ACCESS: Top Secret
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Wrong again.
How? It says so right there on the CIA's web site.XP67_Moonbat said:Wrong again.
Orion, charming as ever, but I can see a serious flaw in your logic: if you don't deny the possibility of aliens visiting, why do you doubt, to use your phrasing, the evidence supplied in verbal/ written reports from people of all walks of life from all over the world? Naturally, Ockham's razor is always a good thing and certainly a vast majority of the reports might be attributed to misinterpretation, hoax, LSD abuse, etc. But a handful of the incidents reported would be hard to explain away even with black projects- I will be happy to provide examples if you are interested.Orionblamblam said:Foxglove said:I got a different impression...
Why? What did I say that, in your mind, translated into "I deny the possibility of aliens visiting"?
There are lots of unlikely events or things that people have proposed. "X" might or might have happened. But without evidence that approaches proof, the only honest explanation is that "X might have happened, with a probability that is low/medium/high." And if the probability of X is low, your evidence had better be damned good before reasonable people will give your claims credence. But "doubt" is not the same as "denial." If you do in fact see expressions of doubt as expressions of denial... the problem is in *your* worldview. Those who are incapable of tolerating or comprehending doubters and nonbelievers are generally known as "fanatics" and worse, and if they are at all self aware, they should work to improve themselves rather than demanding that their beliefs be accepted by others.
Foxglove said:you doubt, to use your phrasing, the evidence supplied in verbal/ written reports from people of all walks of life from all over the world?
XP67_Moonbat said:You believers are all wrong. There are no UFO's.
Since UFO has become synonymous with 'alien' I think that was the point he was making.Lauge said:XP67_Moonbat said:You believers are all wrong. There are no UFO's.
Err..wrong. There are plenty of UFO's. A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object. Something that flies, and cannot be readily identified.
Regards & all,
Thomas L. Nielsen
bobbymike said:Since UFO has become synonymous with 'alien' I think that was the point he was making.
Foxglove said:Working to improve oneself is always beneficial, and it applies to everybody, whether you believe in God, aliens or common sense.
Last but not least, you see I'm also getting tired of this debate, which as sublight put it, isn't productive. Stick to your convictions and let me stick to mine and perhaps one day you'll realize that you should take your words back, which, of course, knowing you from your posts, you won't do.
PaulMM (Overscan) said:Unfortunately, "verbal or written reports" prove nothing but what the people concerned say they saw. If written or verbal reports constituted "proof", we would have to concede that every religion is proven true.
People believe many things that are either provably false or unproven. My mother-in-law is convinced that cold air causes colds, despite all scientific evidence about viruses. She can personally testify to many occasions when she got a cold after being exposed to cold moving air. This doesn't mean that she is right. Correlation is not causation. Another friend takes alternative medicine when she gets a cold and within a few days feels better. Oddly enough, I don't take anything, and generally within a few days I feel better too. However, she is convinced that the medicine worked for her.
Memories are also very unreliable. My sister and I have completely contradicting memories of a specific event when I was 16 years old. Naturally, I am certain my recollection is correct and she is mistaken.
Your provided links are illuminating. Apparently, some person has supplied some alleged alien UFO fragments. On testing, the metal is found to be pure magnesium. Not the best choice of metal for a high speed craft, really.
Does that make him doubt the hypothesis that these are UFO fragments? Nope, he simply assumes the UFO had some kind of magical protective barrier that prevented it from burning up at high speed. Of course, that is *far* more likely than someone faking the UFO fragments. This is not logical: it is wish fulfilment, pure and simple.
If this is the kind of thing you personally find convincing, then really it is no surprise you will find yourself feeling defensive in a forum with a greater than normal complement of analytical/scientific types.
Foxglove said:Orion, charming as ever, but I can see a serious flaw in your logic: if you don't deny the possibility of aliens visiting, why do you doubt, to use your phrasing, the evidence supplied in verbal/ written reports from people of all walks of life from all over the world?
Who would you trust more when hearing tales of the unknown?
Do you think this evidence is damn good enough?
Stick to your convictions and let me stick to mine and perhaps one day you'll realize that you should take your words back, which, of course, knowing you from your posts, you won't do.
