USAF/US NAVY 6G Fighter Programs - F/A-XX, F-X, NGAD, PCA, ASFS news

Holy click bait Batman!

"Frank Kendall reassured in an interview with Defense News that the service was working on creating an advanced next-generation fighter, but a redesign was necessary to control expenses and improve the integration of loyal wingman drones"

How is it "dead" then?
Remember UAVs data hacked in Iraq, around 2009.
And the RQ-170 reportedly hacked and detained by Iran in 2011.
There is always a weakness, somewhere.

"The practice was uncovered in July 2009, when the US military found files of intercepted drone video feeds on the laptop of a captured militant"

US fixed drones hacked by Iraqi insurgents: Pentagon

To be fair, those drone feeds were rushed to service unencrypted IIRC. It was a known liability of getting the ISR desired sooner I believe.

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