UAP explanation: US anti gravity secret project?


ACCESS: Restricted
18 November 2023
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Ok, so this is my first post, so if I mistakenly titled, categorized or anything like that, my bad. Hopefully I haven't violated any rules, and if I have, I will remedy that ASAP. Hopefully there are some knowledgeable people here who can help figure out whether or not this is real, and whether or not my theory is accurate. I've found a couple of sources and pictures that seem to prove a connection between recently released UAP footage; Lockheed's Skunkworks and Boeing's Phantom works; and previous research efforts.
Podkletnov’s anti gravity experiment, which allegedly produced a measurable effect on gravity. Other experiments involve similar ideas, spinning superconductors create gravitoelectromagnetic forces, and nobody seems to be getting the same results. Some forces are measured near the superconductor ring’s edge, some are measured above it, some measure no forces at all.

(various sources, search for Podkletnov)
This research paper describes a test done that was similar to Podkletnov’s anti gravity experiment, but with different conditions and with different results.

If anyone can find a website that doesn’t disappear overnight or that isn’t blocked by a MacAfee page that prevents you from accessing the actual site, that would be great, as this is all I was able to find, but there were more diagrams.

(Search query: Podkletnov, looking at images, saw Skunkworks logo)
There is a lot of similarities between the “tic tac” and the “LMNOP”. EX: domed top, protrusion out the bottom, roundish overall shape. Additionally, the principle of the LMNOP is to create a strong downward force, and the “tic tac” is oriented to travel similar to a helicopter(it travels based on its orientation), indicating that it has downward thrust as its primary propulsion. I also saw an image that indicated that the craft was meant for travel to the moon, could do 100G’s of acceleration, and could reach the moon in 26 seconds? I hadn’t considered the idea of the image disappearing overnight, so I didn’t download it. If anyone else saw it or downloaded it let me know, as I’m not 100% confident on those numbers.

Conclusion, I need help finding further information about this, but what I have found so far seems to indicate that the “tic tac” UAP is a man-made object, from the US, that is based on superconductor and gravity interactions. All of the resources that support this that I have found are old, and, based on rumors surrounding Ning Li (a researcher who disappeared, and is supposedly still continuing their research in secrecy under government contract or something) more recent and possibly more potent results are probably classified. However, the similarity between the “tic tac” and the LMNOP diagram, the LMNOP and previous experiments demonstrating electronic influence on gravity is hard to refute; even if the LMNOP diagram is fake, it is based in real science that could be an explanation for UAP characteristics. Again, I need help finding more evidence that supports or refutes this theory, and your input can help with coming up with conclusions.

Additional source:
Analyses various Anti-gravity research programs, their results, and the fundamentals of Anti-gravity.
IIRC, the gallant Russian magneto-gravitic thing was bollixed by stray magnetic fields interacting with the weighing system. A bit more subtle than asymmetric vibration making eponymous home-inventor's bathroom scales read low, but drawn that way...

Also, IIRC, there was a recent admission that some of the infamous 'flaming wedges' and their kin reported over SW US were testing ablative anti-radar coatings. Plasma sheaths may squelch RADAR returns, so of interest both to swift spy-planes and ICBM MIRVs...
Of course, suppressing RADAR returns while lighting your craft like a ruddy 'Roman Candle' proved a tad counter-productive...

Now, where did I see that recent reference ? Ha ! David Hambling's 'Science' column in current issue of 'Fortean Times', of course:
FT 444 May 2024 p14. 'Cloak & Dagger,' the 'Dripper' sighting of ~July 1991
If antigravity research had produced credible, reproducible results, it would still be classified.

Next, the experiments mentioned by the OP would be classified and would have never appeared in any open literature, except, possibly, to confuse the Soviets or Chinese as to U.S. capabilities.

The various UFO/UAP reports constitute an ongoing campaign that started in 1947. Also, any visuals provided by the U.S. Navy or similar should be considered as little more than fake images designed to continue to propagate the original narrative. In other words, no one - among the public - knows what they are. We will never know.
Also, IIRC, there was a recent admission that some of the infamous 'flaming wedges' and their kin reported over SW US were testing ablative anti-radar coatings. Plasma sheaths may squelch RADAR returns, so of interest both to swift spy-planes and ICBM MIRVs...

Reentry vehicles have used ablatives with “anti radar” features since the 1950s. When an RV re enters radar sees the plasma more than the vehicle itself.. The ablative is tailored to produce plasma that has a lower radar return.