Foxglove said:Orionblamblam, I assure you that for me the universe is fascinating enough, aliens or no aliens. And, I'm sorry to say, it is your attitude that is irrational, when you deny the possibility of alien visits. It reminds me of the views of one 18th or 19th century French academic, who was ready to bet that meteorites do not come from outer space because it's simply impossible: you can't have rocks flying across the cosmos, anybody who thinks otherwise is a dimwit.
If you care to find out about the latest in space exploration, you will learn that several hundred exoplanets have already been discovered, and, statistically, our galaxy alone could have millions of planets( latest news: even 400 BILLION extrasolar planets, source: wikipedia). If just a fraction of them developed life, and there is no reason to question this assumption, and another fraction of that developed intelligent life, we are still left with hundreds/ thousands of places where spacefaring civilizations could develop, ergo might have/ might be visiting us. This is not theorizing but a logical extrapolation with regard to astronomical data.
You know, while we are at it, the problem with academia, but also with any highly-qualified professionals, is of a psychological nature: it is the fear of the unknown, the fear of knowledge that could undermine many scientific/technological achievements or even ruin careers; hence the hostility, derision, and ostracism on the part of many experts when they are faced with information they can't readily categorize( or they do:misinterpretation, hoax, delusion, swamp gas, etc.) It is only human, but this conservatism hampers progress, cloaking itself in rationalism and empirism, otherwise an absolute necessity in science and most desirable in any cognitive process. In short, while we retain our scepticism, it is also worth keeping an open mind. Difficult as it sounds, it is possible.
As for the cartoon you posted, did you notice the bit about science being based on observation and adjusting itself accordingly? We are talking about observations here. And what about the line saying life is full of mystery? Even the most arrogant scientist will refuse to claim that we already know everything.
Foxglove said:RanulfC said:As for the OP and original (more current one suspects) report, more detail would help but the "claims" are in line with various "UFO" reports, ("UFO" in this case being less about "Unidentified Flying Objects" and more about "Something with fantastic abilities and properties but no one can prove what it was... But ya, it was aliens" kind of thinking) and very much unlikely to be some 'fantastic' technolgy drones that the US (or anyone else) has flying around.
No we don't have any "information" on these "drones" because from the sound of it they aren't "drones" but various types of "UFOs" (in the "Unidentified Flying Object" not "aliens" sense) that probably have some "mundane" explination but given lack of detail and account data are as yet unable to be classifed. The proported abilities are probably misinterpritations or misrepresentations of the data and until and unless there is access to more solid data my suggestion would be to simply take the story as a nice read but with no actual information given.
(Of course now I'm going to have to go out and get that issue just to see what's in the article myself)
[quote author=Foxglove]
Because I care about other people's opinions on secret drones.
Then here it is: They aren't "secret drones" but misinterpreted, misreported, and or mistaken observations of currently un-indentified phenomonon. They are probably not "owned or operated" by the US, CIA or any other particular agency or party, they most likely in fact to not exist at all.
If we go down this lane I might as well say, which you wrote yourself, the objects are most likely alien spaceships because existing human technology( at least publicly known) does not allow for the flight performance described above.
And why do you use 'we' when you write about your lack of knowledge of such technology, you know everybody posting here and how much they know?
How do you know, denying it categorically, that they aren't American drones, you're employed at Skunk Works or Phantom Works, you have full knowledge of current black programs, American or other?
And finally, why should I treat this article as a nice read only? 'Combat Aircraft' is not 'Private Eye' or 'News of the world', is it?
Stargazer2006 said:I'll have only one question, personally: Does it not seem strange to anybody that the Iranian military (whose high level of technology was recently proven in the form of a pathetically improbable would-be 5th generation fighter demonstrator) might be capable to adequately assess the speed of a UFO as being Mach 10? Not to mention be able to even follow it at all? And why would a respected publication such as Combat Aircraft even stoop to give any credit to intelligence emanating from Iran, anyway??
Nobody expects you people to accept that one Tu-160 was seen sightseeing over US anyhow .
The Iranian report is fabricated. Hostility toward UFO reports is required. The nonsense statement that half of UFO reports from the 1950s, much the less the 1960s, were recon flights follows no logic. Yes, they are going to leave spy planes in natural metal so sunlight could reflect off them, and fly them at low altitude as opposed to operational. UFO does not mean alien. Russian recon overflights are not out of the question.