Unknown Soviet Competition of 1957


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26 May 2006
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in 1957,Soviet Union studied a three designs from Antonov,Yakovlev and Sukhoi for a
slow-flying artillery spotting and reconnaissance aircraft,one of them was Antonov An-2F,
but the other proposals from Yak and Sukhoi are not known,has anyone a more Info
about this Contest.

Air Pictorial 1/1957


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Yes, this was my first idea, but the Su.12 was not slow.

Baujahr(e) 1947
Länge 13,05 m
Tragflächenspannweite 21,58 m
Tragflügelfläche 52,4 m²
Antrieb zwei ASch-82FN
Leistung 1.380 kW (1.850 PS)
Höchstgeschwindigkeit 530 km/h in 5.300 m Höhe
Marschgeschwindigkeit 460 km/h
Steigzeit 5,3 min auf 5.000 m Höhe
Dienstgipfelhöhe 11.000 m
Reichweite 1.140 km
Start- /Landerollstrecke beide 220 m
Leermasse 7.552 kg
Startmasse 9.510 kg
Besatzung 4
Bewaffnung vier 20-mm-Kanonen B-20E mit insgesamt 200 Schuss
Bombenlast 450 kg
My dears Famvburg and Maveric,

as you know the work on Su-12 stopped in 1949,and as Maveric said,it was not slow,so
may be Sukhoi submitted anther proposal,and what about Yakovlev ?.
Where did the 1957 date?
An-2F or An-2NAK / NRK - OKB-153 (Antonov) and
Su-12 or RK - OKB-134 (Sukhoi) both aircraft developed in 1946-47.

Reconnaissance aircraft development OKB-115 (Yakovlev), the period covered by the terms of reference based on the resolution "On the construction of a pilot corrective-reconnaissance aircraft and helicopters experimental series." "О строительстве опытного корректировочно-разведывательного самолета и опытной серии геликоптеров." (Order of the Ministry of Aviation Industry from August 15, 1946) - I do not know.
borovik said:
Where did the 1957 date?
An-2F or An-2NAK / NRK - OKB-153 (Antonov) and
Su-12 or RK - OKB-134 (Sukhoi) both aircraft developed in 1946-47.

My dear Borovik,

the Air pictorial magazine of 1/1957 indicated to the designs were appeared in middle of
1950s,and they said ; they are undergoing evaluation by Red Army.

And what about Yak proposal ?.
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