All about roles. Once the RN ditched fixed-wing carrier based ASW aircraft there was simply no need for a true CVS in the Essex mould. The escort cruiser mashed together the role of ASW helicopter platform, command ship and AAW ship into one. If you build a simple vessel you have to put that functionality into other hulls.

The Tiger conversions are much criticised but there has been some considerable exaggeration as to the relative nature of their cost. Blake's cost less than a new-build Leander and Tiger's less than a new-build Type 21. Don't get me wrong, thats not ideal but its not the bank breaking money pit that the conversions are often presented as.
Interesting, I did not know that.

I still cannot help wondering why the RN did not look at a cheap light carrier for combined ASW and
Commando roles rather than a cruiser. After all its down to say 10 to 20 helos versus 4 or so.
The savings on manpower and refurbishments would have surely paid for 2 to 3 such ships replacing
the Tiger class and the Albion/Bulwark from say the late 60s.
Makes you wonder why they didn't do more with the Tigers, i.e. a guided missile conversion, maybe use one or more of them to get Sea Dart and possibly Ikara to sea instead of building a single Type 82. Considering their final radar outfit and removal of two of the three Mk6 twin 3", why not delete the final one in B position as well and fit Sea Dart there, then in the 70s replace Seacat with Seawolf and maybe even fit Exocet. Probably good reasons not to but they were in service, they had large crews but had to be retained for the command control and later their helicopters on two of them, so why not fit them with more systems to increase their flexibility and combat power to better justify their large man power use.

Does anyone know if something like this was considered in the 60s or 70s, I have never seen anything to that effect but it seems strange considering the US, Dutch, Italians, French and Russians all did guided missile upgrades to gun cruisers that the UK didn't, especially as they were planning escort and later ASW/command cruisers. I'm not thinking about the Seaslug conversions that never went ahead but specifically a later Seadart / Seawolf one and possibly even Ikara, as the primary sensor used for targeting that weapon was the dipping sonar of the Seaking helicopter as it range far exceeded that of a hull mounted sonar against most targets.
I think any idea of making more of the Tigers so to speak had long been put to one side. Their manning demands alone made them very expensive ships to keep in service, I have read, but cannot currently recall where, that their crew demands were in part only met by the run-down of the carrier force. Also, don’t forget they were very old hulls, built to wartime standards too. They were between 14 and 16 years old when they were originally completed, even the Admiralty were aware there they were very much obsolescent. There had been projects for fitting guided missiles to the earlier Colony class cruisers (Sea Slug) which were far from satisfactory, and it has to be remembered that Sea Dart was a much later time-frame. By the time it was operational, the Tigers were more than a little long-in-the-tooth. There is no way that funds would have been wasted on them in fitting such new systems into vessels which were so manpower intensive and short of future service life use. Friedman does mention that there was a proposal to fit Exocet, I think in place of the forward main turret, but this was vetoed.
The drawing of a variant of Type 82 drawn on the cover of a volume of Rawson and Tuppers Basic Ship Theory but without an original source is worth comparing with a similar drawing of an early version of the Type 82 in Rebuilding the Royal Navy and HMS Bristol as built.


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I've seen these images in either Brown's Rebuilding the RN or Friedman's British Destroyers. The image on the right raises a question for me, the gun turret appears to be a US 5"/38, was there ever any suggestion to use this. IIRC at one point there was proposals to fit the Mk IV 4.5" gun, so using the 5"/38 is not unreasonable.

I realise that the Mk8 was still in the design stage at this time, so this might be an early concept.
I've seen these images in either Brown's Rebuilding the RN or Friedman's British Destroyers. The image on the right raises a question for me, the gun turret appears to be a US 5"/38, was there ever any suggestion to use this. IIRC at one point there was proposals to fit the Mk IV 4.5" gun, so using the 5"/38 is not unreasonable.

I realise that the Mk8 was still in the design stage at this time, so this might be an early concept.

I’ve always assumed it was a rough drawing based on the Mark 5 Mod 1, as fitted on the Tribal-class frigates. There’s an overhang on the roof of that mount, and the rear of the gun sticks out the back as far as the overhang. At the scales these drawings are, probably best to combine them into one blocky outcrop than try to give realistic detail.
This MOD RN artwork shows the gun, which appears to be the Mk8 with an earlier turret design. Friedman mentions the earlier Tribal style mount was suggested initially.


