Vulcan's Hammer: V-force Aircraft & Weapons Projects Since 1945


Thank you for posting that information. I must confess to finding it rather puzzling; the RAF ECM unit in the 1950s was No.199 Squadron flying Lincolns (and later a Canberra) through to 1957 when it's "C" flight received Valiants modified for the same role- it became No.18 Squadron in December 1958. Obviously, the best aircraft to support Valiants was another Valiant and the six V.1000's the RAF ordered seem paltry to provide even a replacement for the Lincolns let alone to be dual role as transports.
I've come across another reference to the RCM Variant during my own research into the V.1000. This is from the early days of the programme but its shows a conversion was thought possible, though probably more along the lines of a prototype for an eventual order of dedicated RCM aircraft perhaps? Also makes an interesting reference to ejector seats being considered for the V.1000 (probably the pilots?). I'd nearly overlooked this until I noticed "file RCM variant" scribbled in pencil at the top.

A minute entitled Addendum to O.R.315 by A.D./T.D.Plans J.C.K. Shipp to A.D./R.D.L.2, dated 11/3/53.

“At para 22 of Addendum to O.R.315 (ref C.M.S. 2205/52) it is stated that Air Staff require this aircraft in service as soon as possible and not later than Dec. 1957.
Mr Campbell advises me that it is the intention to use the second production Long Range Jet Transport aircraft for conversion to the required variant.
Provided that the contract is placed in April 1953 we believe that the aircraft can be in service in Dec. 1957. It must be appreciated that there is as yet no production order placed for the Long Range Jet Transport.
The only point at issue is the fitting of ejection seat. Even if these become a firm requirement, and this seems by no means certain, it should still be possible to meet the Dec. 1957 date.”

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