"In 1968-1971, A.n. Tupolev DESIGN BUREAU in the study had several technical proposals for VCS(space aitcraft) with horizontal launch and landing. Take-off weight of the aircraft, according to proposed projects reached 300 and tons more. As the powerplant, it was suggested that the ROCKET fuel elements using YARD, as a working body-the hydrogen. Considered variants of multi-stage withdrawal of payloads with VCS, in orbit around the Earth on interplanetary orbits using ionic and plasma mid-flight engines.
At that time the focus of OKB concentrated on PCA-1 and multi-modal thee elyh combat aircraft, and because the deployment of large-scale and costly research works on single-stage VCS was neither the means nor the necessary free scientific and technical human resources. In addition to the first successes in the American space shuttle program, "the military showed no particular interest in projects of domestic VCS, betting in defence space programmes on traditional rocket-space systems, so all these original OKB proposals did not come from the embryonic State.
To illustrate the works of that period, we can cite materials on the project VCS with a nuclear rocket engine (YARD).
Started by VKS with YARD began in OKB, together with a number of enterprises and organizations of industry in 1966 as the main powerplant was gazofaznyj nuclear rocket engine, which was supposed to have the following main features affecting the layout of the VCS:
-working body with low specific gravity-liquid hydrogen;
-high specific impulse;
-large thrust (up to 600 CU);
-tight restrictions on lateral strain;
-inadmissibility of deep throttling YARD;
-radioactivity of missile Jet;
-presence on board high power nuclear reactor, which simultaneously with useful work on heat propellant was the strongest source of radiation."