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I've seen these images in either Brown's Rebuilding the RN or Friedman's British Destroyers. The image on the right raises a question for me, the gun turret appears to be a US 5"/38, was there ever any suggestion to use this. IIRC at one point there was proposals to fit the Mk IV 4.5" gun, so using the 5"/38 is not unreasonable.

I realise that the Mk8 was still in the design stage at this time, so this might be an early concept.

As UK75 says in his post ".. drawing of an early version of the Type 82 in Rebuilding the Royal Navy .."
This MOD RN artwork shows the gun, which appears to be the Mk8 with an earlier turret design. Friedman mentions the earlier Tribal style mount was suggested initially.

That turret looks like the Swedish 120mm/46 TAK120. o_O
Enlarged the gun in the drawing. Pictures of the Swedish and Mk8 for comparison


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Let me provide a better quality drawing:


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Anyone got any information on the version of the Type - 82 stretched to carry Chinooks mentioned in Brown's Rebuilding the Royal Navy?
This weird reference has been discussed in this and various related threads. The general consensus is that Brown was refering to the 1966 decision to proceed with two separate classes (Type 42 destroyer and Command Cruiser (which became the Invincible class CVS). The double page spread of 1966 Fleet Working party drawings includes two designs which also appear in Friedmans book on British Cruisers and a book called Hybrid Warships. These are not stretched Type 82s but are generally thought to be what Brown meant.
A number of contributors here do serious research from primary sources and have yet to unearth a specific Type 82 variant.
The closest we have is Study 21 shown below (Shipbucket version)


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I must admit to being puzzled as to why you both are getting so worked up. The question that I posed remains on the table.

Somewhere there must be someone who knows what a stretched Type 82 with helo deck might have looked like. I accept that
no drawings may have been done, and that it may have just been a series of numbers and stats.

Furthermore, let us get some perspective, we are talking about a possible project fifty years after it was looked at. I cannot really
see why we need to get worked up. I for one just see it as a bit of harmless historical interest.
Somewhere in all of this the question of what happened to abortive designs crops up. I think that references to the Admiralty meticulously retaining information on these designs is really references to the Ships' Covers, many of which are at the Brass Foundry out-station of the National Maritime Museum. This collection certainly includes a lot of abortive designs, such as a 1906 battleship, the Malta class carrier, the 1945 Battleship, the G (1945) class destroyer, the initial 1945 frigate, the postwar missile cruiser, and of course CVA01. But -- a big but -- a lot of Covers never made it to the Brass Foundry. In a few cases they were given numbers for what they didn't get (all the Covers are numbered). The example I can remember is the 1953 ASW submarine. Although in theory the Brass Foundry was supposed to get all Covers when they were declassified, in some cases the holders seem to have found it easier simply to destroy them -- I once heard that the Leander Cover died that way. The Covers were part of the way the DNC Department kept track of its work. They died when design authority went out-of-house, as is currently the case. My understanding is that the Type 23 Cover was the last of the lot.

To make things more interesting, there were a lot of designs which did not end up in Covers. Examples would be the bridge between the Iron Duke and Queen Elizabeth class battleships and a wartime anti-aircraft cruiser, a Legend for which you can find in the papers of the Future Building Committee. There are no Covers, I think, for the interwar sketch designs of midget battleships intended to explore Treaty limits (but there are papers, including drawings, in TNA).

There were also a lot of DNC drawings intended for the Board. Lots of them are referenced in Covers and elsewhere, but very very few have ever surfaced (the exception may be drawings in the Cover for the big missile cruiser killed in 1957). You'll notice that there are no drawings in the 1945 Battleship Cover, which has turned up on this site. And of course there are a lot of DNC-produced sketches in the papers produced to describe the future carrier-less fleet about 1966. But we haven't seen any relevant Covers.

So it isn't old disk drives that have killed this story, it is the much simpler and more depressing story of files destroyed to make space for newer ones. Once DNC and its successor DG Ships lost their authority over new designs, they really didn't need all that accumulated experience, meaning the Covers. I have no idea whether they were inherited by the current Design Authority, which is BAE, but I am skeptical.

On the US side, there are no Covers, but the old BuShips/NAVSEA Preliminary Design group kept files on each design. Typically there was a design history plus books of calculations, such as damage resistance. The design history was a compilation of relevant papers, including sketch designs. I think the Long Beach file has survived at College Park. Kidd is an interesting case. It was not a Navy design at all. Preliminary Design sketched a gas turbine destroyer as a feasibility study leading to a design competition among builders. Litton won with the Spruance. Kidd is a version of Spruance. It happened that Spruance was designed so that it could be converted into a DDG, because when it was conceived it seemed that the fleet might need more DDGs in future. There is a very good Spruance history by Potter (I forget his first name) published some years ago by USNI. Burke is, incidentally, a Navy design, as is the Perry class.
You peeked my interest by the mentioning of a 1906 Battleship, was that a different design than Dreadnought?
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Anyone got any information on the version of the Type - 82 stretched to carry Chinooks mentioned in Brown's Rebuilding the Royal Navy?

