Sukhoi Su-57 flight testing, development & operations [2012-current]

Question for propulsion experts out there. Given that the T-50 is designed with a radar blocker in mind, did that force the inlet to be larger than if it was designed without a blocker? I've read that the F-117's intake area was actually larger than it needed to be due to the grid that it used as a radar blocker. But would the same apply to the T-50, given that its blocker is well down the duct (and past the throat, it seems)?
I would assume that they account for it yes, but F-117's intake grid's are probably less efficient than a blocker. If anything T-50's intake was designed with Izd.30 in mind considering the size of the frontal area.
True that the propulsion system was designed for the izd.30. I'm wondering though if having a radar blocker well down the duct would have the same effect on intake sizing compared to a blocker that's right at the face of the intake. Allegedly, the T-50's blockers are about as long as they are in diameter, with a cross-section that looks something like this. Doesn't appear to be as obstructive as the F-117 grids.

Program status as of February 1:

T-50-1 - 274 hours 227 landings.
T-50-2 - 244 hours, 241 landings.
T-50-3 - 340 hours and 175 landings.
T-50-4 - 225 hours 152 landings.
T-50-5R (renovated) - 19 hours and 12 landings.


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And these pics from last year don't seem to have been posted.



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I wish we could see some weapon release test photos soon.

especially from the internal bay :D
T-50 (-3, -4 or 5R) performed a testfire of a missile from internal bay on 16/3. Not sure if it was the first one, but this is first outright confirmation it has done so. There have been other statements from spring/summer of last year about "weapon trials" but that can mean anything.
Interesting images of the no. 7 static test specimen....
Reports say that no. 06 had its maiden flight this morning !
Austin said:
Any picture of 06 ?

To admit, I do not understand this reaction on a new prototype's maiden flight.

Wouldn't be a bit of good publicity be something that program necessarily needs ?? ... or does UAC/Sukhoi simply does not deem it worthy to report and better concentrate on testing ?

Please ... show us an image.

Again me since there seems to be nearly nothing on news ... even more, what about these reports floating around, that the T50-6's maiden flight in fact was cancelled due to technical issues and is now planned next week ??

It was postponed, but T-50-6-2 performed her maiden flight on April, 27 with Taras
Artzebarsky on the controls.

It will be transported to LII during holidays onboard An-124.
First flight there is scheduled for May 12.
flateric said:
It was postponed, but T-50-6-2 performed her maiden flight on April, 27 with Taras
Artzebarsky on the controls.

It will be transported to LII during holidays onboard An-124.
First flight there is scheduled for May 12.

Thanks ... but is there a certain reason, why so far no image has been published ?
After KnAAZ merged with Sukhoi, their PR service is pushing daizies.
Using fairly detailed technical drawings of T-50-6-2 that flanker posted several months ago, I keep measuring the T-50 wingspan to be around 14.005 m, which is a bit of an increase from the 13.95 m that's commonly reported by insiders. Slight design changes? Thoughts? ???
Welp. RIP dem sweet updates from Azohen Vey (detained, apparently). And with Sukhoi being so goddamn uptight i guess we will get any T-50 information once per year now. :'(
flanker said:
Welp. RIP dem sweet updates from Azohen Vey (detained, apparently). And with Sukhoi being so goddamn uptight i guess we will get any T-50 information once per year now. :'(

With Cold War 2.0 spooling up, I imagine information in general would be harder to come by going forward.
tatatata .... !!!!


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It seems there are covers on the bottom of the motors !?
sferrin said:
flanker said:
Welp. RIP dem sweet updates from Azohen Vey (detained, apparently). And with Sukhoi being so goddamn uptight i guess we will get any T-50 information once per year now. :'(

With Cold War 2.0 spooling up, I imagine information in general would be harder to come by going forward.

He is alive and well afterall...

Maybe I'm seeing things but the vertical tail chord seems to be increased?

Russia's New PAK-FA Stealth Fighter Might Have a Fatal Flaw (or Two)

Well, with that amazing journalistic title, dont leave us hanging mr Dave Majumdar, what are those fatal flaws? Because i certainly dont see it in that shitty article. I would love to know tho.
flanker said:
Russia's New PAK-FA Stealth Fighter Might Have a Fatal Flaw (or Two)

Well, with that amazing journalistic title, dont leave us hanging mr Dave Majumdar, what are those fatal flaws? Because i certainly dont see it in that shitty article. I would love to know tho.

