Teaser Trailer for new Star Wars film "The Force Awakens"

Obviously no longer only enlisting drones in the Stormtroopers! ;)
The good thing is, that my generation can watch this movie with their kids. Not too often,
that we share the same interests..
The Force is strong with this movie....

Okay yeah, a bit cheesy. What Jemiba said!
Some people are making judgments based on the 90-second teaser trailer. I will defer judgment until more is known about the film. Anthony Daniels has said that the film is better than "The Empire Strikes Back", we'll see.


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I must admit than when I saw that "Ball bot" I thought it looked like a soccer ball - I can see some rip offs involving someone kicking it... ;D
Re: Teaser Trailer for new Star Wars film "The Force Awakens


Disney. Old favourites rehashed with gratuituous changes of detail that gratuitously change the atmosphere: R2D2-alike on a cuter'n'ever roll, Millenium Falcon with an arse end like an office block at night.

Doubt no, Yoda wards-back be talking cutely will.
Alec Guinness has not spoken any new dialogue in a long time.
Still, Disney's scriptwriting can't be any worse than George Lucas's - err, can it?

And an ageing Harrison Ford has to be worth it. I wonder if anyone dared throw in a homage to Deckard?
More "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" memes from the Internet.


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The Lego Star Wars trailer brings back memories of Xmas days, just a couple of years ago,
which were filled with helping to build Lego sets .... :-\

But, as Triton already pointed out, it's fun to try to find citations, or maybe at least (accidental ?)
similarities to other movies:

00:08 : Jurassic Park
00:20 : Wall-E
00:25 : Alien, pt.2
00:59 : Independence Day

And 00:39 was perhaps inspired by this great video ?
There's another trailer going around which appears to involve a fair bit of space combat as well as some on the ground scenes. Quite a few people are calling it fake, but if it is, it's technically indistinguishable from the real thing at YouTube levels of quality. Someone in the discussion thread claimed to have hacked, stolen, and placed online the entire film at the early post production stage, which (sadly) I'm not sure I care to disbelieve.

Won't be long now before Hollywood can pack up and go home, and we won't have to listen to a bunch of overgrown spoiled brats whine about how hard life is on several million dollars a year. The tabloid trash magazines, devoid of worthwhile scandals to report, will follow shortly thereafter. The world will be a better place.
pathology_doc said:
There's another trailer going around which appears to involve a fair bit of space combat as well as some on the ground scenes. Quite a few people are calling it fake, but if it is, it's technically indistinguishable from the real thing at YouTube levels of quality. Someone in the discussion thread claimed to have hacked, stolen, and placed online the entire film at the early post production stage, which (sadly) I'm not sure I care to disbelieve.

Won't be long now before Hollywood can pack up and go home, and we won't have to listen to a bunch of overgrown spoiled brats whine about how hard life is on several million dollars a year. The tabloid trash magazines, devoid of worthwhile scandals to report, will follow shortly thereafter. The world will be a better place.

pathology_doc said:
There's another trailer going around which appears to involve a fair bit of space combat as well as some on the ground scenes. Quite a few people are calling it fake, but if it is, it's technically indistinguishable from the real thing at YouTube levels of quality. Someone in the discussion thread claimed to have hacked, stolen, and placed online the entire film at the early post production stage, which (sadly) I'm not sure I care to disbelieve.

Won't be long now before Hollywood can pack up and go home, and we won't have to listen to a bunch of overgrown spoiled brats whine about how hard life is on several million dollars a year. The tabloid trash magazines, devoid of worthwhile scandals to report, will follow shortly thereafter. The world will be a better place.

Nope, its fake. I doubt the film is even finished yet.
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
Nope, its fake. I doubt the film is even finished yet.

Could very well be cutscene footage from the plethora of Star Wars video and computer games. The date stamp of the video is also suspicious.
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
Nope, its fake. I doubt the film is even finished yet.

Agreed. It doesn't have the feel of a genuine movie and most of the images have all been seen before elsewhere.
A side note to this excitement -



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There is a lot of talk about the use of practical effects in the new movie. So I wonder how much of the flight sequences will be "practical" effects as in a model is filmed in front of a green screen.
Creative said:
There is a lot of talk about the use of practical effects in the new movie. So I wonder how much of the flight sequences will be "practical" effects as in a model is filmed in front of a green screen.

The updated Millennium Falcon and new Incom T-70 X-Wing models were on display at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim. As far as I know these were camera models rather than pre-production maquettes.


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Chewbacca looks more like Han and Leia's son than that shaggy big beaked beanpole they cast!
Richard N said:
Chewbacca looks more like Han and Leia's son than that shaggy big beaked beanpole they cast!

x2. They should have never taken the mask off. Almost as bad as "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"
With the turret equipped tie fighters the rationale for them not having shields in order to have supermaneuverability is out...

...also, we're missing E-wings, Escort Shuttles, Assault Gunboats ...etc.

So, yeah, fittingly for this forum the stuff that I liked in the EU was the expanded equipment...

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