My version of RtRN does mention consideration of a stretched, 10,000 ton Bristol-class for command and helicopters. No mention of Chinooks, which IIRC were an early-to-mid 60s goal, and left by the wayside when the future fleet was being considered in 66-67.
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Writing in the Journal of Naval Engineering in 1966, Commander D. G. Greaves, R.N., C.Eng, described the machinery arrangement for the Type 82 destroyer and gave some background to its origin. I have written here before about the chaotic evolution of the Type 82 from a 3-3,500 ton Leander class follow-on to a 6-7,000 ton destroyer (I have seen the designation DLG.09 used for her in RN documents), and Commander Greaves gives a good account of this from an engineering perspective. The article includes a poorly reproduced photo of the Type 82 model from astern, showing the very attractive aesthetic of the final design, and a diagram showing the layout of the ship's machinery spaces, both attached for completeness. The text about the evolution of the design is reproduced below:

A brief history of the events which led up to the current machinery installation design and some explanation to indicate why a destroyer design should be allocated a Type number normally reserved for frigate designs may be of some interest. Commencing with the Whitby and Blackwood Class frigates, to which Type numbers 12 and 14 respectively were allocated, all later steam machinery New Designs and Converted frigates were sequentially numbered. Similarly, new series of Type numbers 41 and 61 were raised for the Diesel engined frigates and a further series, commencing at 81, for COSAG engined frigates, the first being the Tribal Class. A ship design study was initiated by Director-General Ships in April, 1961, for a frigate design to eventually replace the highly successful Whitby / Rothesay / Leander / lmproved Leander vessels, this frigate to be equipped with CF 299, a new surveillance radar, among other weapons, and the propelling machinery to be selected by the Marine Engineering Directorate. During this stage the design was known variously as the 'CF 299 Frigate' or 'New Frigate', until a Draft Staff Requirement published on 8th March, 1963, introduced the term 'Post Leander Frigate'. Complementary to the Ship Design Study, the Project Group of the Marine Engineering Directorate prepared a plant evaluation report published in June, 1962, as a result of which a feasibility study was undertaken by that same group to investigate in more detail the following types of machinery installation:

(i) Steam
(ii) COSAG, based upon the Y. 111A design
(iii) Gas turbines
(iv) Diesel

The Feasibility Study Report was finally published in July, 1963, by which time the design had become known as the SIGS Frigate (Small Improved Guidance System). D.M.E. accepted the recommendation of this report to the effect that an all-steam machinery installation design be selected as the propelling machinery and in April, 1963, a contract was placed with the YarrowAdmiralty Research Department to prepare the Guidance Drawings and Part 1V Machinery Specification for a single-skin frigate design, i.e., no double bottoms, of 45 ft beam and 91 ft total main machinery space length, developing 40,000 s.h.p. It was at this stage that the D.M.E. New Design Destroyer Section was invested with the responsibility of developing up the basic design into a ship installation including supervising the preparation of the Specifications. and Guidance Drawings. It was also at this time that the Type number of 82 was allocated to this particular design of G.P. frigate.

By October, 1963, when the 'Staff Requirements for Type 82 General Purpose Frigate' were published, the beam had been, of necessity, increased to 50 ft and the displacement accordingly by hull and weapon design development. Already the power requirements necessary to meet the specified performance were rapidly extending beyond those upon which the machinery design had been based. As it had become obvious that even at this stage of the design the proverbial quart was materializing, it was considered essential to re-appraise the complete ship and machinery design. In January, 1964, as a result of this detailed examination, a number of decisions were promulgated which meant, for the Marine Engineering Directorate, a 'back to the drawing board' approach to the machinery design. Those which affected the machinery in particular were:

(a) Propelling machinery to be combined steam and gas (COSAG)
(b) Beam to be increased to 52 ft
(c) Increase in displacement necessitating a further proportionate increase in the s.h.p. required
(d) Double-bottom hull construction to be utilized.

