This is hilariously funny...

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Russian space station modules are silly.

Look at Nauka.

Just after it docked to the ISS, it atempted an audacious manoeuver to pull away and steal the Russian segment they want to use as basis for their future station.
Alas, Nauka sneak manoeuver failed.
The reason ?
Wrong gear !
To pull away the Russian segment, it should have gone into rear gear. Instead it slammed the accelerator in first gear and thus pushed into the ISS, that idiot.
Then too ISS—a 500 ton object with less rigidity than a slinky—just did a 540. Top that Tony Hawk!

AI meets satellites

AI meets satellites
Context much? Also, what's "hilariously funny" about a random aerial view? You really should get your funny bone checked out by a medical doctor for a serious fracture... :D
It's not an "aerial view," it's Microsoft Flight Simulators attempt to rationalize a satellite photo of the Monino aircraft musuem. it interpreted the aircraft as buildings. A higher rez of the image (and some others) here:


AI meets satellites
Context much? Also, what's "hilariously funny" about a random aerial view? You really should get your funny bone checked out by a medical doctor for a serious fracture... :D
It's not an "aerial view," it's Microsoft Flight Simulators attempt to rationalize a satellite photo of the Monino aircraft musuem. it interpreted the aircraft as buildings. A higher rez of the image (and some others) here:

Thanks, Scott - that's *exactly* the kind of explanation I would have expected from the original poster in the first place! However, if you have to explain it, it probably doesn't meet the definition of "hilariously funny" anyway...
Well, as far as Microsoft / computer / AI dumbarsery goes, it is kind of funny.

It is kind of similar to early translators turning George Walker Bush into "George's walking bush..." in French "Le buisson marcheur de George." (facepalm)

Also Airbus into Abribus: bus shelter...
Thanks, Scott - that's *exactly* the kind of explanation I would have expected from the original poster in the first place! However, if you have to explain it, it probably doesn't meet the definition of "hilariously funny" anyway...

Come now. The best jokes are the ones that you explain in autistic detail.

The original post would have been better not with a description, but with a link to the full-rez image so that you can see it and figure out for yourself that something is *really* wrong with the aircraft. The image shown was too low-rez for that, just looks like an aerial photo.
Well, as far as Microsoft / computer / AI dumbarsery goes, it is kind of funny.

It is kind of similar to early translators turning George Walker Bush into "George's walking bush..." in French "Le buisson marcheur de George." (facepalm)

Also Airbus into Abribus: bus shelter...
There are lots of little hidden gems like that in programs. At one time MS Word's thesaurus suggested as an alternative to "Impeach Clinton" (Bill Clinton when he was president), I'll drink to that!
That tirade from "Die hard with a vengeance". Stuck in my head for a long time now.
John McClane: [to terrorists in a tunnel]
Hi, fellas. Mickey O'Brien, aqueduct security. Hey, listen, we got a report of a guy coming through here with, uh, eight reindeer.
[shoots the terrorists. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM - makes a carnage in the truck. - open the bullet ridden door. corpses fall to the ground]
John McClane: Yeah, they said he was a jolly, old, fat guy with a snowy, white beard. Cute little red and white suit. I'm surprised you didn't see him.

Completely bonkers, notably when he keeps speaking to the terrorists bloodied corpses.

And then there is the french translation.

Jerry the truck driver "il est canne le gars ?
McClane "eh oui Jerry. L'aura plus froid aux genoux".

"Wow. Is he dead, the guy ?
"Yes, Jerry... he won't feel cold in his knees."
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I swear this personal story has not been invented.

In September 2001 I had two big clashes with my elder sister. Ugly shouting matches because we are both pig headed at times.
The first happened in Toulouse and when we returned home and cooled down we lit the TV news only to find New York aflame. You guess, it was the 9-11.
Ten days later exactly: another clash, in Pau: we were students there. Another ugly shouting match. As it went away, my sister mobile phone rung: our mom, a little panicked.
This time it was Toulouse - where our previous clash had happened- that was in chaos. The AZF ammonitrate plant had just exploded, killing 30 people. My other sister was a student in Toulouse hence she was in shock but not hurt.

By this point I told my sister exactly this.

"Ceasefire. Armistice. We stop clashing until that goddam September is over.
Because, you see... EACH ONE OF OUR CLASHES SEEMINGLY MAKES A CITY EXPLODE - and, what's worrisome... New York is 6000 km from Toulouse but Pau is only 200 km south of Toulouse. SO IT'S GETTING CLOSER AND ON OUR TRACKS. Damn.

Because "third time is the charm" we did not tempted fate and got no other clash until well into October 2001. And thus Pau did not exploded nor did we.
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In case you need to regain the upper hand with your sister:

That tirade from "Die hard with a vengeance". Stuck in my head for a long time now.
John McClane: [to terrorists in a tunnel]
Hi, fellas. Mickey O'Brien, aqueduct security. Hey, listen, we got a report of a guy coming through here with, uh, eight reindeer.
[shoots the terrorists. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM - a carnage in the truck. open the bullet ridden door. corpses fall to the ground]
John McClane: Yeah, they said he was a jolly, old, fat guy with a snowy, white beard. Cute little red and white suit. I'm surprised you didn't see him.

Completely bonkers, notably when he keeps speaking to the terrorists bloodied corpses.

And then there is the french translation.

Truck driver "il est canne le gars ?
McClane "eh oui Jerry. L'aura plus froid aux genoux".

"Wow. Is he dead, the guy ?
"Yes, Jerry... he won't feel cold in his knees."
Sometimes the floor is very cold and it is preferable to use a pillow
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