This is hilariously funny...

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All right, all right. Good point. Theory two. Sid's eating broccoli. Dinosaur eats Sid, dinosaur steps on broccoli. Leaving broccoli... A vegetable.
(Buck the weasel, Ice Age 3)

CIA Headquarters. 1963


We need to find creative ways of getting ride of Fidel Castro. I have a clever plan for that.

Plan A - Cuba is renewed for cigars. Castro loves cigars. We pass him a cigar where tobacco is replaced by gunpowder. When Castro lights his cigar, the cigar blows his head. Job done !

"Are you nut ? will never work. And we can't kill Castro, we promised the Soviets.

"All right, all right. Good point. Plan B. We find Castro cook, promise him 1 million dollar and political asylum in Miami. Cook puts LSD into Castro breakfast before a speech. Castro eats the drugged food, climbs to the tribune, starts his speech and soon become a stoned wreck. People thinks he is a loony, remove him from power. Job done !

"Are you serious ?

"All right, all right. Good point. Plan C. We find Castro cook, promise him 1 million dollar and political asylum in Miami.
"Again ?"
"Cook puts anti-cancer drug into Castro food. Anti-cancer drug destroys Castro beard. Castro no longer a barbudo. Lost his credibility. His followers rebel against him thinking he is a traitor, and throw him out of power. Job done !

"Geez. When you did you lose your mind exactly ?

"Well... three months ago. I woke up one day, married to an iranian mullah. An ugly iranian mullah. But I loved him... and he gave me the adress from Khomeini cook. Wants to get ride of this one, too ? I have some plans for him. We promise the cook 1 million dollar and political asylum..."

"Shut up."
My guess is some kind of flammable liquid was poured in first, fumes off that collect and whamo. I think the dog goes off to the left behind the idiot but is definitely limping.
There are two dogs - both go behind the construction in the corner.
Mark Hamill know how to use the force...
Deep words of Wisdom

Better yet how about a SPACE SUBMARINE!!

What would you do if the dirty commies got to the moon 1954!.....and then started raining ATOMIC BOMBS down on the free world!?

Obviously you`d turn an atomic submarine into a MOON ROCKET.....

And just a few weeks later....

Helping the poor oppressed Moonmen free their planet from the scourge of communism........

Will they be able to stop the soviets evil plan to NUKE america!?....

Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub
The funny thing is - strap a nuclear pulse unit on the back, and you can very much lift a submarine into orbit ! 5000 to 10 000 mt...

"Guards, Guards" looks like an interesting book and I will have to read it. Don't know if you read the backstory on the bookshelf display, but it wasn't meant for Johnson. It was just a collateral victory for the brilliant librarian. Her act of rebellion was a parting shot to her management for the mismanagement they had bestowed up her. Management didn't discover her "trap" and months later it caught a bigger fish in Johnson.

Librarians are great defenders of the stuff that civilizations are built upon. In the US post 9/11, law enforcement tried to wrench from librarians lists of books and who were checking them out from the libraries and the librarians fought them off. A happy bit of library news I saw and hopefully it was not an unfounded rumor, was that some of the contents of the destroyed Library of Alexandria survives in the Vatican!

I have read and enjoyed a great deal of post-apocalyptic literature with little concern of the consequences, since the stories were only a portrayal of a writer's imagination and I could leave them all behind when I closed the covers. It is disconcerting to find oneself existing within one of these scary stories where like it or not, I have skin in the game. I have wondered a number of times if I am watching the Antichrist at play in our world.

A barely controlled worldwide contagion with leaders and their followers who believe it is all fake or will magically disappear; Who could make this stuff up?

Since the campaign in the US presidential race has already gone unhinged, let's remember more innocent times (who would have guessed then?!):


My own assumed choice. Feel free to request this to be deleted if it tickles you too uncomfortably.
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