No need to joke, this has been openly debated and subsequently even acknowledged at least since Quentin Tarantino's "take" on the subject in 1994. The subtext is basically iconic by now; not to say that it's the be all and end all of the thing. Notable nonetheless since it's not an entirely superficial contemplation on the mechanics and modes of bonding; just very silly. It is of course fairly common that highly gendered structures and representations become caricatures of themselves, intentionality or level of self-consciousness aside, and thus unavoidably subversive. Examples of extremely cheesy military recruitment music videos and contemporary shirtless bodybuilder parades abound, mostly from the usual "traditionalist" suspects.
Umm. An important thing to note regarding the responses of Our Cultural Betters:
1 - A scene of young attractive women in an advanced state of undress playing volleyball: "I'm offended! That's for the Male Gaze! Unrealistic beauty standards!!!"
2 - A scene of young attractive men in an advanced state of undress playing volleyball: "Ur gaaaaay."
Military men play sports, and often do so shirtless. It ain't gay, it's just sports. Sometimes bonding, sometimes competition, often just for the entertainment of it. But some people are *obsessed* with seeing things in the worst or weirdest light, or at least in the way best calculated to ruin it for others.