Tupolev post 1945 combat aircraft projects

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"111", "101" and "102".



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"66" and "MN".



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Hi! Tu-75.



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Hi! ANT-69(Tu-8).

"The Tupolev Tu-8 was a long-range variant of the Soviet Tupolev Tu-2 medium bomber that first flew after the end of World War II. It was canceled when it proved to be unstable, structurally unsound and its generators were not strong enough to fully power its gun turrets. With the advent of jet-powered bombers, Soviet military planners decided that it simply was not worth devoting the necessary resources to fix its numerous problems."


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pometablava said:

Thank you my dear Antoni,

and as I know,the Tupolev Tu-74 were allocated to a different five aircraft
Projects ?.
Hi! "74"?


Wikipedia says that...
Tu-73: three-engined development of the Tu-18, 1947
Tu-74 (also known as Tu-73R): proposed high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft developed from the Tu-73


So I can count five........


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In page 111 of Yefim Gordon's amazing book "OKB TUPOLEV, A History of the Design Bureau and its Aircraft", I found almost same drawing compared with this drawing , which is named "76 mixed power bomber". This aircraft looks like "74".


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hesham said:
and as I know,the Tupolev Tu-74 were allocated to a different five aircraft
Projects ?.

They are;

Tu-74/I was a high altitude recce Project of 1946,powered by two M-93 engines
Tu-74/II was a high altitude bomber Project (maybe in 1946),also powered by two M-93s
Tu-74/III was a high altitude recce Project of 1947,powered by two ASh-84TK engines
Tu-74/IV was a high altitude recce aircraft,work stopped in 1948,powered by two ASh-84TK +
one Nene RD-45 engines
Tu-74/V was a high altitude bomber Project of 1947,fitted with swept horizontal tail of Tu-73,
powered by two ASh-84TK + one Nene RD-45 engines

also the Tupolev Tu-76 was appeared in three concepts;

Tu-76/I was a torpedo bomber Project of 1946,based on Tu-74 which itself a derivative of Tu-2,
powered by two ASh-73TK + one Nene RD-45 engines
Tu-76/II was a medium bomber Project of 1947,powered by two M-3 engines
Tu-76/III was a troop transport aircraft,also known as Tu-4D,powered by four ASh-73TK

"76-essentially a retrofit project 74"


also the Tu-73 was allocated to five variants;

Tu-73/I was a short-rang bomber Project of 1946,drawing only,powered by two Nene engines
Tu-73/II was a medium bomber aircraft of 1947,powered by two Nene + one Derwent V engines
Tu-73/III was a front-line bomber aircraft of 1948,powered by two RD-45 + one RD-500 engines
Tu-73/IV was a long-range bomber Project of 1948,powered by two RD-1 engines
Tu-73/V was a long-range bomber Project of 1949,powered by two RD-2 engines


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Hi! Tu-78.

"Experienced bomber "78" A.n. Tupolev design, equipped with a combined powerplant of two Rolls-Royce Nene engines (in Underwing nacelles) and one(?) Rolls-Royce Derwent Mk V, which was situated in the rear part of the fuselage."


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Hi! 489 model and 3-side view.


"a redesigned 6 engined derivative of the Tu-85 that dates from 1948 (there was an 8 engine version proposed as well) designed as 'Project 489'"

"This design then evolved into this one(bottom drawing), still under the same number, it now has more highly swept wing and a fully glazed nose, but the tail is lower than on the Western created picture in my earlier post. "

"There were even some sketchy specs with the drawings, range was 'up to 12,430 miles' Span 183ft, MTOW 209,000lbs and powerplants were to be 6 x Shvetsov ASh-73TK(?) turboprops. "

I wonder what engine 489 had. Single propeller turboprop engine?TVD VK-2?
"In the study were variants of machines "489" with various promising engines: TVD VK-2, diesel engines m-224, as well as combination piston m-222 with a TURBOJET ENGINE Rd-45."


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Model large pictures.


This site says that this model is "485", but engine is turboprop.


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Hi! "Deck-mounted torpedo 509. OKB Tupolev. 1950".