I don’t know what the “flaming wedges” you’re referring to are so I can’t comment on that.
If antigravity research had produced credible, reproducible results, it would still be classified.

Next, the experiments mentioned by the OP would be classified and would have never appeared in any open literature, except, possibly, to confuse the Soviets or Chinese as to U.S. capabilities.

The various UFO/UAP reports constitute an ongoing campaign that started in 1947. Also, any visuals provided by the U.S. Navy or similar should be considered as little more than fake images designed to continue to propagate the original narrative. In other words, no one - among the public - knows what they are. We will never know.
There are multiple actual antigravity experiments cited in the sources I linked. Antigravity is very disputed, with some people getting entirely effective "antigravity fields" of small area, some getting very small measurements, and a majority not getting any results at all.
The UAP reports very well may be fake, but the evidence I have found points to a real, physically plausible system, while there is nothing beyond keyboard theory about the UAP footage being fake. I asked for opinions, but opinions without backing aren't productive, and that's why I also asked for additional evidence to support or refute the theory. LMK if you find anything.
IIRC, the gallant Russian magneto-gravitic thing was bollixed by stray magnetic fields interacting with the weighing system. A bit more subtle than asymmetric vibration making eponymous home-inventor's bathroom scales read low, but drawn that way...

Also, IIRC, there was a recent admission that some of the infamous 'flaming wedges' and their kin reported over SW US were testing ablative anti-radar coatings. Plasma sheaths may squelch RADAR returns, so of interest both to swift spy-planes and ICBM MIRVs...
Of course, suppressing RADAR returns while lighting your craft like a ruddy 'Roman Candle' proved a tad counter-productive...

Now, where did I see that recent reference ? Ha ! David Hambling's 'Science' column in current issue of 'Fortean Times', of course:
FT 444 May 2024 p14. 'Cloak & Dagger,' the 'Dripper' sighting of ~July 1991
When others tried to replicate Podkletnov’s results, they arrived at mostly null results, but others have gotten positive measurable results. Ning Li used a high temperature superconductor, and allegedly didn't just reduce gravity, but counteracted it entirely, unverified source but to quote her here "a bowling ball placed anywhere above this disc will stay exactly where you left it."

also, I'm not sure how Plasma stealth is relevant here.
To put it simply:

* There is no known direct connection between gravity and electromagnetic. You can't "make gravity out of electric power" directly; only through energy-to-mass conversion (and while the latter is perfectly possible, it is not efficient)

* The gravity is extremely weak force. In fact, it's the weakest of ALL known fundamental interactions. It's 10e38 times weaker than electromagnetic forces. To put it simply - the photon drive (capable at best 1 N per 300 MWt of power) is 38 orders of magnitude better than gravity drive of the same power.
If antigravity research had produced credible, reproducible results, it would still be classified.
First of all, it would be impossible. Such fundamental research would be based on so much major discoveries, that the mere attempt to make it secret would alert all scientific community that "something interesting is going on".

Second, why bother? Gravity is a weak force. It can't do much (sorry, Perry the Platypus!). Its a freaking 38 ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE weaker than magnetic interactions. Why bother to make it secret?
To put it simply:

* There is no known direct connection between gravity and electromagnetic. You can't "make gravity out of electric power" directly; only through energy-to-mass conversion (and while the latter is perfectly possible, it is not efficient)

* The gravity is extremely weak force. In fact, it's the weakest of ALL known fundamental interactions. It's 10e38 times weaker than electromagnetic forces. To put it simply - the photon drive (capable at best 1 N per 300 MWt of power) is 38 orders of magnitude better than gravity drive of the same power.
I'd recommend reading the sources I have linked, and doing further research into Ning Li, who claimed in interviews to have entirely counteracted gravity using 1 KW of power, in a 1 foot radius above a rotating superconducting disk. I am currently trying to find the specific article that quotes her, once I do I am going to post it here, unless someone beats me to it. It's allegedly from a popular mechanics article in a October 1 1999 issue.

First of all, it would be impossible. Such fundamental research would be based on so much major discoveries, that the mere attempt to make it secret would alert all scientific community that "something interesting is going on".

