Kat Tsun
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I fear that you may be giving Commandant Berger way too much credit for sense there.I think Berger's just playing the long game and hoping LRPF is done competently enough the Army will get to pay for new M1s, which the Marines will happily buy once, only they've eaten the massive bitter budget pill that is JSF and H-53K, and those ships' unit costs go down. Seems to be between ACV, JSF, H-53K, and whatever Cottonmouth is going to be, as well as the weird shipborne UAS the Marines waffle on to replace the old Broncos, well the M1s can get sidelined for now, along with a third of the aviation fleet, and all that can probably come back in 15 years or however long it will take to regenerate.
Maybe they'll buy MPF though if that doesn't get killed.
I'm mostly pretending the US Marines haven't gone senile/insane and fully embraced the FCS see-shoot-kill nonsense.
"We need all this cool stuff so we'll get rid of the old stuff," but then they don't buy the cool stuff they say they need? Real.
MUX was the first casualty of the COVID pandemic reported in DOD.
Fun fact.Except the US Army also has three divisions of paratroopers who have better rapid response times than than the Marines?
Paratroopers are useless in taking island role.
I don't know how to reply to this except to say that Port Salinas is the same size as Firey Cross Reef and sits literally on a peninsular edge so...

...these are at the same zoom levels from Google maps. As you can see, they are effectively the same target.
Of course if you're actually doing a Port Salinas you'd be landing on the runway, Mikado style, and getting out of the rear ramp guns blazing like a real GI Joe. Perhaps bring the life preserver with you if you think there's a possibility of an assault jump with an WDZ though?

The water wings are the real reason Airborne doesn't bring reserves on combat jumps.
Enough Joes will hit the dirt they'll be able to capture the dumb sandbar reef before the Marines' silly LST can unstuck itself from the Plastic Shoals and their wheeled death trucks can climb the 10-foot tall concrete embankments the Chinese are soon to install to keep their island bases from flooding over when Greenland melts.
If the Rangers get Hulkamanied by a PLAAF ground crew well damn that sucks. Good thing we got three airborne divisions now hooah.
Cause we are expecting to need to take islands and the Marines restructuring allows them to do that.Except the US Army also has three divisions of paratroopers who have better rapid response times than than the Marines?
Especially since they kept training to do so since WW2, unlike the Army that stopped after Korea.
And experience all but says that non amphibious tanks suck in island hopping campaigns.
I have no idea what you mean by the rest of this post though. It's just plain wrong.
The Army has done more assault jumps and airfield seizures since Korea than the Marines have done amphibious assaults and port seizures in the same time period. By like an infinite amount too, because I don't think the Marines ever did an amphibious assault against an opposed force after Korea, whereas the Army has done like four or five combat jumps since then. Grenada doesn't count because the Army had already secured the Marines' landing zones, much like how Desert Shield doesn't count because Dammam wasn't occupied.
They've done air assaults under Mattis in Afghanistan and the Royal Marines in Iraq, but only after the Army did the muscle job of taking Kandahar and COL Votel's Rangers took Rhino, and in Al-Faw only after the Royal Marines rolled up the Chinooks and Pumas and seized the beach, but that's impossible now because Berger blew up their assault airlift too. At least the VMFA is sized for the Americas now so each America gets two 10-ship squadrons instead of a single 20-ship squadron?
The only time the Marines were useful in their role as amphibious assault troops was WW2 though.
Tanks were necessary then, and actual tanks, not boats and amtracs playing pretend tanks. The LVTs with the 37mm were as hot garbage as the Japanese special motor launches which is why no one talks about them. The M4 Sherman owned though. Nothing has changed to make tanks unnecessary now either. The Marines are just divesting themselves of their expeditionary capabilities to ostensibly do a job that literally no one needs by copying the Army, but they're copying the Stryker brigades and the field artillery, when they should be copying the armored brigades and the 101st Aerosol.
Paratroopers can't bring helicopters or big boy tanks with them over oceans. Marines can. It's a team effort, not a parochial one, and the Marines being the heavy armor muscle men to help the Rangers and Airborne out of a sticky situation plays to team strengths in the INDOPAC where the paratroopers have faster response times but the MPFs are faster than 1st Armored or Big Red One.
Of course this "muscular forward deployment" concept is hard when your reinforcements are less protected and squishier than the enemy forces they're supposed to fight, and hardly better protected and armed than the paratroopers and intercontinental stealth bombers they're supporting.
Marine leaders just aren't team players right now. No one knows why, except them, but Berger sounds like he has paratrooper envy.
If he wants paratroopers so bad he can send a brigade of Marines to Airborne School and re-establish the Paramarines. Dunno why he has to throw the baby out with the bathwater (2016 MEU) when he could have just made the VMFAs bigger and put the tanks in a separate tank company for the MEB.
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