Ta. I would be interested in procuring if in 1/48 or 1/35. I presume the file is scaleable?
This mid section is now on it's 5th iteration! ... features spring loaded prop shaft ejector, separate turbine rotors (since they're very tricky to paint otherwise) and a mechanism that holds the top dome in place when in 'aeroflight' (as per Ron Cobb's design :D)
The layering is interesting... artifact or intentional?
There will be some layering due to the way the 3D printer forms the print; however, it can be reduced with a smaller layer depth.
Priming and fine sanding can eliminate the layers altogether.
There will be some layering due to the way the 3D printer forms the print; however, it can be reduced with a smaller layer depth.
Priming and fine sanding can eliminate the layers altogether.
So artifact then.

I've seen a few models where the artist took advantage of the layering to achieve visual effects.
Has a flying drone version of the concept been attempted ??
Has a flying drone version of the concept been attempted ??
That's beyond the scope of my modelling abilities I'm afraid!

Another quick update:

I recently purchased the Bambu AMS unit (4 colours) and had a go at making 5x Whispercraft with 'CHARTER.com' emblazoned on each side. Here are the initial results ...



Free spinning rotors ...
What's the scale and commercial availability?
Hi Martin, I can sell at a 'hobby level' the printed design (with permission from the Ron Cobb estate) ... the scale can be made to order (1/100 up to 1/28 approximately). The main bulk of the design is nearly complete although I'm making the final touches to improve fittings, mechanisms, wiring etc..
Hi Martin, I can sell at a 'hobby level' the printed design (with permission from the Ron Cobb estate) ... the scale can be made to order (1/100 up to 1/28 approximately). The main bulk of the design is nearly complete although I'm making the final touches to improve fittings, mechanisms, wiring etc..
Any updates?

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