"US Bomber Projects Preview" progress update

Damn, no emoticon for "invidious!!!!". $ 7.80 is confirmed? I'm going to PayPal right now...



Orionblamblam said:

Which design is this suposed to represent. The diameter of that forward fuselage is impressive - it reminds me of a B-36.
TinWing said:
Orionblamblam said:

Which design is this suposed to represent. The diameter of that forward fuselage is impressive - it reminds me of a B-36.
That would be the Lockheed CL-292-6. Bomber, flying carrier, AWACS, and interceptor, all rolled into one. So big, so audacious, it's downright ludicrous! Scott gives a very nice overview of the design and its components.

It made for an interesting illustration experience, that's for sure. Adding the various components was a challenge as I wanted to not only convey the massive size of this beast, but also show the various components individually.
SC & all,

Damn! Can you imagine scratching even a 72nd scale Lockheed CL-292-6! That'd be humungous!

Also, can you imagine if the USAF actually fielded such beasties? I think the idea of putting bombs - even standoff ones - on such a platform is absurd. A much better use of its capabilities would be having more fuel and stores for its interceptors as well as provisions for its crew. That'd be back in the 50's / 60's.

Move ahead a couple of decades and think what a nuclear powered airborne platform could bring to ballistic missile defense! With its nuke it'd have power to spare for cranking up either a laser of charged partical beam weapon. No need to muck about with chem powered lasers as we're now doing. Hooowhee! That's be hella cool!

I'd said that you modellers would have try it in 1:48 ;D :p

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