Sukhoi Su-57 / T-50 / PAK FA - flight testing and development Part I [2010-2012]

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lancer21 said:
Is this made by you ,or you found it somehwere? Would be very interesting to see the end result ,with the levcons ,wings and fins attached and offcourse the flat nozzles... :p
yes, that's why I mentioned half-baked :p

I did however make some modifications in the rear structure to accommodate flat nozzles and integrate the shape to make it more logical looking(speculatively speaking)

(it's not that easy to work on a model 3 hours a week ya know, currently rigging it btw)
New video:

(Thanks to hexxxoor from the German Flugzeugforum for the link)
OMG, :eek: B).
The first 90 seconds are the best part, where you see close-up details of the aircraft.
TVC, flaps, gear doors and main gear housing...
boxkite said:
New video:


(Thanks to hexxxoor from the German Flugzeugforum for the link)

That IS a gorgeous plane! Thanks for sharing, finally we know where those still images that first showed the top side paint pattern came from.
originally posted video here
filename suggest this is just one of many...somewhere;)
Amazing amazing amazing! ;D

My guess this is from one of the first 6 flights in Amure?

PS: Ah never mind. The vid posted by Flateric clearly suggests 12 th February. And according to my list that was the third flight.
Those moving edges look awesome, but won't they reflect a lot of incident radar waves when they are moving. Somehow it looks to me that the engines and the intakes are not aligned vertically and horizontally, could this be a design to reduce reflected energy? Those engines seems huge and would contribute a lot to side aspect RCS. Could the plane be reshaped at this point, with minimal structural changes, so that side aspect RCS can be reduced? There is probably some more room to increase the depth of the main bays. That OLS has to be stowed somewhere else and the framed canopy needs to go. Great finishing compared to previous Su Prototypes. Short Takeoff and the engines are quite smokeless.

Beautiful indeed. Can't wait to see a production version up close like this.
CrimsonStars said:
Those moving edges look awesome, but won't they reflect a lot of incident radar waves when they are moving.

Believe me, when T-50 will have to start movin' 'em, it will be no sense for LO, because it will be time of dogfight...
Speaking of the camo pattern, I just compared the scheme shown on the NPO Saturn rendering (and the grainy topside drawing of the same configuration that surfaced before it) and they match the actual aircraft almost perfectly. Another indication perhaps that whoever made those images more than 3 years ago had a pretty good idea of what Sukhoi was up to.
QuadroFX said:
I reckon it is the third, as the second was 6'th February.

Actually, i am reminded now.

I remember that Nemetc said that another flight happened hush hush on 6'th february. But later he figured out he was wrong, that was just a taxi test/something. The actual second flight happened on 12'th. Thanks for reminding me, as my list was wrong.
Amazing indeed ,thanks Boxkite and to the uploader, man thats one beautiful machine ...hats off to the folks from Sukhoi who designed and built it.

Ummm, dont wanna go off topic and ask favours , but does any of you managed to download it somehow from youtube ? I cant... ???b ( and i would be sad to see it dissapearing from youtube, it happened before. I'd love to have this saved on my computer...)

lancer21 said:
Ummm, dont wanna go off topic and ask favours , but does any of you managed to download it somehow from youtube ? I cant... ???b ( and i would be sad to see it dissapearing from youtube, it happened before. I'd love to have this saved on my computer...)


Right after i saw vid, i "ran" to this website to download it just in case. ;D

However, i got rather disappointing quality. I have downloaded using this website before, but with better results. I only got 12 mb files, and just in case i downloaded in AVI and WMP format. If anyone have got a nice rip of it, could they upload it on megaupload or similar website?
lancer21 said:
but does any of you managed to download it somehow from youtube ?

As we're among friends, let me describe a hypothetical scenario.

Usually when streaming a flash video from a web-site (but not always, depends on the site) your computer caches a local copy of the video on your hard-drive. For Windows machines the filename of the cached file may be something like flann.tmp (where nn denotes a number) perhaps in the Temp folder under Local Settings for your username.