"In the USSR the question of deck aircraft took quite distinct forms in the late forties, when it adopted an ambitious programme to establish Ocean fleet. It provided for the construction of aircraft carriers and various classes. At the same time aviation KB got jobs on design of deck aircraft. Fighters engaged in collective A.s. Yakovlev, bombers and ground attack aircraft-A.n. Tupolev.
In 1950 year A.n. Tupolev OKB received an assignment to investigate the possibility of creating a deck torpedo bomber with two engines VC-1 with the following data:
-maximum take-off weight-15 t;-maximum speed at an altitude of 5000 m-900 km/h;-ceiling-12000 m;-range with 1500 kg of bombs-1500 km;
-takeoff with 2 accelerators for an aircraft carrier in 20 nodes-220 m;-envelope with folded wing scale-8 m;-aircraft length-15 m;-height-6 m;
-gun armament:forward 2 guns;back to the KDU-2 guns;-caliber guns-23 mm;
-the crew-2 pers.
Conceptual design and production of drawings were completed by 1953 g.
Draft deck torpedo-bomber "509 (9th draft 1950 г.) was created on the base of 81 aircraft (NAVY torpedo bomber TU-14) with a reduction in all options over about a third ... The desire to use this machine as a prototype, it was understandable and natural. Its layout and the technical solutions adopted, as demonstrated by flight tests (1947-49), were acquitted. The powerplant was supposed to be two VK-1 TURBOJET ENGINE with a centrifugal compressor. The main difference were folding wing and brake for planting with ajerofinisherom GAK.
Study showed that the job has the ability to meet the defined dimensions and provide the required information when the takeoff weight 13-15 tons and wing surface 50-60 sq.m. For further calculations you selected with takeoff weight 14.8 tons and wing area 54 sq.m. Certain difficulties were associated with the size of the KDU and sighting radar PRS-1 "Argon".
All performance data was feasible except for the length of the take-off decks at 220 m, which could only be achieved using 4-x.
"509" Project was brought to the stage technical proposal with two variants of the nose of the fuselage (from 81 aircraft or aircraft 82 "), with a wingspan 18.2 m, wing area of 55 sq m, extension wing-6, takeoff weight 15 t and bomb load of up to 3000 kg."


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there was three Tu-78 concepts;

Tu-78/I was a twin engined recce airplane Project,based on Tu-8,powered by two ASh-82FN
Tu-78/II was a three engined experimental bomber,powered by two Nene + one Derwent V
Tu-78/III was a bomber Project,powered by three VK-1 engines.
"project 487 extra long range version became Tu-85."

"Project 471,473 and 474 were extra long range bomber with six or eight engines and some of the designs were given moderate sweepback on all of their flying surfaces. 473 had six Shvetsov ASh-73TK engine. When reports of the possible existence of these large bombers was received in the West, the provisional designation Tu-200 was allocated to them, but this number was never used by the Soviet Union."




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hesham said:

there was three Tu-78 concepts;

Tu-78/I was a twin engined recce airplane Project,based on Tu-8,powered by two ASh-82FN
Tu-78/II was a three engined experimental bomber,powered by two Nene + one Derwent V
Tu-78/III was a bomber Project,powered by three VK-1 engines.
Thanks a lot.
flateric said:
108 and its 100 parasite (both are just one of myriad iterations studied)
Hi! "108".

And "100".http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=850.0;attach=11953;image


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Supersonic composite America bomber "109".
One version of "108" with turbofan engines besforsazhnymi p-4 KB N.d. Kuznetsov.
Basic design data of aircraft 109 "4-6
-wingspan-37.5 m;
-wing area-350 m2;
speed-1800-2000 km/h;
-flight range-10000 km, at supersonic speed-1500-1800 km.

Source ; http://coollib.net/b/121176/read

Suspended(parasite) bomber shape is little different from"100". What is this? ???


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hesham said:

there was three Tu-78 concepts;

Tu-78/I was a twin engined recce airplane Project,based on Tu-8,powered by two ASh-82FN
Tu-78/II was a three engined experimental bomber,powered by two Nene + one Derwent V
Tu-78/III was a bomber Project,powered by three VK-1 engines.


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the Tu-77 was appeared in three concepts;

Tu-77/I was a four engined medium bomber Project of 1947,powered by 4 Nene I engines
Tu-77/II was a twin engined front-line bomber aircraft,powered by two Nene I engines
Tu-77/III was a front-line bomber aircraft developed from Tu-77/II,but powered by two RD-45 engines
In desingnation system, AM-san said that....
77 (1st) Tu-12 2Nene-1 experimental jet bomber 1947 5
77 (2nd) Tu-30 4Nene-1 bomber (1947) project -





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99 far intercontinental bomber project.

