Top Gun 2

I know tahat 40% of the finnish AF retired pilots have some sorta neck or back injury....due to high G-loads.
Haven't seen the video above, but isn't there something fishy with Tom pushing his right hand forward at catapult launch instead of his left (gas throttle)?

By the way, were some scene taken in Switzerland? Very alpinesque scenery :)

See here:

Northern California seemingly as NAS Lemoore , the home of the west coast Super Hornet fleet is is up that way. Plus got the Sierra Nevadas to the East ...

Interesting helmet at the 1:23 mark, full face, and neck seals, so apparently some sort of pressure suit.
Did any US Naval aviators ever do an exchange tour at Beale AFB, where from there they flew U-2s or SR-71s?

Nope there be exchange postings for the intel side fro the base. Anyhow slightly digressing there was the U-2 landing on a carrier as part of CIA / NRO feasibility study (?).


Matchbox Skybusters Darkstar and enemy jet.
I have one of each from a UK supermarket


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The release date of the movie 'Top Gun: Maverick' is pushed back again. The newest release date is now May 27th, 2022.o_O:confused:

Oh for Pete's sake. Still waiting for the new Bond flick as well. :confused:

Frack indeed - I assumed it had long been released.

Well it will be released when both JWST and SLS launch... (I can't say Nauka anymore, damn it). :D:D:p:p
The release date of the movie 'Top Gun: Maverick' is pushed back again. The newest release date is now May 27th, 2022.o_O:confused:

Oh for Pete's sake. Still waiting for the new Bond flick as well. :confused:

Speaking of which, there's an interesting aircraft/sub in the Bond trailers. Best coverage is in trailer 2 at 1:40 and 2:00, though there's a glimpse of the sub-mode at 2:08 in the US final trailer (which is completely different from the International final trailer)


Also, can someone explain the logic in fitting not one but two miniguns to his DB5?

It's purely because it looks cool isn't it. :cool:
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Guys, if logic in movies is your thing, you need to watch the latest DHL commercial on the Bond theme :rolleyes:
Obviously not... but reading the various description from CinemaCon... it seems it leaves a lot to be desired...
Here the article about the quite negative (p)review of the first 13 minutes from the upcoming movie TOP GUN: Maverick, which was shown to a small audience at CinemaCon. So maybe this movie needs more editing before the release.
Be aware for any spoilers.
C.W. Lemoine said:
A week after the first thirteen minutes of TOP GUN: Maverick were released, the film has been delayed yet again with a new release date of May 27, 2022. Talking about the possible reasons for the delay plus a breakdown of the first 13 minutes.
My my, what do we have here...
Last time it was a mig-28, but this time it looks they went with something more (and at the same time less) real...


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Amazing trailer. The SH is gonna be really popular among the young public. Even if that would be a shame when (and if!) the line closes in the years to come, what an exist for an often overlooked fighter, the King of Alpha!

(I was at the first airshow in Europe where the SH was demoed in front of the public. I had seen classical Hornet before in similar conditions but still was flabbergasted by the show that day).
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[...] [The] Kawasaki Motors Corp. press release also includes an interesting image, featuring the nose section of a sleek, stealthy, hypersonic aircraft (with “Captain Pete Mitchell ‘Maverick'” written on the canopy rail) and, once again, we can’t but notice it seems to have been inspired by the concept images of the SR-72, released by Lockheed Martin in 2013. [...]
I put my Matchbox version in place of my 1/288 Buran Orbiter on the model Energia stack :)
Couldn't that be the same one that was filmed on a trailer leaving Palmade, apparently without much efforts to hide it?
Saw the trailer for this today in front of Multiverse of Madness looks ok. Definitely seems the kind of film you need to see on the big screen.

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