Within the framework of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the aviation
industry for 2013-2025", in cooperation with the enterprises of JSC UEC
, participates in the implementation of a project to develop
a promising engine, ed. 30, for the T-50 aircraft.
Ed. 30 is a turbojet twin-circuit engine of generation 5+ with
an afterburner. Ed. 30 is an engine the second stage,
designed for installation on a T-50 fighter aircraft. Its use
is a necessary condition for the creation of the T-50, which makes it possible to withstand foreign
analogues. The engine of the second stage will make it possible to realize cruising
afterburner less flight at supersonic speed and provide special
radar stealth characteristics in the forward hemisphere.
The main advantages of this product also include an increase
in specific thrust by 5%, a decrease in specific gravity by 25%, and a reduction in the total
number of steps, which, in turn, leads to a reduction in the cost of the life
During the research and development phases, a highly efficient fan was designed
for the second stage engine. Achievement of special characteristics
Radar invisibility is provided by an integrated input guiding device made of
the developed composite material.
The uniqueness of the designed fan lies in the synergy
of using the latest digital design technology and innovative
technological solutions in its main details. This approach has contributed to
reducing work time while achieving a fundamentally
new high level of development.
To meet the stringent requirements of the terms of reference on the level of radar
To make it invisible, an integrated input guide device made of
composite material is used in the fan design, which is a steady trend in the global engine industry.