Second, why bother? Gravity is a weak force. It can't do much (sorry, Perry the Platypus!). Its a freaking 38 ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE weaker than magnetic interactions. Why bother to make it secret?
Ning Li's initial experiments were generally ignored, but Podkletnov's experiments soon after provided confirmation, and gained a lot more publicity. Most of those who tested to confirm the effect had no results, but there are about a dozen or so experiments that have confirmed results. I linked a specific example of one of these, as well as a more general article that describes how gravity and electromagnetism are connected, and cites a multitude of research.

Even if the maximum achievable result that can be achieved is a 2% reduction in weight, as seen in Podkletnov's experiments,(which is unlikely according to Ning Li's quotations that indicate 100% effectiveness) there are still massive implementations; imagine, for example, reducing the weight of a building, or passenger jet, or rocket by 2%.

As edwest4 said, we will likely never know what the tic tac actually is.
However, we can still make deductions based on available information, and the more evidence there is for or against certain theories, the more likely it is we can make reasonable conclusions.

For further research I would ignore pulp non academic magazine articles (Fortean Times, UFO Magazine, Wiki, etc) and maybe suggest contacting the gravitational research department at Glasgow University as to current researches (or indeed any of the many universities currently studying this area of research) spoiler alert, so far none that I am aware of have publicly managed to replicate Podkletnov's claimed results !
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I'd recommend reading the sources I have linked, and doing further research into Ning Li, who claimed in interviews to have entirely counteracted gravity using 1 KW of power, in a 1 foot radius above a rotating superconducting disk. I am currently trying to find the specific article that quotes her, once I do I am going to post it here, unless someone beats me to it. It's allegedly from a popular mechanics article in a October 1 1999 issue.
There is no way it could work. I repeat; gravity is weak force. Its 38 orders of magnitude weaker than electromagnetism. And it's literally the basic of all physics around us.

As edwest4 said, we will likely never know what the tic tac actually is.
Well, the most probable explanation is that it was experimental balloon, launched from submerged submarine in some kind of secret test.
Even if the maximum achievable result that can be achieved is a 2% reduction in weight, as seen in Podkletnov's experiments,(which is unlikely according to Ning Li's quotations that indicate 100% effectiveness) there are still massive implementations; imagine, for example, reducing the weight of a building, or passenger jet, or rocket by 2%.
Sigh. Gravity isn't a "force" you could reduce. Gravity is a bending of time & space created by mass. You can't "screen" it.

If the Podkletov machine actually worked, its main effect would not be the reduction of weight, but the creation of the reduced time-space density bubble. With rather drastic effects for both Podkletov and immediate surrounding. Maybe even the whole Universe.
Boeing did look at Podkletnov's work, as did NASA. NASA couldn't replicate his findings, nor could anyone else who tried as far as I can see.

Not sure how to word this politely but the image you posted with LMNOP and a Skunkworks logo seems to be from this 2022 twitter post:


And is hence... nothing. There is no connection at all to Lockheed, and "LMNOP" doesn't seem to exist.
Boeing did look at Podkletnov's work, as did NASA. NASA couldn't replicate his findings, nor could anyone else who tried as far as I can see.

Not sure how to word this politely but the image you posted with LMNOP and a Skunkworks logo seems to be from this 2022 twitter post:


And is hence... nothing. There is no connection at all to Lockheed, and "LMNOP" doesn't seem to exist.
Nice find, the site That I originally downloaded the image from had an accompanying diagram, but it disappeared. The fact that it shows up through google search as a twitter post now kind of seals the fate of that. I did see an article about Boeing looking into it, and I have heard around that NASA did as well, and yes, they both reported that there were no positive results. Podkentov blamed their commercially bought superconductors and their use of liquid nitrogen instead of hydrogen, but Ning Li used a high temperature superconductor and got actual results in a static test, and went on to receive DOD funds and get top secret status.
I have both issues of Mechanix Illustrated from June and July 1957. In August, 1929, the magazine Science & Invention published an article by Thomas Townsend Brown titled "How I Control Gravitation." Basically, he observed the slight movement of two lead balls when electricity was applied. He began looking into this in 1923.
I have both issues of Mechanix Illustrated from June and July 1957. In August, 1929, the magazine Science & Invention published an article by Thomas Townsend Brown titled "How I Control Gravitation." Basically, he observed the slight movement of two lead balls when electricity was applied. He began looking into this in 1923.
Sigh. You realize that copper is diamganetic?
I'd recommend reading the sources I have linked, and doing further research into Ning Li, who claimed in interviews to have entirely counteracted gravity using 1 KW of power, in a 1 foot radius above a rotating superconducting disk. I am currently trying to find the specific article that quotes her, once I do I am going to post it here, unless someone beats me to it. It's allegedly from a popular mechanics article in a October 1 1999 issue.

