Flateric really doesn't waste words... :)

Sometimes it isn't entirely clear what he is referring to though! ;) A brevity, you are beautiful!

Makes me wonder if they and Jim on NSF are one and the same person! ;)
Uuuu! That's interesting news. Sadly not full scale, but better than nothing.
I cannot find a thread about this Russian drone, so here's one.

(The links are largely redundant, but I suppose some of them will go dead sooner or later.)

(It's public knowledge since January, so maybe this is just another case of the search function not quite living up to its promise.)
Impressive climb-off! For a first flight it seems pretty confident.
What is the small opening next to the engine on the starboard wing?

Someone mentioned it upthread; there's an APU in one of the weapon bays for test purposes (I assume so they can power the onboard systems for testing without lighting the main engine and having to worry so much about walking around the aircraft).
Surprised it wasn't here before. There are also same comparisons with nEUROn and Taranis. Both look quite tiny.
Surprised it wasn't here before. There are also same comparisons with nEUROn and Taranis. Both look quite tiny.

... and the F-117, which it resembles quite surprisingly the most.

S-70 vs F-117.jpg
I think that is the intended purpose of how the drone would be used. If the Russian's require to do SEAD operations they would just send the okhotnik to fire cruise missiles or bombs. In case there is some geopolitical event that happens such as the drone gets targeted the SU-57 would be nearby with air to air missiles.


I also wonder if the SU-70 would utilize the Northrup version while the SU-57 would utilize the Lockheed version of stealth requirements. I am pretty sure SAMs would turn on the VHF and UHF waves before they turn on the fire control frequencies. I am also curious about how many new units will be created in 2024.
The requirements were the same for both Northrop and Lockheed. Lockheed optimized for those requirements and those only, Northrop took a broader approach. This was at least partially because of the tools and processes used by each company.

American stealth aircraft are designed around Russian threat systems. Russian aircraft face a potentially more diverse set of threats. That may make their job much more difficult.
Definitely the US has a tougher job now that china is surpassing russia.

This is definetly true we were too good for the X-47B project that we moved on to the S-72 project. While the Chinese have this dark sword drone and just like in their 2016 airshow presentation it might have quantum radars and it can get info from their laser satellites with a 500 meter depth detection on oceans...…..How can Russians even compete?

Source: “Hunter” drone will use weapons for the first time during tests in 2020

According to the agency's interlocutor, by the end of 2019, the device will carry out a series of flights without using weapons in Akhtubinsk

"In 2020, the tests of" Hunter "in Akhtubinsk will be continued. As part of a new phase, the testing of the combat use of all on-board aircraft UAV weapons at the test site of the 929th GLITS [State Defense Testing Center of the Ministry of Defense] will begin," the agency’s interlocutor noted. The source added that by the end of this year, “Okhotnik” will carry out a series of flights without using weapons in Akhtubinsk
. At the same time, it is expected that in some cases, the UAV "will fly up to several times a day, day and night, both independently and together with fighters.

"It lasted 30 minutes. Both craft trained a mission to destroy targets. In particular, the drone increased Su-57 radar range and the aircraft fired missiles without entering the hostile air defense zone.

Experts say it was not a joint flight by the traditional master-slave scheme. Both craft were united by a single control, guidance, and engagement system and operated in a single network contour.

The development of the group engagement theory began yet in Soviet time. MiG-31 fighter jet was supposed to lead drones. The Soviet collapse buried the plans. They have been recently revived due to sixth-generation vehicle plans. The sixth-generation craft has been designed as manned and unmanned from the very beginning. The latter has to carry most combat payload in the tandem, as the flying computer with a powerful artificial intellect has less overload restrictions in contrast to the manned craft. Nothing impedes a drone to maneuver at supersonic speed. The manned and unmanned craft have to be engaged in a group to increase combat effectiveness.

The manned craft with one or two pilots had to be the command post for three-five drones. The joint Su-57 and Okhotnik flight is a step in the direction. Combat Okhotnik causes concern in the West, as previously Russia used mostly reconnaissance drones. Russia considerably lagged behind the USA and China in combat drones. It has actively worked to close the gap of late.[

Elements of the fifth-generation fighter jet were used in Okhotnik. The artificial intellect of the vehicle can independently decide how to fight in case communications with the operator are lost. The UAV can covertly break through adversary air defense and fight its electronic warfare.

Okhotnik is reportedly 14 meters long. The wingspan is 19 meters and the takeoff weight is 25 tons. The speed is above 1400 km/h at low altitudes. Some foreign publications claim Okhotnik’s range is 5000 km which makes the drone strategic. If deployed in Kaliningrad or Crimea, it will cover nearly the whole of Europe.

Russian President Vladimir Putin told his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan at MAKS-2019 airshow that Okhotnik can carry a payload of six tons and its cross section is smaller than Su-57 has. The president said the UAV can rise to 18 kilometers

A major volume of trials with various air weapons is necessary to develop the prototype and begin batch production. The work is to be completed not earlier than in 2023-2024. Deliveries to the troops may begin in 2025, the Army Standard said."
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They aren't half messing about, are they? Quite a brisk pace of progress.
"Okhotnik" made its first dropping of a 500kg payload.

I see a forum board posting what looks like another board with a user named Goering. Who is he and from what source statement he made that it was 500kg? Tass announced before weapons testing 2024, now its 2020 and now it seems its already testing weapons this year if this guy is correct and not making things up.

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