"After the disaster in May 1953 year of the first prototype "95/1", KB began the search for possible alternative engines KB N.d. Kuznetsov (2tv-2F and tv-12). The possibility of moving Theatre d-19, which was engaged in designing KB P.a. solovyeva and which had the same power as tv-12. At the same time was an elaboration of the installation on the aircraft "95" and "96" powerful new and more efficient TURBOJET KB V.a. Dobrynina and a.m. Lyulka.
Was offered the option of installation on plane "96" four engines VD-7 with a maximum thrust of 11000 kg. The eighties version with six AL-7 with traction to 6500 kg. It was supposed to install engines on pylons under the wing of the type as was done on the American bomber b-47. There were other development. All of these options Setup projects for a new type of propulsion for aircraft "95" and "96" took place on aircraft under the designation "KB 99".
Successes KB AMG Kuznetsova Na tv-12 and improve its reliability, was removed from the agenda the question of alternative propulsion systems for aircraft "95".
Somewhat later for TU-95 and TU-96 was offered the option to install innovative reactive screw Motors p-8, designed in the early 50-h godov KB N.d. Kuznetsov, but these works do not come out of the stage of the preliminary designs. Tu-95 flew and continue to fly with the engines type NK-12."


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And "103".
Far transzvukovoj bomber project
In terms of the development of the project "97" version had aircraft KB
"103" representing modification of Tu-16 with four engines VD-7 (maximum thrust 11000 kg) or with four AM-13 (each AM-13 represented the firing of two type-II TURBOJET ENGINE). Pairs of engines had to be placed in the larger gondolas at the fuselage as the Tu-16. Wing swept-45°, the fuselage of Tu-16 type. 103 aircraft project "further development, had not received as the previous project" 97 ".
Hi! "90".
"In 1954, at the initiative of the Design Bureau considered S.M.Egera airplane design Tu-16 with two turboprop TV-12 (SC-12) with a capacity of 12,000 hp TPD instead of two 3-AM. KB Project on the aircraft received the designation "90" (the second with the same name). "
"According to the first estimates of all it promised increase flight distance by 40-45%, while reducing the maximum speed of 90-100 km / h with respect to the serial Tu-16 turbojet AM-3. "
"The maximum range of the airplane, "90" could be 10 000 km against 7200 km from the Tu-16A. Accordingly, substantially increased and combat radius, compared with a jet Tu-16.
Unfortunately, the aircraft project "90" has not received development. Tu-16 satisfied the military at that time as it is. Besides already tested the Tu-95 and M-4 with a range of 12-15 km 000 ,, developed promising new supersonic bombers. Against the background of the aircraft project "90" did not look interesting for the Air Force, as the impact of strategic aviation machine. "

Previous contribution for "90" and "Tu-118".


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Hi! Early Tu-16 design study model called "494" and "495".



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Hi! Tu-96. (High altitude option of Tu-95)

"Even at the stage of conceptual design of the aircraft was worked ╚95╩ its high altitude (with a working ceiling 16000-17000 m) option ╚ ╩ 96 (TU-96) with increased wing area and TV-16 turboprop engine(Tu-95MS : NK-12M), capable of retaining its characteristics at these heights. March 29, 1952 published the corresponding decision the Council of Ministers. The aircraft to be built in two copies with the transfer of the first test at the factory in July 1954 and on the state - in December of the same year. OKB-276 was obliged to transfer the TV-16 bench tests in January, and the summer - in June 1954
High Altitude Engine TV 16 was a development of the TV-12 with a design maximum takeoff power ehp 12500, the maximum capacity at a height of 14,000 m at a flight speed of 850 km / h - 12000 ehp, specific fuel consumption maximum capacity - 0,135 kg / e.l.s. at one o'clock. ╚Suhoy╩ engine weight should not exceed 3100 kg. OKB-120 under the leadership of K.I.Zhdanova instructed to make new screws with hollow steel blades instead tselnodyuralevyh used on TV-12.
Draft aircraft ╚96╩ project completed by March 1953 on the calculation of the bomber at takeoff weight of 155 tons and a cruising speed of 800 km / h had a practical range 16,200 km (7% fuel residue) and a maximum range of technical - 18000 km. Maximum design speed - 902 km / h. From Tu-95 aircraft differed increased wing area (345.5 m2, Tu-95MS : 289.9m2) and span (51.4 m, Tu-95MS : 50.04m) with a slightly larger sweep in the middle. Another difference - the increased front crew cabin. The aft gun mount intended to equip a new sighting ╚Ksenon╩ radar. The structure of the navigation equipment includes systems distant radio navigation system and ╚Meridian╩ ╚Materik╩ blind landing. The plane was supposed to equip the new stations LD (RPDS and CPF) and system identification (pollster ╚Hrom╩ ╚Nikel╩ and defendant). "


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Tupolev Tu-95 No.1 prototype was powered by Kuznetsov 2TV-2F turboprop engine which coupled two TV-2F engine with reduction gearbox.

