Turkey's Naval Projects [Ships, Subs, Missiles, Torpedoes, Unmanned, Electronics]


ACCESS: Top Secret
15 July 2020
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Turkey has spent the last 25 years building up a base to springboard off their Naval Projects, accumulation of offsets and tech-transfer as-well as investing in naval design facilities has brought the country into starting ambitious programmes.

Current Naval Programmes, years 2020-2030

TF-2000 - Destroyer;
I-Class - Frigate;

Barbaros Class MEKO 200 Mid-Life Upgrade - Frigate;
Milgem - Corvette;
STM - Fast Attack Craft;
STM-500 - Mini-Submarine;


MILDEN - AIP Submarine

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TCG Anadolu LHD, based on the NAVANTIA Juan Carlos LHD, modified for Turkey's requirements - Ship to enter service next year; Stores and mainteance areas were specifcally designed for F-35B operations, however due to US-Turkish spat - Turkey was removed from F-35 Project hence won't be getting F-35B to operate on TCG Anadolu LHD.
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Reis-class submarine - A group of six license built submarines based on the Type 214 submarine for the Turkish Navy.

Expected to be the last License Built Submarine to enter Service, highly modified with indigenous systems on-board which increased the length by 0.75m compared to other Type 214 Submarines

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Turkey reverse engineered 76mm Cannon, not because Italy wasn't selling - OTO Melara had a massive backlist, which would have delayed Turkeys Naval Build up. So instead Turkey modernised 76mm Cannon with electro hydraulic system and further digitised the servos for better integration into Turkeys Naval CMS.

Turkey is also developing 76mm Smart Munitions.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHnfrvDElQQ#

Turkey is also reverse engineering 127mm 5"/54 caliber Mark 45 gun Naval Cannon, expected to be tested some time next year.
Turkey's Marine Assault Vehicle, developed for use with TCG Anadolu LHD

From top in clockwise direction;
  • High survivability with the dedicated composite armour
  • Operatable and survivable at high sea-states, self-recovery from the capsized position.
  • 70 km/h at the land
  • 7 knots at the sea with water-jet propulsion
  • Equipped with passage-opening mine clearing of dedicated amount
  • High firepower with dedicated RCWS
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjjTiswosoM
Turkey inaugurated the opening of a Large Cavitation Tunnel test facility, for testing and developing underwater systems.

Importance of the facility;

ITU-KAT (Large Cavitation Tunnel) in a nutshell, with variable depressurization/pressurization, 1.5*1.2*5.5 meters test section and 15m/s+ top velocity, 1MW electrical motor;

Submarine programs (Milden, STM500, MP-MSub) and AUV/UUV (3 known to exist at least) will benefit with resistance, form optimization and self propulsion and propeller adaptation and hydro-acoustics tests.

Torpedo programs (Akya, Orka and others) will benefit with full scale experiments reducing verification of the control algorithms before it is fielded. If not the full scale it will be near to the full scale eliminating scale effects.

Surface platforms (TF-2000 and others) will benefit with dedicated form optimization, sonar dome optimization or even optimization of the sonar dome construction material increasing the hull and sonar efficiency, as well as improving acoustic signature.

Propeller efficiency and the ones above will be tested in different depth conditions with ease.

And other R&D or Research projects related to above matters, such as coating material application, corrosion etc.

Also it could be beneficial for hypersonic (in air) projects to get a review from this tunnel because water tunnels are known to be used to mimic high reynolds flow. Until a hypersonic capable wind tunnel is emerging this will serve the duty.

Further more;

Manoeuvring test systems facility;

Free-running scaled automous model will enable manoeuvring tests to be conducted for several days in several special conditions that is typically not possible to conduct via simulations. Also the free-running model can be used for data extraction to feed the control algorithms of the USVs. With a dedicated follow-on air drone, the captured response will be beneficial.

Planar Motion Mechanism is beneficial in many levels, it also allows torpedo-like systems manuevering response to be recovered from several tests at fixed or variable angles.

IIRC, Black Sea subs need 'special measures' for ballasting & trim due to the extensive anoxic depths. Which may be a boon to marine archaeologists, but the interface shifts and mega-ripples. And, IIRC, the medium is disconcertingly corrosive...

