via Andrey Khomich

The internal layout of the T-4 engine section can be seen in the attached pictures. I'm not an aeronautical engineer, but as a layman this layout reminds me very much of the layout used a few years earlier on the NAA XB-70...
The pictures are from: "Ударно-разведытельный самолёт Т-4" by Ильдар Бедретдинов Su T-4_42.jpg Su T-4_43.jpg
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In 1961, the P.O. Sukhoi Design Bureau proposed a project for the K-30 strike aircraft missile system with missiles of various types. In a letter from the Chairman of the GKAT P.V. Dementiev dated January 27, 1962 to the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers D.F. Ustinov, containing the PSM project, it was indicated that the K-30 system should have included the T-4 carrier and the Kh-30 and X -31. The flight range of the KR X-30 was set to 400-500 km, and the X-31 - 1500-2000 km.

The main developers were appointed: - the T-4 aircraft and for the K-30 system as a whole - OKB-51 (P.O. Sukhoi), - the engine - OKB-117 (S.P. Izotov) and OKB-165 (A.M. Lyulka); - KR X-30 - OKB-51, - KR X-31 and aviation ballistic missile (ABM) KhB-32 - plant named after. Lavochkin (M.M. Pashinin). Under the leadership of N.S. Chernyakov, the Sukhoi Design Bureau was developing two versions of the X-30 anti-ship missiles with different tails. A model was made on a scale of 1:12.5, which was blown in the TsAGI T-113 wind tunnel.

To carry out its combat mission, the X-30 missile had to have high speed and the ability to operate autonomously over a long period of flight. From this it was clear that the rocket’s speed should be at least 3000 km/h, and it should have an inertial navigation system on board, as well as be able to independently select a target.

Work on the X-30 rocket was carried out until 1963, after which work on it was closed. On July 2, 1963, P.O. Sukhoi sent P.V. Dementyev the results of the OKB’s studies on the X-34 ADB. The reserves for the X-30 missile were used in the development of the X-33 missile, which was started in the same 1963.
Two very rare pictures of the T-4’s cockpit from a historical video. What are the two levels behind the throttle levers for?
Combined response:
Oh yes probably. I’m guessing those would be flaps and trim?
Unlikely to be flaps, that would have a flat handle, not a round one. Helps for moving controls without looking when flaps feel like a flap and gear feels like a wheel.

The internal layout of the T-4 engine section can be seen in the attached pictures. I'm not an aeronautical engineer, but as a layman this layout reminds me very much of the layout used a few years earlier on the NAA XB-70...
The pictures are from: "Ударно-разведытельный самолёт Т-4" by Ильдар БедретдиновView attachment 686745View attachment 686746
I'd lean towards convergent evolution, not deliberate copying. Russian engineers are good.
T-4MS seems like it would be amplifying the already serious design challenges.

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