"Tupolev would opt for turboprop power, but not just any turboprop; the most powerful turboprop engine yet created, the Kuznetsov-designed 2TV-2F engine. The 2TV-2F was in fact not one engine at all; it was two of Kuznetsov’s TV-2 gas turbines joined together with a common gearbox, driving a single contra-rotating propeller.

By combining two of these engines via a common gearbox, Kuznetsov reckoned this powerplant would be sufficient to power Tupolev’s new bomber. Therefore, it was decided that the new aircraft, carrying the designation Tu-95, would fly with four of the 2TV-2F engines, each powerplant producing 12,800 shp. In late 1952, this new aircraft took to the skies for the first time.

However, the 2TV-2F engines soon proved to be troublesome; specifically, the reduction gearbox, which takes the high-speed output from the power turbine and reduces it to a useable speed for a propeller. The reduction gearbox of the 2TV-2F, however, suffered from extreme vibrations and overheating, often attributable to poor workmanship and improper specification. Unfortunately, one of these problematic gearboxes failed catastrophically on the 11th of May, 1953, causing the loss of the aircraft and crew after the affected engine departed the airframe. As this was still very much Stalin’s Russia, both Tupolev and Kuznetsov were in tremendous danger of being executed for the sloppy workmanship that caused the accident – Nikolai Kuznetsov reportedly fainted on after hearing about the accident. However, officials in both design bureaus appealed to the government of their continued usefulness and asked for a second chance; grudgingly, the government relented (no doubt realising the extreme priority of the project) and allowed Tupolev to revise his aircraft, and for Kuznetsov to design an entirely new engine. No doubt feeling more pressure at that time than any other in his career, Kuznetsov rallied his design bureau (and the German engineers still working there) to dramatically scale up the TV-2, using new materials and new technologies to create a single gas generator (and a more simple reduction gearbox) that was sufficiently powerful for the Tu-95. By the end of 1954 this new engine, the TV-12, was running successfully on test stands and on testbed aircraft – in fact, it was running better and more reliably than any previous turboprop engine Kuznetsov had designed! Kuznetsov’s new engine was ordered into production almost the moment it became evident it would meet its design criteria, and was to be re-designated as the NK-12. "



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Is there any information for the tu-108 with turboprop engines available? An area-ruled turboprop with a delta wing like a b-58 looks rather bizarre. Was it to have supersonic propellers like the research done in the US in the 1950s?
Basil said:
Is there any information for the tu-108 with turboprop engines available? An area-ruled turboprop with a delta wing like a b-58 looks rather bizarre. Was it to have supersonic propellers like the research done in the US in the 1950s?
Good question!! It's one of my questions,too.
Four turboprop engines drive contra rotating propellers via extension shafts. The main gear fairing are outboard of the inboard engines.
Engine may be Kuznetsov P-8 turboprop engine. (Source : OKB TUPOLEV)
I imagine that this is a subsonic mother aircraft for parasite supersonic bomber.
Hi! "135". "Long road to the Tu-160. Part 2"
" Tupolev Design Bureau, in connection with the cessation of work on the M-56, was a 3-month period to make proposals on creating long-range supersonic carrier aircraft and long-range supersonic spy plane with the consideration of the possibility of a serial construction of the factory number 22 in Kazan.
Thus Tupolev given the task to create a particular shock aviation system. As part of this work, which received the designation on OKB aircraft "135" (TU-135), in S.M.Egera department (direct management of elaborations on the theme was handled by G.I.Zaltsmana, one of the leading designers of OKB-builders, who took in the 30 years involved in the design of aircraft and Security Ar-2 under the direction of A.A.Arhangelskogo, and fine expert in the field of layout supersonic heavy airplanes G.V.Mahotkina, Tupolev assemble such machines as the Tu-22 and Tu 1/8, and in the past 50 years R.L.Bartini school) reviewed a large number of projects on creation of aviation and missile and strategic intelligence systems based on different versions of the draft long-range heavy supersonic aircraft.
For example...
"The first group
The plane "135" mid-engined
(Variant №1) This variant is almost completely repeats the scheme of American aircraft L-70. The scheme "duck", a delta wing with a sweep on the leading edge - 65 degrees, cantilevered wing tip are deflected in flight dvuhkilevoe vertical tail, four engine type NC-6 (maximum take-off thrust each 23,000 kg) in one package in the tail section of the aircraft. Air intakes - separate multimode vertical wedge. Armament in variant missile - a rocket type of X-22.
Preliminary data for this project were the following:
wingspan 28,00 m
fuselage length of 46.80 m
the height of the aircraft in the parking lot, 10,00 m wing area, sq.m 380
take-off weight, kg 190000
cruising speed, km / h in 2500
Practical flight range at a speed of 2500 km / h, 7950 km flight altitude over the target, the length of 22500 m running start, m 2300
The plane "135" with engines under the wing without a horizontal tail
The overall layout reminiscent of US projects on the A-12. "Tailless" integrated circuit, engines NK-6 stood in pairs in two bearing nacelles. Sweep integral part of the fuselage-wing - 80 degrees, the wing panels - 70 degrees. Armament in variant missile - a missile Kh-52.
Preliminary data for this project were the following
wingspan 27,00 m
fuselage length of 54.60 m
the height of the aircraft in the parking lot, 10,50 m wing area, sq.m 490
take-off weight, kg 190000
cruising speed, km / h in 2500
Practical flight range at a speed of 2500 km / h, 7900 km flight altitude over the target, the length of 23500 m running start, m 2300 "


