Still not sure, that the dominance of manned systems for CAS will last for long. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in most
cases, it's the soldier on the ground, who designates the target. On a "netcentric" battlefield, he will often be
able to do so, even if hidden behind any kind of shelter, his "eyes" would be some form of UAV then, especially
as there already are types, he could launch "from his backpack". Precision guided weapons are more expensive,
of course, than gun ammo, even for GAU-8, but in the end "bombtrucks" circling at height and releasing their
load on demand, probably would be a cheaper overall solution, compared against squadrons of CAS aircraft.
And I can imagine, that with new warheads, maybe in the form of large "shotguns", even the demand for strafing
could be fulfilled.
There will be still some conventional CAS aircraft and attack helicopters, much much less, than today, just as a
backup against special situations. And maybe even the morale effects against insurgence will be greater, when
suddenly chastised from the air without any warning !
As I said at the start, to my opinion, that's the way, things will go in the future. Not because it's necessarily the
best for the soldiers on the ground, but because, it's the most cost effective and so least harmful way for the
defence budgets . :