That issue is available online:

Ning Li used a high temperature superconductor and got actual results in a static test, and went on to receive DOD funds and get top secret status.

So I did a quick look into this.

I see that there are many web pages that repeat the idea that Ning Li's company, AC Gravity LLC, received DoD funding in 2001/2002. Some of these claims are very specific, but do not have any sourcing. It appears that this is mostly circular reporting.

I was not able to find any documentation for a government contract between AC Gravity and the Department of Defense in any of the places I would expect to find something. That doesn't mean it does not exist, I was just not able to find it with a quick search.

There are also many web pages that claim that Ning Li disappeared sometime in the early 2000s. Some of these web sites imply the government had something to do with her disappearance. It makes a compelling story if you are into that sort of thing.

Of course, it's absolutely untrue. Li never disappeared. In 1999 she started her own business and stopped publishing papers affiliated with her former employer. She was still alive and very well for a number of years in Huntsville. This is and was a matter of public record. Even the most cursory look into Li using public records would have shown this. I was able to find plenty of records in a few minutes of looking.

But the "disappearance" makes a better story for the conspiracy-minded reader.

If AC Gravity did get a ~$500,000 contract it would not surprise me at all. If Ning Li got a security clearance to perform that work, it would also not surprise me at all. That does not mean that the work that they performed was classified Top Secret.

If you are interested in whatever work AC Gravity may have performed for the Department Of Defense, I would suggest contacting the Defense Technical Information Center through a FOIA request and ask for a list of documents with Ning Li as an author, AC Gravity as an author or corporate author, etc. That would be the place to start.

You could also make FOIA requests with the FBI and Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency. If AC Gravity and Li were considered for security clearances there would be records with either of those agencies.

If antigravity research had produced credible, reproducible results, it would still be classified.

Well, no. That is not how classification works.

Under current law, when something is classified it will stay that way until it is reviewed for release. Some agencies do have a process for declassification review of old files. Other agencies may not declassify something until it is requested through FOIA or MDR. If the classified information is over 25 years old it would be declassified unless it meets a narrow set of "specific" criteria (i.e. describes the inner workings of a nuclear weapon, human intelligence sources, etc.).

Producing credible, reproducible results is not one of the criteria for continued classification.

I have both issues of Mechanix Illustrated from June and July 1957. In August, 1929, the magazine Science & Invention published an article by Thomas Townsend Brown titled "How I Control Gravitation." Basically, he observed the slight movement of two lead balls when electricity was applied. He began looking into this in 1923.

Brown thought he was seeing gravity. He was not, this has been proven and reproduced many times over many years. There was no "gravity control" in his work.
I am familiar with the classification process. In this particular case, had this work led to practical results then the complete process would be a working system of some kind. It would be classified since it could be exploited by other countries. If it was scaled up, and could levitate a large object, the fundamental reason(s) relating to how gravity could be manipulated could have been discovered. If, for example, a localized field effect could be created, an aircraft could be built with antigravity flight capabilities.
If antigravity produced reproducible results... someone would be rolling in mountains of cash from it right now.

That's one of the simplest tests of a proposed "amazing discovery." Did someone commercialize it?

Nikola Tesla developed a means of transmitting power without wires. The man financing this project asked if a meter could be attached so money could be made. When Tesla said no, J. P. Morgan withdrew his support and the Wardenclyffe Tower was torn down and sold for scrap.
When word of the possibility of the large release of atomic energy by nuclear fission was published in the open literature, various countries began investigating this discovery. France made some progress but the German invasion ended that. Antigravity applied to aircraft would be one of a number of possible applications. If any vehicle could contain a field effect antigravity generator, assuming it could be built, then it could be weightless or almost weightless. Once switched off, it would return to its normal weight. If the assumed field effect could be projected in a beam, an object in range could be rendered weightless.
When word of the possibility of the large release of atomic energy by nuclear fission was published in the open literature, various countries began investigating this discovery. France made some progress but the German invasion ended that. Antigravity applied to aircraft would be one of a number of possible applications. If any vehicle could contain a field effect antigravity generator, assuming it could be built, then it could be weightless or almost weightless. Once switched off, it would return to its normal weight. If the assumed field effect could be projected in a beam, an object in range could be rendered weightless.

