The interlude/theme music you are touched by



Made me love that song again. Twenty years ago "Moulin rouge" used the same song - and it annoyed me to no end. But the Lola Marsh cover is 100 times better.

Better call Saul is returning for a crazy whacky finale (six episodes) on July 11. Fasten your seat belts, there will be blood all over the place.

It is hard to figure the above montage happens early 2004 in season 4 - and by late June of the same year and mid season 6, all hell has broken lose for the pair. Kim notably went from a pair of honest and decent jobs (Mesa Verde & pro bonos) to complete horror in barely five months - outch. Hell of a year 2004 for her so far, and it's not over - not until the cartel and Gus says, it's over (ha ha ha).

Even fictional obviously, the dates have special meaning to me because spring 2004 is the moment when my life definitively took a turn for the best. I spent 5 months in Spain as a student and it did wonders to me.

I left at the time of "Cushatta" and returned more or less the day shit hit the fan in "Plan and execution".

Breaking Bad's opening is still 4 years in the future [September 2008 (just like the big economic meltdown)]. But Saul, Mike and Gus BB close entries into the show are even later: late in season 2 - that is in the spring of 2009 so that's five years.

It's funny to think the BCS - BB connection or even overlap could be all over Breaking Bad season 1 and even deep into season 2.

And then the Gene Takavic story arch "glides over all" (ha ha ha) and goes straight to after BB ending. Gould and Gilligan have now 100% encapsulated Breaking Bad into Better Call Saul, and that's one heck of achievement.
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Three "cold opens" from Better call Saul last season, number six.

S6E1 "The days of wine and roses" (music by Henri Mancini) 2010: after Breaking Bad ended in bloodbath, only Jesse and Saul saved their lives... but now Saul mansion and fortune are being taken away. The mansion interior is garish and megalomaniac, to say the least. Funnily enough that episode aired just as the FBI raided Trump mansion in Florida. Couldn't help thinking about the parallels between those two. The hair, among many other things.


A lighter and funnier one: S6E4 "Hit and run". That one is so weird, pretty alien to the entire show at least on first glance.
2004: The plan to kill "Better Call Saul supervillain" (Lalo) by the "Breaking Bad supervillain" (Gus) has failed. So the devil is still alive, and he will came back with a vengeance. A very paranoid Gus puts Albuquerque under siege, his home included.
And thus tension is maximum, yet that episode starts... that way.


And finally, the darkest hour. S6E9 "Fun and games" (cover of Harry Nilsson, 1977 song "Perfect day" by Dresage and Slow shiver.)


2004: Jimmy and Kim machiavellian plan to ruin the life of their former boss and nemesis has resulted... in his very unexpected death.
And now the bloody mess has to be cleaned... Mike is on the case, but what can't be cleaned up is their hearts and minds. Kim face at the end says it all.
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I honestly couldn't tell which was the most annoying. Bosch's Butt Music From Hell was much more agreeable.

"The Most Unwanted Song" is a song created by artists Komar and Melamid and composer Dave Soldier in 1997. The song was designed to incorporate lyrical and musical elements that were annoying to most people, as determined by a public opinion survey. These elements included bagpipes, cowboy music, an opera singer rapping, and a children's choir that urged listeners to go shopping at Wal-Mart. For The People's Choice: Music CD, "The Most Unwanted Song" was paired with "The Most Wanted Song," which incorporated musical elements that were "wanted" by listeners, again as determined by a public opinion survey. Instruments such as guitar, bass, piano and drums, and lyrics about love were "most wanted" by the survey respondents, and are included in the song, which has been described as "Celine Dion-esque". The vocals for "The Most Wanted Song" are provided by Ada Dyer and Ronnie Gent; Living Colour guitarist Vernon Reid is featured on guitar. [Wikipedia]





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