- It attracts curiosity. German wartime stuff attract curiosity, specially if there is a swastika on it. For example it's a fact that an aviation mag with a image of a Luftwaffe plane on the cover will sell more then one with some other plane. Tho it doesn't mean that all poeple attracted by it are nazis, it just works. Sad but true.
It's not Nazi-specific. Who is more interesting... Darth Vader or Obi Wan Kennobi? Who do you want to cosplay as... a Stormtrooper or a rebel soldier? Who would you rather watch at Disneyland... the
Evil Queen or Snow White? Who do you want to play in the movie... the scenery-chewing Bad Guy, or the lantern-jawed dullsville Hero? Look even at Luke Skywalkver vs Han Solo: who do you want to be (or
be with, depending)? Almost certainly Han. Because while even though both are Good Guys, Han is the Bad Boy, with that hint of murderous pirate about him. Face it: evil is *interesting.*
The Nazis get a leg up in the Interestingness department because unlike less interesting total evils such as the commies, the Nazis went that extra step and devoted a lot of time and expertise to coming up with mind-grabbing iconography and Hugo Boss-level fashions. The Nazis are *classy* evil. They are monocle-wearing, moustache-twirling, high-society scamming Professor Moriarty level villains, while the Soviets, who were substantially *more* evil than the Nazis, are potato-sack wearing back-alley thugs.