Tactical Tomahawk

IIRC, the design was to improve hydrodynamic feature to make it better sail through the underwater phase .... I may be wrong though .....
I stand corrected, it was for RCS reduction ....

Presumably Aus and Japanese tomahawks are new builds? As opposed to USN Blk V which is an upgrade kit and recertification of blk IV?

I am not a subscriber…just briefly, would these be new builds or kit modifications of existing blk IVs like the current blk V? I think there are only around ~2000 existing TacToms, so I would assume new production necessary. MST/blk Va purchases to date have been rather anemic, though I presume basic blk V has some inherent anti ship capabilities even if it falls short of MST. If nothing else a good IIR sensor should allow it to be a re-targetable super NSM.
IIRC, the mid-life upgrade for Blk 4 to 5/a/b has been ongoing for a while now .... so the money for the upgrades should have been budgeted for in previous fiscal years ......

I bet the reported numbers are new builds, with some going to foreign sales ...... good time to buy more now that there is economy of scale ....
I mean, any given carrier group packs about 150 Tomahawks (12 groups but assume two are in shipyard and unloaded), 50 fast attacks carry at least a dozen each, and the four SSGNs each pack 150, so the total inventory loaded onboard ships runs at least 2700, plus however many you want to keep in storage for reloading. I know I'd want at least one full reload per ship just for minimum stockpiles, and in times of increasing tension I'd want more than that.

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