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Hi! More "135".

English translation.


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Hi! Tu-145 and Tu-145M.


"Founded in OKB Tupolev (now JSC "Tupolev") in the late 50s - early 60s and adopting a long-range aviation and naval aviation during the second half of the 60s family supersonic long-range strike aircraft, includes himself scouts-bombers Tu-22P, missile carriers Tu-22K aircraft jamming Tu-22P and trainer aircraft Tu-22U, as well as their modifications, are mass-produced in relatively small quantities, could not either quantitatively or qualitatively, with taking into account the new requirements put forward to the long-range aircraft and naval aviation of the USSR, fully replace the air Force long-range mass subsonic Tu-16 and its target modification, and thereby solve the new technical level, the challenges posed by the command of the air Force in front of the class aircraft.

A large amount of work on the projects and long-distance single-mode missile bomber "106" and "125", designed for cruising speed of M = 2.5 ... 3.0, held in the bureau did not give a definitive and unequivocal result - how to be a future attack aircraft of Russian Air Force capable of fully replacing the legendary Air Force Tu-16.

The first work on the project far the multi-aircraft missile OKB began in late 1964 - early 1965. At the initial stage of design OKB led initiative. Government Decree on the development of the aircraft appeared only at the end of 1967 and in the first stage on the subject, there were only a joint decision of the Minister of Aviation Industry PV Dementiev and Air Force Commander PS Kutahova, received the support of D. Ustinov, at that time in charge of the Central Committee of the CPSU for the MIC operations. Since the work in the bureau were to "semi-legal" basis for the requirements of the regime and the "great love" for manned aircraft heavy shock by Khrushchev, the theme at all levels was declared as a deep modernization of serial Tu-22K and further development of the design bureau works on "106" (by the way, the project "106" managed to get the military official designation Tu-22M. It was the first aircraft with the designation). And if at the beginning of work on the project modernization component, at least for missile systems and avionics, largely correspond to reality, in the course of the project they were so common tactical center line on the general form of the scheme. As a result, the initial draft of the aircraft "145", soon received the official designation Tu-22M ( "YM", "AM", "45"), in the course of its development, it has become a completely new car, constructively which had little in common with the original serial Tu-22K and "106" project. "

"In addition to these built Tu-22M EDO options were studied several projects of modifications and upgrades of the aircraft on which work has not emerged from the initial stages of design. In 1972, the Design Bureau for naval aviation to prepare a technical proposal for a radical modernization of the Tu-22M. The project was designated "45M". "


So Tu-16⇒Tu-22⇒Tu-106⇒Tu-125⇒Tu-145⇒Tu-22M?
And Tu-95/M4⇒Tu-135⇒Tu-160?


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Hi! The plane "135" 's NK-6 duct burning turbofan engine.


"For aircraft propulsion "135" covered the following types of engines:
NK-6 (maximum take-off thrust is 23000-23500 kg, fuel consumption at cruise supersonic re-bench- 1.5-1.7 kg/kg/h)
NK-6B(Б) 22480 kgf; 1.5-1.75 kg/kgsch)
NK-6B 118700 kgf; 1.7 -1.9 kg/kgf/h)
NK-6С 122500 kgf; 1.6-1.7 kg/kgsch.


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flateric said:
108 and its 100 parasite (both are just one of myriad iterations studied)

In my files,

there was anther Tupolev Aircraft-100 (not a parasite),and it was also a supersonic
bomber,powered by four engines,any confirm about this ?.
Hi! "108" model.

I can't identify bottom aircraft with delta wing.



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