My memory could be playing me false though, or possibly the term was used in this case as a security blind for a new development.
My memory could be playing me false though, or possibly the term was used in this case as a security blind for a new development.
Thanks again for your feedback, yes it was probably a codename, something to do with Hedgehog trials carried out at the indoor water testing tank at Glen Fruin, near Helensburgh. MAEE used codenames for its top secret trials.
Thanks again for the helpful feedback that suggested a code name. That enabled me to determine that Mustard Plaster was a Hedgehog fitted with a weighted long wire. The concept was that it would wrap itself around a U-Boat. Tests were carried out at Glen Fruin at the end of the war and then aborted. Seasons greetings to everyone.
Well, when your airplane gets a rash…
I hear some pilots get a little problem with that from survival suits but a 'mustard plaster' there could be an issue. While assigned as unit medic I had a member (apparent why I used this word soon) of my regiment complain of a 'groin strain'. I gave him some 'deep heat' cream to apply to said strain. Not so good on a rash, particularly there. He reported me saying that 'groin strain is a code for sensitive area rash' The complaint was kicked out of course but I bet he still re-members the incident.
Having had to wear 'Adult Nappies' for too many months prior to a repeatedly delayed prostate stretch, I feel for your euphemistic patient...

FWIW, I'd mentioned to my consultant that some of my unhappy 'retention' symptoms matched intermittent obstruction by a bladder stone. Literally playing 'bath-plug'. He allowed me a polite but dismissive smile.

Credit where due: When I woke after the procedure, he popped into the recovery suite to report the stretch etc had gone well, but he'd also retrieved a small but sufficient bladder stone that had aggravated my distress...

Comfortable for the first time in many months, instead of braying, 'Nyaah ! Told you so !!', I politely exclaimed, "Well, fancy that ! Who'd have thought !!"

He smiled...

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