The worst unbuilt project

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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We tend to have our favourite unbuilt projects. After all that is why many of us come here.
But in keeping with the grim times and to give us an excuse to let rip, which is your least favourite unbuilt project. I suppose you could also mention real ones you dont like.
Try and be nice or we'll get locked down p d quick.
Mine I think are apparent from some of my comments in threads. Number 1 and there is a lot of competition is actually a group of them. Yes, I really hate those big clumsy RAF fighter projects from the 50s.
A close second is the 1952 RN carrier. Admittedly there is only a line drawing in Friedman to go on. It was too small and its two funnel island threatened to be as ugly as CVF.
Oh and despite hating them I did buy Dan Sharpe's excellent book. But as the Sheriff says to an elephant in "The Man with the Golden Gun" "You sure is ugly!"


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SO-4000. The ugly duck that led to the Vautour. First atempt at a jet bomber by France. It flew like a cathedral and thus only once.

Nuclear VSTOL Concorde ancestor.

Project PLUTO.
SO-4000. The ugly duck that led to the Vautour. First atempt at a jet bomber by France. It flew like a cathedral and thus only once.

Nuclear VSTOL Concorde ancestor.

Project PLUTO.
Nuclear VSTOL Concorde ancestor... I have to see this.. have you a pic or a link?
SO-4000. The ugly duck that led to the Vautour. First atempt at a jet bomber by France. It flew like a cathedral and thus only once.

Nuclear VSTOL Concorde ancestor.

Project PLUTO.
Nuclear VSTOL Concorde ancestor... I have to see this.. have you a pic or a link?

It was an early project (1960) by Sud Aviation. Only saw a brief mention of it in Le Fana de l'aviation magazine, a long time ago.
SO-4000. The ugly duck that led to the Vautour. First atempt at a jet bomber by France. It flew like a cathedral and thus only once.

Nuclear VSTOL Concorde ancestor.

Project PLUTO.


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Unfortunately some of the ugliest came to be built:(


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Archibald your projects has become lodged in my brain "Nuclear vstol Concorde ancestor". So many possibilities for the politicians to f*£k up big time. Yet it belongs to the1960s when Grandma Tracy in Thunderbirds was given a nuclear cooker for her kitchen.


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France during the interbellum had a knack to design truly horrible looking flying things - aerodynamics ? what's that ? the most horrible were the Dyle and Bacalan DB. Dear God, the monstrosities !

It is just like that stupid Sponge Bob meme "My eeeeeyeeeses !!!"

The Farman Jabiru also was supremely ugly and weird. I remember putting a picture of it at Whatifmodellers and one of the excentric fellows there answered
"Hey look ! Mr Blobby with wings !"

Right there >


My favorite Thunderbird scene is the "airship" scene where the puppets laugh as if they were demented or brain-damaged.

I often think of it as

"If it doesn't kill you dropping a megaton nuke on your head
(too cliché, even a B-29 can do that)
it will kill you with the radioactive fallout
or it will kill you with the shockwave / noise / overpressure
or it will kill you crashing its white-hot nuclear reactor on your face

One thing is sure in the end : you will die. Just pick your choice between horrific ways of dying - and PLUTO will certainly NOT deceive you, guaranted."
Project A119 (nuke the Moon) project PLUTO (nuke the world) but how about Project PACER ?

H-bomb-nuke a subterranean lake. The explosion will produce massive amount of steam, steam will be channelled toward turbines, in turn connected to alternators.

The end result ?



A thermonuclear power plant running on H-bombs ! Who needs ITER, really ?

Edward Teller, you old arsehole... !!
I was thinking on what worst of them All ?
and found it: The Christmas Bullet

Build by man who had no experience in aircraft design or aeronautical work
send a Pilot into certain dead with it and sell this as a success to media...
Austrian-Hungarian Lloyd 40.08, 1916-1918
This beautiful aircraft, with a weight of 4.85 tons, had only 200 kg of bombs, absolutely everything was perfect in it, absolutely zero visibility for the pilot sitting in the depths of the structure, the inability to take off, and constant attempts to capsize. Flying... I don't even know what to call it. Flying coffin? Flying toilet? I could call it what I want, but I don't want to be banned. Scheissebomberflugzeug...
Oh geez, and I thought nothing could bet the Dyle and Bacalan in absolute ugliness and aerodynamics horror...

For your pleasure only: the DB-10.

All hail the "flying potbelly !" (la bedaine volante ROTFL)

Bristol's proposals to the program that led to the Lightning (the Type 177 series) all look remarkably awful in every single way. I have yet to find one aspect about them that would be noteworthy as "attractive".

In medieval imagery Goupil is a fox and a colorfoul hero, renowned for being smart - if not completely pervert. By contrast, wolfs are just dumb (hello, Zootopia !)

But this ? it is not smart by any mean ! that's an insult to the Goupil name and to all foxes.

-vue de face - looks like a fat goose
-bâti du corps - looks like a rugby or a peanut
-vue longitudinale - looks like a fat pig, with small legs
-coupe E-F looks like a man underwear
-Bâti plan - looks like a hot air balloon


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