What is this aircraft?


ACCESS: Top Secret
16 June 2008
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Anyone knows what is the aircraft on top right that seems to be shooting either laser, microwave weapon, or just transferring data?


  • AFRL-RB_collage.jpg
    117.4 KB · Views: 70
It looks to me to be one of the MACK designs, as it appears the engines are under the wing roots. At least it looks like one of the new "stealthy" cargo plane series to me, in much the same sense they've been testing the solid state tactical laser on the C-130.
Sundog said:
It looks to me to be one of the MACK designs, as it appears the engines are under the wing roots. At least it looks like one of the new "stealthy" cargo plane series to me, in much the same sense they've been testing the solid state tactical laser on the C-130.

I seem to recall talk of a high-tech gunship based around a putative future airlifter.

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