I suppose that it is a play on words, i.e. two engines, two supposedly potential lethal flaws.
Second part makes you think of an old student anecdote...

"A veterinary student comes for exam on biology, but does not know anything but the ticket on fleas. Gets a ticket about a cow. Comes out and starts:
- Cow is an animal on four legs, covered with the wool where we often can find fleas... - And then tells all about fleas. The teacher stops him and says:
- Good good. But better tell us about dogs.Student starts again:
- Dog is an animal on four legs, covered with a wool where we often can find fleas. And then talks about fleas. The examiner had enough of it, and he says:
- Well, tell us about the fishes.
- Fishes are species that live in water. They have no wool, but if they would, they would have fleas..."
Looks like MoD finally woke up and smelled (the ashes) reality. They are now publicly saying that the first serial T-50's will be delivered in 2018 (T-50S-1 and S-2) and not 2017 as they have been harping about for ages. Contract for the first batch of serial ones to be signed in 2017.
Any idea how large that initial contracted batch would be?
Thanks. Weren't there reports earlier that they expect to have between 12 and 50 production aircraft by 2020? If the first batch gets signed by 2017, it means that they'd look to order perhaps a couple of dozen delivered over 3-4 years following that (by 2020ish)
bring_it_on said:
Thanks. Weren't there reports earlier that they expect to have between 12 and 50 production aircraft by 2020?
The original plan was to have about 50 serial T-50's by 2020. It was never a realistic plan - no matter how often they repeated it. If we are lucky, there will be dozen serial T-50's for RuAF by end of 2020 + couple of PMI/FGFA's for India. Before they produce and deliver even a single "serial" T-50 they have to finish and test fly 5 more prototypes. Here is how the plan looked back in October, plans have significantly shifted since then,

Long-term plan for the T-50 to 2020:
2016 - T-50-9, T-50-10, T-50-11.
2017 - T-50-12*, the T-50S-1,2
2018 - T-50S-3,4
2019 - T-50S-5,6,7,8, PMI 1,2.
2020 - T-50S-9,10,11,12, PMI 3,4.
Design documentation for T-50S and PMI has not yet been received by the plant.

*T-50-12 was originally meant to be another, final, static test frame. Plans have now changed and it will be a flying frame.

The production rate is a massive massive bottleneck in the program. T-50-10 was supposed to have already flown, and that is just based on deadlines from only 6 months ago - now it is clear it wont fly this year at all. Etc etc. News from May, straight from the chief of final assembly shop;

Уже сейчас в цехе - шесть самолетов Су-35 по плану 2016 года, два самолета Т-50 и кабина Т-50-11. Труженики всех участков настроены на оперативную работу и высокую самоотдачу. В юбилейном для цеха году мы должны сдать десять самолетов Су-35, четыре самолета для инозаказчика, а также три изделия Т-50. Предстоит новый этап по ремонту и модернизации самолета Су-27. В этом же году состоится запуск серийного производства Т-50. Сейчас готовится необходимая оснастка, прорабатывается технологическая документация, осваивается оборудование.

Already in the shop - six Su-35 aircraft under the plan 2016, two aircraft T-50 and T-50-11 cockpit. Workers of all sites are configured for operational work and high commitment. In the anniversary year for the workshop we will hand over ten Su-35, four aircraft to foreign customers, as well as the three T-50's. To be a new stage in repair and modernization of the Su-27 aircraft. In the same year, will launch serial production of T-50. Now we are preparing the necessary equipment, technical documentation is studied, equipment is being mastered.

T-50-8 has been at paint shop and LIS for a while now, so he is talking about T-50-9 and -10 being in the final assembly shop, along with -11's cockpit. The plan to hand over three T-50's includes 6-2, so they are handing over 6-2, -8 and -9 this year. All those were planned to be handed over last year...
The first 4 attachements; Not entirely sure whether it is T-50-6-2 or -8. It is lacking R2D2 on the spine but it might as well not be fitted just yet. Havent found any other details that might differentiate it from 6-2. Last attachment; T-50-6-2 at KnAAZ, note the tails not finished with painting and the LED on from LG.



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Shooting from a T-50 (PAK FA) cannon at Faustovo firing range


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