Unknown Martin delta wing project

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
Reaction score
From Scott's blog.

Interesting design- looks very supersonic - maybe LRI-X?


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Great find my dear Overscan,

I think it was Model-251 high performance bomber,that because
it was similar the Model-245 a little.
I think, half circular around the nose . ???


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I do not think Model 251 is correct. This model number is about early 1950s - IMHO too early for such a design.

May be more like models 344, 345, 346 (all three attack aircaft), 350, 351 (both bombers for the USAF) or 358 (a supersonic attack bomber for the US Navy). All these seem to be late 1950s/early 1960s.

Jos Heyman
Very clean design. I also wonder about intake location also how does it land with the lower fins? Could it be rocket not airbreather (no need for intakes)?
Thanks for this photo, Scott !

And with the fin, there shouldn't be a problem, as there wasn't with
the MiG 23 either.


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I see the intakes now very clearly. Still strange intake inlet application. Yes looks supersonic so the nose cone would generate a shock, which could produce shock on lip external compression application. The inlets appear to be of 2D angular design. Very interesting combination. Striking clean streamline design makes want to build an RC EDF flying model. Way cool and thanks for posting!
airrocket said:
So would the lower strake or dorsal fin fold like MIG or eject like X-15?

Probably fold like the XF8U-3 or YF-12A. With it being an air-breather it's likely it could takeoff in which case it would need to fold it.
I do not think Model 251 is correct. This model number is about early 1950s - IMHO too early for such a design.

May be more like models 344, 345, 346 (all three attack aircaft), 350, 351 (both bombers for the USAF) or 358 (a supersonic attack bomber for the US Navy). All these seem to be late 1950s/early 1960s.

Jos Heyman
Appendix 1 of American Secret Projects: Bombers, Attack, & ASW Aircraft on page 218 identifies Model 251 as a four-jet hi-performance bomber from 1949, and on page 219 it identifies the Model 358 as similar to the Model 329. Models 345 and 346 were Martin proposals for the TS-149 contest that was won by the Grumman A2F Intruder, so aren't viable candidates for the Martin delta-wing model. Does anyone have project documents for the Martin Model 344, 350, and 351 to compare with Martin delta wing plane desktop model?

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