All of these had considerable repercussions on the design, not the least being the last item (d) which resulted in the loss of the full tank depth to the height available for the machinery installation and a considerable loss of beam, external double-bottom tanks being frowned upon by naval conrtructors. A rapid re-examination of the machinery design was essential in order to provide sufficient support to the Naval Construction Directorate in submitting the Sketch Design to the Board, and a machinery space length of 114 ft, based more on County Class experience than the actual design to be installed, was agreed.

The description 'Type 82 Escort' appeared in July, 1964, and was established in August, 1964, by the publication of 'Staff Requirements for Type 82 General Purpose Escort'. At the same time the beam was further increased to 54 ft as a result of detailed development of the Building Drawings, and 'Destroyer' category had been firmly perpetuated by March, 1965. No further alterations to the Class title have been suggested, equilibrium having been achieved with 'Type 82 Guided Missile Destroyer'.

In short, as a result of the rapid growth in the size of the ship a modified version of the County class propulsion system had to be adopted for the Type 82, increasing the SHP by 50% against the earlier design.


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This picture has always felt odd to me, a few things just didn’t feel ‘right’. One of those things was the machinery layout. However, having taken another look I think it’s quite obvious what’s going on (and presumably others worked it out before I did). It’s two sets of gas turbines in separate gas turbine rooms, trunked into a single funnel structure, each with their own gearing set, in separate rooms, one after another, e.g. from fore to aft GT-Gearing-GT-Gearing. Note that both GT rooms and both gearing rooms are the same size suggesting a uniform GT fit as in the Invincible class (Olympus) and Type 43 (Spey).

Armament and equipment wise all the major components line up to an overlapping, albeit narrow, timeframe. Assuming that the large amidship radome is for the Type 988 the design must date to 1968, when the RN abandoned the set, or earlier. The presence of surface-to-surface missile box launchers puts it no earlier than about 1965/66, the same for the Sea King on the flight deck. There is a potentially slightly later timeframe associated with NSR.7938 that could explain the amidships radome but this feels less likely.

The Authors of Basic Ship Theory, which is the source of this image, were both former members of the Naval Construction Division. There is a workbook for K. J. Rawson held in the National Maritime Museum collection and D. K. Brown credits Eric Tupper as leading the Type 82 design team which would obviously put him in the right place at the right time to have been involved in the generation of this design if it is an actual RN design.

Based on the above, on balance of probability, I think this is a real design from the RN ship design community in the late 1960s, possibly something produced to support the Future Fleet Working Party studies. That the drawing doesn’t show a Sea Dart magazine, which logically should be under the hangar, does still feel weird to me though.


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I have my doubts about that dome representing Type 988 / Broomstick, as that would mean the funnel would block it massively, especially as the funnels appear to be side by side the mast. The Broomstick radar was centered roughly on the bottom of the rounded section, as can be seen in the images I drew of her for shipbucket some years ago:
I have my doubts about that dome representing Type 988 / Broomstick, as that would mean the funnel would block it massively, especially as the funnels appear to be side by side the mast. The Broomstick radar was centered roughly on the bottom of the rounded section, as can be seen in the images I drew of her for shipbucket some years ago:
Even if the system in the dome wasn't Type 988, it was clearly a radar of some kind. It will be noted that this design wasn't taken forward - that was no doubt something that was counted against it.

When I was going to the Brass Foundry to research WW2 era warships I was told that the staff there were angry that the MOD had slowed the release to them on many later designs (post-WW2)

The main cause of their complaint was a submarine depot ship ( HMS Forth ? ) where they knew a ships cover existed. They SUSPECTED that the problems arose because there was a blanket ban on anything associated with nuclear (the depot ship had been modified to mother nuclear subs).

Over and above that, the later designs had much info produced by computer - and the problem was that you needed the software (and specialist hardware) to read/understand the design. So they thought they would never get real "covers" for computerised designs.


When I was going to the Brass Foundry to research WW2 era warships I was told that the staff there were angry that the MOD had slowed the release to them on many later designs (post-WW2)

The main cause of their complaint was a submarine depot ship ( HMS Forth ? ) where they knew a ships cover existed. They SUSPECTED that the problems arose because there was a blanket ban on anything associated with nuclear (the depot ship had been modified to mother nuclear subs).

Over and above that, the later designs had much info produced by computer - and the problem was that you needed the software (and specialist hardware) to read/understand the design. So they thought they would never get real "covers" for computerised designs.

