As I said before,Shah of Iran asked for 250 [F-16] unit for his air force.
By the way, Shah requested for 300 F/A-18 at the same time.
Imagine an alternate timeline where we see F-16s and F/A-18s from both the United States and Iran flying against each other over the Persian Gulf. They won't necessarily shoot at each other, but they would go in a rough-and-tumble play dogfighting to test each other's skills and resolve.
Possibly F-18L at that, my man wanted an Ace Combat Air Force.
He expressed interest in 250 aircraft, required from the mid-1980s, to replace the F-4s bought in the 1960s and early 1970s. The types considered were the F-15, F-16 and F-18. The US denied export approval for the F-18L, as it wasn't in US service, and was sceptical about the case for the Phantom replacement at all.

I don't know what an Ace Combat Air Force is, but Iran's strategic goal was to be able to handle a Soviet invasion. That required much more capable armed forces than beating up Iraq and the Gulf states.

Dragging it back to the subject of the F-16, the desired Iranian procurement circa 1977 was:
  • 160 aircraft for air defence, as part of a high/low mix with the F-14s. These are the aircraft that were in production, with pilot training under way.
  • 140 aircraft for an expansion of the IIAF. These were requested in 1976 or 1977 but not approved.
  • A further 160 required from 1985 to replace the F-5 in existing units.
  • Possibly another 250 from the mid-1980s to replace the F-4 in existing units.
This has been discussed at some length in other threads. As has the F-18L.

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