Unflown Wings: Unbuilt Soviet/Russian Aircraft Projects Since 1925

a very good effort of course,but I read up to chapter Ten,and now
I will not speak about main companies,but in lesser known designers,
that I reached from letter A to K,and I noticed those Projects were

- Bartini T-118,Aircraft-T,Aircraft-V,Aircraft-M
- Bereznyak-Isayev Aircraft-G
- Beriev some Projects
- Biesnovat Type-6
- BOK-6,BOK-10,BOK-11,BOK-12.BOK-13,BOK-14 & BOK-17
- Cheranovsky-Kurchyevski BICh fighter Project with DRP guns (not
- Golubkov flying boat Project
- Gorbunov GSh two seat armored attacker aircraft Project
- Kazan many Projects
- Kharkov many Projects
- Korolyev some Projects
- Kurchyevski -Grushin APK armed fighter Project

- Lisunov TS-82,Li-2MT & Li-3 ?
- Some MAI Projects
- Nikitin IS-18
- Many Rafaelyants Projects
- Petlyakov some Projects
- G. C. Richard
- Ros-Aeroprogress many Projects
- Silvanski
- Tikhonravov I-302Sh
- Yermolayev Yer-4 & Yer-6

generally,our works here ( SPF ) has a big influence in their book,and I suggest for them to
make a revised edition,I know that,it was published in 2016,but the lack of many Projects
effects on the final image.
Maybe also would be good to ask authors or owners of sources, that gordon and komissarov used for permission? Cause incompleting of this book is not its bigest problem...
a very good effort of course,but I read up to chapter Ten,and now
I will not speak about main companies,but in lesser known designers,
that I reached from letter A to K,and I noticed those Projects were

- Bartini T-118,Aircraft-T,Aircraft-V,Aircraft-M
- Bereznyak-Isayev Aircraft-G
- Beriev some Projects
- Biesnovat Type-6
- BOK-6,BOK-10,BOK-11,BOK-12.BOK-13,BOK-14 & BOK-17
- Cheranovsky-Kurchyevski BICh fighter Project with DRP guns (not
- Golubkov flying boat Project
- Gorbunov GSh two seat armored attacker aircraft Project
- Kazan many Projects
- Kharkov many Projects
- Korolyev some Projects
- Kurchyevski -Grushin APK armed fighter Project

- Lisunov TS-82,Li-2MT & Li-3 ?
- Some MAI Projects
- Nikitin IS-18
- Many Rafaelyants Projects
- Petlyakov some Projects
- G. C. Richard
- Ros-Aeroprogress many Projects
- Silvanski
- Tikhonravov I-302Sh
- Yermolayev Yer-4 & Yer-6

Also they missed this one (KB-7 R-05v Rocket Fighter);

Dear friends!
Due to the May holidays in Russia, I react a little belatedly to the book "Unflow Wings" by the so-called authors of Gorodn and Komissarov and the opinions of some forum members about this book.
I completely agree with the criticism of the book and can only add pages from my books, completely copied from my books and books with my participation. In total, about 50 pages of text, drawings and illustrations were stolen:
4, 129, 130, 140, 254, 265, 268, 271, 294, 305-359 - the entire chapter from the Illustrated Encyclopedia of Myasishchev Aircraft, 359-362, 364-371 = from the Illustrated Encyclopedia of Antonov Aircraft, 1 volume ; 365-392 = from "Beriev's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Airplanes", 1 volume; 411, 500-504.
I want to say that neither Gordon nor Komissarov have NEVER asked me for permission to publish my materials.
It started back in 1995, when Komissarov stole from me a manuscript ready for printing from my house and published it under his own name, first in Russian, then with Gordon in England.
Here is the evidence that the police gave me. Here is the translation:
I, Komissarov Dmitry Sergeevich, on my own initiative together with Mozhaeva A. I., Tsvetkov S. S. and Kataev E. B. unofficially and illegally released the book "Aircraft Il-76".
I know that this book was prepared by the Aviko Press publishing house together with the Ilyushin Design Bureau. The book was published in 2,000 copies and sold for 22,000 rubles. An additional circulation was planned. The initiator of this project was me, the publisher - A. Mozhaeva. 14.09.1995 ".
Analyzing other books by Gordon-Komissarov, one involuntarily ponders - is there at least one book written by them, but rewritten by other authors?
By the way, in many other books of these Russian Bonnie and Clyde, I found my works.
I am not at all surprised by their "creativity", I am amazed at how these two thieves from Russia became stars in the West.
Friends! I am sure some of you know them personally, please tell them that I will never give them permission to use my materials.
Now there are three volumes on Bartini's projects already published, please let me know if you see my and Marek's books published in England and using our work.
Thank you all for your support.
Yours sincerely, Ukon
Sorry to have come into this debate so late, but I thought I should add some of what I know, regarding Yefim Gordon. As some of you may be aware, I previously worked for Aerospace Publishing, and when we were about to publish a Russian edition of our WAIF magazine, it was suggested that Yefim would be a good source for some material. However, one of the management team mentioned the fact that he was aware that Yefim had plundered many of the archives of Russian manufacturers, with the obvious exception of Tupolev, and this was the basis of many of his so called archive of material. I leave you to debate the consequence of this!
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