This is why it is difficult to get hold of info on the DDGN designs of the RN? (The GWS.3 NIGS ships)
Tzoli (and the rest of you). NW is almost certainly the issue. MoD via the Lord Chancellors department have been 'gardening' at Kew. Kew used to hold Notes on Above Water Weapons (NAWW), where the last edition had an article on the CVS, and identified how many NW she would carry. TNA Discovery now shows it's no longer accessible, at the Lord Chancellors direction
Tzoli (and the rest of you). NW is almost certainly the issue. MoD via the Lord Chancellors department have been 'gardening' at Kew. Kew used to hold Notes on Above Water Weapons (NAWW), where the last edition had an article on the CVS, and identified how many NW she would carry. TNA Discovery now shows it's no longer accessible, at the Lord Chancellors direction
Doesn't surprise me that got redacted, even if it was a never-built.

In the US, the usual limit is a statement along the lines of "special weapons storage" with no mention of the N-word as relates to weapons. Further, the engineering spaces for nuclear powered ships are no-visitors and usually left blank or edited out of released drawings.
Scott. The original document dated from the early 1970's, and was then classified S. It was released to TNA Kew, and was on their catalogue for a number of years with open access ; I've read it there. It's removal implies there's an active programme to eradicate mention of NW, in publically accessible records, despite the passage of more than 50 years.
Scott. The original document dated from the early 1970's, and was then classified S. It was released to TNA Kew, and was on their catalogue for a number of years with open access ; I've read it there. It's removal implies there's an active programme to eradicate mention of NW, in publically accessible records, despite the passage of more than 50 years.
That is baffling and disconcerting...
Three CF.299 frigate concepts date to 1961-3. When I first saw these I thought they were just generic layouts to show how the CF.299 could be installed but I am now leaning towards them being more serious than that, especially the two 3,600 ton concepts. The 3,600 ton ship with the aft mounted CF.299 shows some Type 82 DNA in its basic layout, including the arrangement of armament, Type 909s, and Ikara tracking radars. The Type 988 mounted directly above the small bridge is also similar to the ultimate Type 82 design. That said, the bridge and bridge/MACK combination looks somewhat cosy. Only on the aft CF.299 version do the bridge wings also appear to serve as funnels, they have some similarity to the funnels proposed for CVA01. It’s worth noting that only the aft CF.299 ship has the full 38 missile configuration, the forward arrangement loses a row of missiles reducing its capacity to 34. The smaller diesel ship is 1,400tons.

If you took the aft CF.299 version, built up the foredeck, replaced the single machinery space with the County class machinery arrangement, then made the whole thing a bit bigger before adding a 4.5" Mk.8 you would basically end up with the final Type 82 design. For that reason I suspect these might be representative of actual DNC designs very early in the Type 82 design process.

The oddest thing is the gun, the 4" Mk.25 single was a weapon intended to equip DEMS, and briefly considered for the Type 42 coastal sloop, in the early-mid 1950s. Its weird seeing it on an early 1960s CF.299 frigate. My hypothesis is that there was a hard requirement to engage surface targets, likely small craft (hence SS.11 being in the staff requirement), and the 4" Mk.25 was the smallest, lightest, cheapest, (close to) existing weapon that ticked that box.


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They do look plausible (excepting those crazy bridge wing funnels! - one way to keep warm on watch I guess!).

The Ikara forward design looks interesting (very Kresta-ish). I've done some very basic comparisons and I think that this might point to a one-level magazine much like the original RAN River-class layout, it's certainly long enough, although the tapering beam might mean less than 26 missiles.
Hood (et al)

You need to look at the article on RN Weapons in Warship 2015, particularly the drawings for the early Bristol Ikara magazine. All the early Ikara fits were based on a vertical merry-go-round across two decks. It held 21 rounds, with 4 special i.e. 600 lb rounds held in a separate deep magazine. The scheme was narrower (only 11 missiles wide) than that finally adopted, and was pencilled in for Type 17, CVA-01 and Type 82. When the 600lb payload was cancelled, Bristol was reworked into a one deck scheme, holding 16, plus another 8 in the reserve magazine
Yellow Palace. No, it was 21 rounds, 11 across the top, 10 in the lower tier, the one blank allowed the sequence to index around. It was a vertical version of the Seadart horizontal lanes. The 600lb loaded missiles were stowed on wheeled trolleys in a deep magazine, and transferred in the Ikara Assembly Room, onto the loading trolley. They weren't part of the 21 round automated magazine. Drawings are in the Warship article. I've got a soft copy, but can only send it to individuals, rather than posting it, due to copyright constraints.

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