V-4 Wunderwaffe, info needed


I really should change my personal text
22 September 2015
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Hi to all, did any one have any info about German WWII V-4 missile? Source: http://www.unicraft.biz/germ/v4/v4.htm


  • V-4WunderwaffeBoxArt.jpg
    56.8 KB · Views: 574
I wouldn't bet on that drawing having any connection to reality.

We have a thread on various possible V4s here:

I think, this representation of the alleged V 4 is based on an magazine article or an intelligence report, with no others proofs supporting its reality. Anyway, it surfaced in 1970s in the USA.

Unicraft is known of producing many kits of completely fantasy or fake aircraft - for example Flugkreisels or Kugelblitzes invented by Justo Miranda. ;D
As can be seen, the model is made after an information presented by Mr. Witkowski (who, by the way, has been repeating it in his numerous books for some two decades), who in turn took the drawing from an old edition of a Polish magazine Skrzydlata Polska (Winged Poland). Sadly - as he recently confessed in his book "Projekty badawcze Waffen-SS" (Research projects of the Waffen-SS) - he cannot remember the actual issue of the magazine or any other details. ::)
The eyewitness report presented by Unicraft from Witkowski's book is of really low credibility. Witkowski often indiscriminately accepts any kind of a report or account, no matter how fantastic they are, supporting his theories. As it was proved by Bartosz Rdułtowski, Witkowski also fabricates completely fake reports or eyewitness statements, building his narration around them. For example, die Glocke is a private invention of Witkowski, as no-one wrote about it earlier, and no sources were presented by Mr. W. other than his words.
I tend to view tales of "Die Glöcke", Nazi nuke tests, and Flügelrads as historical sci-fi puff pieces. Doesn't mean they're not fun to read. ;)
Hi, here is photos of the unicraft model


  • ,Marschflugkörper, Unicraft, Resin.JPG
    ,Marschflugkörper, Unicraft, Resin.JPG
    24.2 KB · Views: 283
  • Marschflugkörper-Projekt, Unicraft, Resin.JPG
    Marschflugkörper-Projekt, Unicraft, Resin.JPG
    32.4 KB · Views: 281
The major problem is letter "V"

Wonderwaffe were called in german language "Vergeltungswaffe" by Goebbels
what means "Retaliation weapon"
but the German Aerospace industry used also the The therm "V number" for "Versuchsmuster"
what means "prototype"

So it can be that V4 means Prototype 4 instead of Retaliation weapon four
Vergeltungswaffe 3 or 4 were NEVER mention by Goebbels !

on Sources
Mr. Witkowski, Friedrich Georg, doktor VON IMMELMAN STAHL aka Bob Arndt or "A friend of mine , who name does not wish his name mentioned ...." and unicraft
they present Bullshit as evidence (sorry for expression)

note on V7 aka Vergeltungswaffe 7 also called BMW V-weapon.
BMW is so irritated about this that they unleash there lawyers, if it mention in books or become a Model for sale...
Michel Van said:
The major problem is letter "V"

Why is it problem? V-1, V-2, V-3...
Thanks for sources, i want all Friedrich Georg books! ;D
Vladimir said:
Why is it problem? V-1, V-2, V-3...
Thanks for sources, i want all Friedrich Georg books! ;D

ok ;)
if you're fan of Friedrich Georg or Ancient Aliens TV Show
try the Bob Arndt site http://discaircraft.greyfalcon.us
it got allot of weird stuff, read own risk, it can blow your mind up...

by the way
Please, allot of his madness ended up in this forum, don't do it.
nowadays we react on that like this...
Not sure whether V3 was never mentioned by Goebbels himself, but this name definitely belonged to the super long-range gun, also known as Hochdruckpumpe. As for V4 (the REAL one, not that sci-fi-looking missile), the sources and claims are strongly disputed and divided. Most of them say that there was simply no V4 weapon at all. But some experts claim that V4 was the four-stage solid-fueled Rheinbote missile. However, there are no original WW2 documents naming Rheinbote as "V4". Those claims are probably based on after-war interrogations of scientists, engineers and soldiers, some of which allegedly told the Allies that Rheinbote was occasionally (and probably unofficially) called V4.

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