Turkish Aircraft Carrier concept

Hrm. Between the two designs shown, my recommendation for the Turks would be the one with the angled deck. So that if/when you put a catapult or three onto the thing, you have less rework to do.

Not really, there are quite a few of new technology they are planning to use on the 003, and it will serve as both a technology demonstrator and operational CV. If you are familiar with PLAN developments you should know that they are famous for play safe in new design.
We'd also see a brand new nuke plant get built, with all the technicians strangely marching around...

Referring to big production halls, every major shipyards are building them as it will be weather-proof, thus reducing the delays in production due to weather, and with proper lighting and ventilation workers can operate 24/7 inside (Unions: what?)
Unions: That will cost you extra.
Hrm. Between the two designs shown, my recommendation for the Turks would be the one with the angled deck. So that if/when you put a catapult or three onto the thing, you have less rework to do.
I think the modular design and the space for the possible catapult adition are for in case they decide to go for a Naval Kaan. Otherwise both designs seemingly have two different conops altogether. They'd probably go for the revision during the MLU around 2050+, which makes a lot of sense.

By the time the construction begins, it'll be 2030s already and 2050+ by the time of the MLU, so you gotta expect the unexpected and prepare for it.

But in the meawhile I'm satisfied with Naval Hürjet, Kizielma and Anka-3. You'd have a deep strike capability with Anka-3 and a LW with Kizilelma already, so you don't need a stealth fighter on top of this if you're not trying to take on China.

Also, acc. to a Naval Architect in an another forum; the design without the angled deck is probably the old design, not a competing design.
An interesting question is: what for? What for this massive Turkish military effort? Where are the threats?
We Westerners (North Americans and Europeans) watched passively the hughe Russian military built-up since around 2005, without asking -or daring to ask- ourselves why it was taking place, what was the objective, even after Putin's 2007 Munich CSP speech, even after the annexation of Crimea he himself later described as the first true Russian response to the (alledgely Western-manipulated) collapse of the USSR. Since February 2022 we know that this massive rearmament aims at reinstating a Russian empire (ie domination over non-Russian nations and territories). Perhaps it would be a good idea to start asking the same question about Turkey, especially in NATO (is Turkey still an ally?) and the EU, where fortunately Turkey has remained a candidate-country since 1964.
An interesting question is: what for? What for this massive Turkish military effort? Where are the threats?
We Westerners (North Americans and Europeans) watched passively the hughe Russian military built-up since around 2005, without asking -or daring to ask- ourselves why it was taking place, what was the objective, even after Putin's 2007 Munich CSP speech, even after the annexation of Crimea he himself later described as the first true Russian response to the (alledgely Western-manipulated) collapse of the USSR. Since February 2022 we know that this massive rearmament aims at reinstating a Russian empire (ie domination over non-Russian nations and territories). Perhaps it would be a good idea to start asking the same question about Turkey, especially in NATO (is Turkey still an ally?) and the EU, where fortunately Turkey has remained a candidate-country since 1964.
You've answered your own question. The Russian Empire and the Turks have fought a lot.
Turkey is bracketed, somewhat: Ukraine war in the north (Black sea), middleast clusterf*ck in the south (Syrian border, also Iran and Iraq). No surprise they are a bit nervous and rearm like crazy.
rearm like crazy
actually the military budget is significantly below the 2% NATO target, and for a large country that needs a lot of equipment and coverage, Turkey is actually not arming at all. Compared to 20 years ago, most of the inventory is quite ancient now; most of the budget goes to R&D instead.

Maybe that is because most of the equipment of significance became online only recently, but by the time the AC starts contruction, expect an increase in the budget. When the procurements are made, even the Navy alone will jump at least 300% in capability.
The usual. Tries the usual work on voters. Claims the Arab streets like the brilliant leadership of the country and the jealous Arab monarchies and dictators reject the wisdom. If you want to, really say that you will declare a Caliphate and all those weapons are to be used in furthering of that goal. Instead of the momentum has reached a high point and the country will still have a high potential for war when the current political landscape changes. All those non-Turks will not be voting afterall.
This is what the Navy demands, not what Erdogan demands although I'm sure he doesn't mind it that much. The Navy has been planning this surface fleet ever since the fall of the USSR, dude. Had the !999 Earthquake not happened, they'd have gone for it probably much sooner.

It is not about the usual "Caliphate" propaganda of anti-Turkish folk. It is about the fact that we're living in a multipolar World now and everyone who wants a slice of the pie needs to show the flag every once in a while.

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