is claimed by an individual state and is considered international air space. Canadian and U.S. fighters intercepted the Chinese and Russian planes.
“The Russian and PRC aircraft remained in international airspace and did not enter American or Canadian sovereign airspace,” NORAD said in the news release. “This Russian and PRC activity in the Alaska ADIZ is not seen as a threat, and NORAD will continue to monitor competitor activity near North America and meet presence with presence.”

H-6KG 20013 - 10. Div + F-16 F-35 - NORAD.jpg


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