The asteroid at the end of the world.

Justo Miranda

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
2 December 2007
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It wouldn't necessarily have to be a Chicxulub-type monster eight kilometers in diameter, it would be enough with a 50-meter rock like the one that produced Barringer Crater 50,000 years ago that would have fallen in Yellowstone or in the Campi Flegrei of Naples or in the Deccan Traps of India.

It would be sufficient if the explosion over Tunguska on June 30, 1908, had occurred over Kapustin Yar or over Moscow during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Even a smaller meteorite the size of a car that had fallen on Ramat David during the Gulf War or on Tiananmen during an annual meeting of the Chinese Communist Party could have done it.

It is not enough to control the orbital anomalies of Chicxulub-type asteroids, we must also think about the smaller ones. Maybe it would be a good idea to start thinking about something like Iron Dome on a global level.

In 1913 Adolf Hitler, Iósif Stalin, Josip Broz “Tito“, Leon Trotsky and Sigmund Freud lived in Vienna within a radius of only three kilometers. Vienna was the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and there the decision was made to start the First World War, if the 1908 Tunguska meteorite had fallen in Vienna in 1913 it would have changed history.


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Don't forgot how Rendez vous with Rama started.
Destruction came from the sky, a random, sunny day... september 11, a day where seemingly nothing ever interesting happened in human history...
Clarke wrote the novel in 1971 and lived just long enough to see another 9/11 with destruction coming from the sky, a sunny day late in summer...
Don't forgot how Rendez vous with Rama started.
Destruction came from the sky, a random, sunny day... september 11, a day where seemingly nothing ever interesting happened in human history...
Clarke wrote the novel in 1971 and lived just long enough to see another 9/11 with destruction coming from the sky, a sunny day late in summer...
I'd prefer the of January


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