USAFM closes access to The Presidential and R&D Hangars for non-U.S. citizens


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1 April 2006
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ATTENTION: Please read this information carefully as policies have recently changed.

The Presidential and Research & Development/Flight Test Galleries, located on the controlled-access portion of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, are accessible to U.S. citizens only using the shuttle bus service from the main museum complex.

Military and Department of Defense civilians with government ID may use their private vehicle to visit the Presidential and R&D/Flight Test Galleries.

Note: A current government-issued photo ID (i.e. state ID or driver's license) is required for citizens of the U.S. and U.S. territories over age 18. Those under age 18 must be escorted by an adult (one adult per two children); children are not required to produce identification when accompanying their parents.
:-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
Why does this not work anymore?
All foreign visitors must present an original passport (a NEXUS card is an acceptable form of ID for Canadian citizens) or a foreign enhanced driver's license.
fightingirish said:
Why does this not work anymore?

ATTENTION: Please read this information carefully as policies have recently changed.

USAFM cite still can confuse visitors, as they continue to state in Q&A, that
Foreign visitors (non-U.S. citizens) are required to show a passport or green card (original only -- no photocopies) in order to ride the shuttle bus to the Presidential and R&D/Flight Test Galleries. No identification is required to visit the main museum complex.

but information that started this thread appeared just recently at Presidental and R&D Gallery page
why we can't read original post again

located on the controlled-access portion of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
flateric said:
why we can't read original post again

located on the controlled-access portion of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

Right, my point is why place public museum exhibits in an controlled-access portion of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in the first place? Why should civilians be in the controlled-access portion of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to begin with?
may be because they don't have enough place for growing collection in current storage hangars at 'non-controlled' section of WPAFB
when I was there back in 1994 these aircrafts (I mean some of presidental fleet that was there back then) were just out of reach for visitors - whatever nationality you have
now security rules can be changed again like it was after 9/11, but reasons for that make me scratch my head

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