UGLIEST Aircraft Built and Flown

'I'm feelin' sooo Lun-some..."

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aircraft to be beautiful we need to understand the reasons they were made like that, personaly I like the F-14, MiG-29, Lavi, Rafale, Mirage 4000, B-787, A-220 and so on the ugly aircraft are the ones that look less organic, I mean they look farther from our human concept of proportion.

when I look at the caspian monster i think If i wanted to make a ship that flies a few meters above the water with powerful armament I think I would have made it like it was made and probably i would had like it.

I think beauty is in knowing reasons, there are many wierd aircraft I like and others I do not like but everything depends if we understand the logic of the design and the time it was made, of course simplier the design more beautiful P-51 is my favorite WWII aircraft followed by Ar-234 and Me-262 but they are easy to understand streamlined aircraft but this monster is difficult to understand at first glance looks ugly it looks as it was an ugly bird with big nose and mouth and the jet engines were its ears something like a hammer head that lifts its tail on the beach.
the ugly aircraft are the ones that look less organic, I mean they look farther from our human concept of proportion.
You are right of course, and many so-called "ugly" designs have their own redeeming qualities...
but you do understand that this is a humorous thread, right?! ;-)
Nakajima B4N
I actually like this! It gives me Studio Ghibli vibes, it feels right out of one of their movies.

I actually like this! It gives me Studio Ghibli vibes, it feels right out of one of their movies.

Wasn't their a children's book in the late 60s-early 70's with whimsical designs? Long before the movie Radio Flyer--it had a kid dreaming of his red wagon being a flying machine.

One of my first memories of being in a doctors office.

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