Like WW1 RN subs' woes 'Shooting the Dardanelles', but a dozen times worse...
TCG Anadolu LHD, based on the NAVANTIA Juan Carlos LHD, modified for Turkey's requirements - Ship to enter service next year; Stores and mainteance areas were specifcally designed for F-35B operations, however due to US-Turkish spat - Turkey was removed from F-35 Project hence won't be getting F-35B to operate on TCG Anadolu LHD.
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Progress on Turkey's first LHD
Ski season
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These smaller submarines could carve out a niche for themselves since there are relatively few competitors out there building subs in that size category.

Definitely, countries that have frugal budgets and aspire to have a submarine force may soon be able to afford the expense. In which case, Mini-Submarine project lead by STM is Turkey building up expertise in submarine building leading up to MILDEN AIP submarine.

Submarine command systems, weapons, defensive suites, propulsion and sensors are being prioritised to be localised.

-- --

On another note; Turkish Navy has taken a decision to integrate Atmaca Anti-ship missile to all available naval combatant platforms that will accommodate it. Replacing, Harpoon and Exocet Missiles.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWZN62VSmps
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I thought this was interesting, some here might find it interesting as well as in to the extent a country may have to go through to secure materials required to build naval platforms;

Turkey's local ballistic steel producer Miilux OY
Yavuz YELDAN: Our P&D and R&D activities continue in different product groups. For the time being, we are continuing our trials for HY100 and HY130 submarine ballistic steels. In addition, we have initiated our trial production to produce S690QL and S960QL high yield steel, which is used in the production of onboard equipment.

View: https://twitter.com/BRAHMSNNETC1/status/1494612749363691521?s=20&t=ivRQO9N84hPRRXYUAy5m_A
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TF-4500 Air Defense Frigate

Proposed for the air defense frigate program by STM at IDEF 2017. It was seen again at NAVDEX 2019 showing that the project is still under development by the company, but it is likely the TF-2000 air defense destroyer revealed more recently at IDEF 2021 is going to take the bid. However the TF-4500 may find life in another project.


Impressive stuff, Turkey's been on a roll in coming up with equivalents to various foreign systems. As for the ships, I quite like the I-class, seems like a good modern version of something along the lines of an OHP.
Underwater Torpedo test tube - In the Development of Underwater launched Land Attack Cruise Missile, Anti-Ship Missile and Anti-Air Missile.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrGRB_0ekFs

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Launch Capsule that's in development and will be the main capsule for;


Underwater Launch version of HISAR-A+ surface to air missile

Underwater Launch version of ATMACA anti-ship missile

And also Gezgin (under blue tarp) land strike missile which is yet to revealed publicly
STM 500 Mini Submarine has begun construction;
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBUUz26ePZc

STM500 Mini Submarine:
It will have a:
• Displacement of 550 tons
• Length of 42 meters
• Range of 4500+ nautical miles
• Diving depth: 250+ m
• Stay at sea: 30 days
• Max speed: 18+ kts
• 4 torpedo tubes (2 of them G/M compatible), 8 heavy torpedoes and G/M capacity
• 2 diesel generators
• Li-Ion battery
• Living space for 18 submarines and 6 special forces personnel

STM 500, designed in accordance with the class rules; It is designed to perform: submarine warfare, shallow water operations, submarine warfare, special forces operations, mine warfare, and intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance missions.

In addition to its 18-person crew, it can operate at depths of more than 250 meters for 30 days with a 6-person Special Forces team, while it has a total of 8 heavy torpedo and guided missile firing power with 4 ready-to-fire torpedo tubes.