This file is automatically deleted when you change web page, delete the web brower's tab containing the page or close the browser. However, if your machine were to suffer a complete loss of power when still on the web page then the cached file would not be deleted and still be on your hard-drive when power is restored.

Of course, losing power could have other consequences - for example, depending on what else your machine is doing - so it couldn't be recommended.

Any way this is a hypothetical scenerio.
Use realplayer. It has the possibility to save almost any video from the web, including youtube. You just download it and convert it to the .rv format.
Matej said:
Use realplayer. It has the possibility to save almost any video from the web, including youtube. You just download it and convert it to the .rv format.

What browser do you use? As i used it before, but it stopped working with newest firefox.
YES!!! Thanks to everyone for your help and suggestions ,Matej, Flanker and FutureSpaceTourist , i managed to find some instructions on the net here...

...i installed the newest Real Player i could find ,and finally, after quite a bit of head scratching around , i have the vid in my aviation folder! :p

( btw , i'm using Firefox )
realplayer has horrible quality. You don't want to do that. Just find a good website out there that helps downloading youtube vids. I did it a while ago with perfect quality, though I don't remember which website I tried.
The clip can be downloaded here


donnage99 said:
realplayer has horrible quality. You don't want to do that....

x 2
To download any embedded flash content from a website use, I found the best way is Firefox with the plugin here

The VideoDownloadHelper icon lights up when some flash content is being played and a drop down menu in the icon gives some options whether to save the flash content. Works with every site I came across. Once downloading, navigation elsewhere is no problem. Only care to be taken is that the downloading might not have resume support or Acceleration support. Some sites do, however.

Back to the topic, has Sukhoi mentioned anything about the RCS reduction measures for the engine inlet design?
afaik, there hasn't been any mention of any specific way of reducing RCS though it is thought that a radar blocker will be used ever since "the picture" was leaked
all that show are red Xs. ???
I can see the last round of pics ok. Maybe it's your browser acting up?
As Borat would say: Very nice! ;D

Might i ask where the pics are from? (I know they are from paralay forums) I didnt fully understand what shadow meant. ???

PS: All pics work just fine here.

PS2: NVM, just read his newest update regarding the source.
Couple of videos about some researches for the PAK FA.

There is a video with English subtitles, but I can't seem to find anymore.

The take-off indeed is very short. Other features remains to be seen. What's the advantage of having the internal bays deep between the intake ducts? (The Berkut's bays are flushed with the intake ducts)?
Its seems like Sukhoi hinted that the final plane will be quite different.
Ahhh.... Here it is .. Worth taking a look.

Translation is not exactly perfect ...
CrimsonStars said:
What's the advantage of having the internal bays deep between the intake ducts? (The Berkut's bays are flushed with the intake ducts)?

So that doors will be hidden when they open.
flanker said:
CrimsonStars said:
What's the advantage of having the internal bays deep between the intake ducts? (The Berkut's bays are flushed with the intake ducts)?

So that doors will be hidden when they open.

I see ... But the problem is the intake ducts themselves are not stealthy from side aspect. Hope the final prototype has got something to fix this.
CrimsonStars said:
I see ... But the problem is the intake ducts themselves are not stealthy from side aspect. Hope the final prototype has got something to fix this.

I suspect you know they are not stealthy because you are RCS engineer, and you have the actual data on RCS for this plane, and dont just judge by pictures?

Right? ;)
flanker said:
CrimsonStars said:
I see ... But the problem is the intake ducts themselves are not stealthy from side aspect. Hope the final prototype has got something to fix this.

I suspect you know they are not stealthy because you are RCS engineer, and you have the actual data on RCS for this plane, and dont just judge by pictures?

Right? ;)

ahem .... :-X
So it would seem ... hahaha ... I'm some arm chair general.
I do aero modelling for cars as well as the associated engine control systems ... :'( ..
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