I do not see the connection between fission and gravity. Can you elaborate or explain?
I do not see the connection between fission and gravity. Can you elaborate or explain?

Once a world-changing discovery is published, scientists in countries who can exploit it will exploit it. The discovery of atomic fission propelled the development of atomic bombs. The discovery of practical antigravity could take spaceships that are weightless to orbit and on to other planets. It could also conceivably be used as a weapon. When manned powered flight became possible, machine-guns were added.
Once a world-changing discovery is published, scientists in countries who can exploit it will exploit it. The discovery of atomic fission propelled the development of atomic bombs. The discovery of practical antigravity could take spaceships that are weightless to orbit and on to other planets. It could also conceivably be used as a weapon. When manned powered flight became possible, machine-guns were added.

OK, so the connection is more philosophical?


When word of the possibility of the large release of atomic energy by nuclear fission was published in the open literature, various countries began investigating this discovery. France made some progress but the German invasion ended that. Antigravity applied to aircraft would be one of a number of possible applications.

The impression I got from " Antigravity applied to aircraft would be one of a number of possible applications. " was that you were making a technical connection between fission and antigravity, that antigravity was an application of fission.

Did I have an incorrect interpretation?
OK, so the connection is more philosophical?


The impression I got from " Antigravity applied to aircraft would be one of a number of possible applications. " was that you were making a technical connection between fission and antigravity, that antigravity was an application of fission.

Did I have an incorrect interpretation?

Antigravity, like atomic energy, would change the world.
Nikola Tesla developed a means of transmitting power without wires. The man financing this project asked if a meter could be attached so money could be made. When Tesla said no, J. P. Morgan withdrew his support and the Wardenclyffe Tower was torn down and sold for scrap.
Proving my point. Wireless power transmission, while possible, proved to not be "amazing," since it's not really commercializable.

Consider cold fusion, water powered cars, free energy devices, Dean drives, perpetual motion machines: *MANY* people have not only claimed to have invented such things, but have built followings of tinkerers who have built their own. Many of these people claim these things work. Yet why aren't any of them rich? Because they either don't work, or they work at a loss. They're less "amazing" and more "meh."
Antigravity, like atomic energy, would change the world.
So would the discovery of ghosts, telekinesis, surviving dinosaurs, time travel, vibranium, portals to Heaven/Hell. But the fact that such a discovery would change the world doesn't mean that such a thing is likely or even possible.
When word of the possibility of the large release of atomic energy by nuclear fission was published in the open literature, various countries began investigating this discovery. France made some progress but the German invasion ended that. Antigravity applied to aircraft would be one of a number of possible applications. If any vehicle could contain a field effect antigravity generator, assuming it could be built, then it could be weightless or almost weightless. Once switched off, it would return to its normal weight. If the assumed field effect could be projected in a beam, an object in range could be rendered weightless.
The operative term in your argument above is "assuming it could be built". Assuming it could be built, I might have a machine right now in my office that turns Felis catus scat into solid 24 carat gold, but alas, I don't...
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Reminds me of a silly joke... one man takes a 5 kg lead ballast and attach it to his left testicle with a 80 cm cord. Then he does the same on his right testicle, except the cord is 60 cm and the lead ballast is 7 kg.

Which cord will break first ?

The vocal cord(s) !

(I'll get my coat).
Are there any related actual bona fide USG reports on this topic out in the open?
Nikola Tesla developed a means of transmitting power without wires
Yes, with a practical range of a few meters at best. Tesla simply did not understood electrodynamic (his views on the matter were hopelessly XIX century), and - ever optimisitc - persuaded himself that he could magically make his coil to work on any distances.

When Tesla said no, J. P. Morgan withdrew his support and the Wardenclyffe Tower was torn down and sold for scrap.
Incorrect. J.P. Morgan hired Tesla to build a wireless trans-Atlantic telegraph. Tesla, being Tesla, decided instead to build "atmospheric energy machine", which would resonate imaginary (nonexistent) powerful electrical fields in atmosphere and ground. He spend Morgan's money pursuing his personal chimeras. When Morgan find out that Tesla broke the contract, wasted his money, and produced nothing that actually worked - not even a prototype - he demanded his money back.

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