• Submarine Warfare
• Special Operations
• Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
• Mine Warfare
• Shallow Water Operations
• Unmanned Underwater/Aircraft Operations
• Immersion Depth: 250+ meters
• Duration at Sea: 30 days


• Combat Management System
• Navigation Radar
• Optronic Navigation and Assault Periscopes
• Torpedo Countermeasures - Decoys
• Electronic Support Measures (ESM)
• Floating Antenna (BWA)
• 4 torpedo tubes (2 Guided Missile compatible shells) and 4 additional torpedo storage capacity
AKYA Heavy Class Torpedo


• Permanently Excited Drive Motor (approx. 1.5 MW)


• 2x Diesel Generators
• Lithium-Ion Batteries
• Optional: Air Independent Propulsion System


• Comfortable living space for 18 personnel
• Additional living space for +6 Special Forces personnel
• Captain's Cabin
• Kitchenette, dry food, ice rooms, separate dining halls

STM 500 is double hull design;

Turkey reverse engineered 76mm Cannon, not because Italy wasn't selling - OTO Melara had a massive backlist, which would have delayed Turkeys Naval Build up. So instead Turkey modernised 76mm Cannon with electro hydraulic system and further digitised the servos for better integration into Turkeys Naval CMS.

Turkey is also developing 76mm Smart Munitions.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHnfrvDElQQ#
View attachment 668991

Turkey is also reverse engineering 127mm 5"/54 caliber Mark 45 gun Naval Cannon, expected to be tested some time next year.

Mounted on-board Burak-class corvette (Replacing DCN/GIAT 100mm naval gun), Turkey's 76mm Cannon performed it's first set of naval tests successfully

View: https://twitter.com/TyrannosurusRex/status/1560661566244421632?s=20&t=GtYBCzvqZFh3xmjUhIybNw
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Construction of Turkey's National Submarine to begin in 2025 and induction into service by 2028
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Here's the Model of MILDEN, and updated information from Colonel Afacan's statement;

2700ton displacement
80+m Length overall
AIP diesel-electric submarine
Heavier weapon/missile payload than any submarine in TN inventory
Conceptual design phase completed
Preliminary design phase commenced in 2022
Construction of first Milden will commence in 2025
Delivery is around 2031


Wetend Sonar solutions provided by Turkey's Aselsan;
It's no secret that Turkey has made it's U214 it's own by modifying and adding it's own solutions, one modification which other U214 do not have, pictoral comparison to a Greek U214 is the addition of AOS on the sail.

In this image, Greek U214 S120, smooth front end sail - where as Turkey's U214

Turkey's U214 has a horizontal plate on the front side of the sale, this is where Aselsan's Active Operating Sonar is located.
STM 500 Mini Submarine has begun construction;
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBUUz26ePZc

STM500 Mini Submarine:
It will have a:
• Displacement of 550 tons
• Length of 42 meters
• Range of 4500+ nautical miles
• Diving depth: 250+ m
• Stay at sea: 30 days
• Max speed: 18+ kts
• 4 torpedo tubes (2 of them G/M compatible), 8 heavy torpedoes and G/M capacity
• 2 diesel generators
• Li-Ion battery
• Living space for 18 submarines and 6 special forces personnel

STM 500, designed in accordance with the class rules; It is designed to perform: submarine warfare, shallow water operations, submarine warfare, special forces operations, mine warfare, and intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance missions.

In addition to its 18-person crew, it can operate at depths of more than 250 meters for 30 days with a 6-person Special Forces team, while it has a total of 8 heavy torpedo and guided missile firing power with 4 ready-to-fire torpedo tubes.


• Submarine Warfare
• Special Operations
• Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
• Mine Warfare
• Shallow Water Operations
• Unmanned Underwater/Aircraft Operations
• Immersion Depth: 250+ meters
• Duration at Sea: 30 days


• Combat Management System
• Navigation Radar
• Optronic Navigation and Assault Periscopes
• Torpedo Countermeasures - Decoys
• Electronic Support Measures (ESM)
• Floating Antenna (BWA)
• 4 torpedo tubes (2 Guided Missile compatible shells) and 4 additional torpedo storage capacity
AKYA Heavy Class Torpedo


• Permanently Excited Drive Motor (approx. 1.5 MW)


• 2x Diesel Generators
• Lithium-Ion Batteries
• Optional: Air Independent Propulsion System


• Comfortable living space for 18 personnel
• Additional living space for +6 Special Forces personnel
• Captain's Cabin
• Kitchenette, dry food, ice rooms, separate dining halls

STM 500 is double hull design;


STM 500 Mini Submarine

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